That Step >.<

[size=92]Hello there, me again. Back! I’ve been a while but i’ve had alot on. Since last time, i haven’t had another even-close-to-lucid dream. I have remembered loads of dreams, only a few nights passed where i didn’t, and that was most likely because i was worrying over coursework and crud.

But there’s just one point annoying me now.

I can’t quite get there, you see. I mean, things happen and i know they aren’t right. (For example; I had a dream i was backstage, going into the dressing room at school, but the staircase that leads down to it wasn’t there, it was at floor level - I didn’t notice until it was to late. And i’ve had tons of dreams involving my late dog, who in those dreams, was still alive.) I never seem to realise until it’s to late, or sometimes in the dream i do realise but then it sort of carries on without me even going Lucid.

I was just wondering if anyone could help me, or has any tips or has the same problem, or has overcome it? Because a lucid dream right now, would be so helpful. x]

And… this is sort of a side question, out of my own wondering but - Can Lucid dreaming prolong your dreams? They usually seem to last for a while, but when your lucid can you make them last for however long you want?

Thank-you, and happy dreaming. x][/size]

Well, once you get used to LDing and don’t go all hyper, your dreams will last about the same as normal dreams, maybe a bit more, but in the first LDs, it’s common to wake up suddently.

So you’re having trouble breaking your suspension of disbelief? Weird things happen and you don’t mind them? Maybe you should tell yourself to suspect the next time, that alone will help a lot. Also, RC whenever something weird happens. When–ever, you get it, don’t you? “Meh, that could happen, and I know I’m not dreaming” is not a policy.

If you’re one of these people who have trouble breaking suspension of disbelief and are affraid you always will be, you could try another technique, like WILD or VILD… What do you think?

Hi Yufei,

What induction technique are you using?