That was weird

Last night, I did not have a lucid dream - but I had a very, very strange feeling. I was using the preset LD Test and 12 on brainwave generator, laid down on my back and just closed my eyes. all of a sudden this feeling rushed over me, and it felt like there was a huge force trying to get something out of my head. it felt like there was nothing else, just me. no bed, no room, no house, no street, no country, nothing. it was such a strange feeling. but then i thought about it too much, and it stopped.

any ideas what this might have been?

It’s obvious that someone was trying to hack your brain. What you need to do is set up a firewall, and get some spyware protection. Updating your drivers could help too.
lol but seriously i have no idea. that does sound weird.

I’ve had a similar experience. I was trying to induce SP, and all of the sudden, it felt like something inside my head was moving around and pushing against the inside of my skull. It felt kind of like a balloon or something.

I can’t say for sure, but it sure sounds like the beginnings of an OBE.

it is the beginnings of OBE…

from my experience.

which will push you into SP, for sure.

well… maybe not… I dunno… I think you can OBE in NREM, so in that case, no SP, supposedly… I’m not sure.

i’ve had this twice now, one time i had the whole ‘electricity going through my body’ feeling and now this. what the hell am i doing to induce this? i’m just trying to have a lucid dream!