The 11th lucidity challenge winner: Tundra

so when i do the LD should i describe it?

last night i had a LD so i decided to try and get to LA on a flying carpet
unfortunately i encounterd moby dick and got eaten VERY QUICKLY and sadsly woke up :cry: :grrr:

but when i tried to go back to sleep i experianced that hypnagogic paralasis thing or so what i think is hypnagogic paralasis

it doesn’t have to be lucid if you have a dream and complete a challenge or a lot of them you tell me your dream and i tally up the scores

Okay! (sleeps)

lucid 4 times last night, no trip to LA but went to holland instead.

other lucid dreams consisted of evil and deamons thanks for planting that thought in my head i almost never dream about this stuff anymore till i read this challange :razz:

So no trip to LA sorry bro

I was lucid last night, but not for very long, and I wasn’t very certain about it. I asked someone if I was dreaming, and they said no, and I woke up immediately.

Well, some success. I dreamt of angels last last night and demons last night…but no trip to LA…bit too far… :wink: I was lucid though

I was lucid last night but not in LA and without demons and angels… :smile:
But 2 days ago I was lucid after a dream about zombies, that doesn’t count doesn’t it? :tongue:

ok so because some people did see a demon i will give 15 for that

Tundra= 40
Dryalantha=15 (5 for zombies)
Serith=5 (half lucid)
dream lucid= 10

no-one else got any points though :eek:

TASK 2! to be, or not to be?
well i like this one. You will be going to shakespearean times and while there there will be tasks to complete.
if you find a task in a purple or any other colour envelope 15 points
if you go to a shakespeare play 20 points
(this is where the title comes in) if you go through something or some one 10 points
bonus points
if you go back in time but not to shakespearin times 10 points
again lucid 10 points
seeing shakespeare 15 points

good luck once again!

summary of LA trip. my parents have been talking about moving for a while now, and in my dream my parents said that we were moving to LA because they were sick and tired of the cold weather. for some reason we drove there and it took 5 seconds :razz: when I got out I saw a giant animated billboard with the same vid as that poster scene from the pic of destiny: the one where you ssee the hollywood sign, with a bunch of angels falling, followed by some other freaky shit, cant remember it that clearly :tongue:. the rest of the dream was pretty blurry, ity was just me getting used to LA and for some reason my friends all went to school in LA now
Never got lucid tho

Hmm, sounds a good new challenge… Should be interesting!
Wish me luck!

Interesting second task, I just wonder one thing, when is the deadline for task 2?

whoops thanks Magnus
right the deadline is monday 4pm GMT as i am at school

awww im going up north for victoria day weekend, wont b back til monday night :sad:

wow no one scored?
ok jst for this task i will extend it, also i need to think of the next task some more anyway :content:
tommorow 5 GMT deadline

Not so fast! :happy:
I live in Belgium, there are other hours here :smile:
But I didn’t dream about the challenge last night…
Can’t we get 2 days with every task? :smile:

two nights wich is what you had saturday and sunday nights, but no one scored so just for now you have an extra night

I haven’t had good dream recall lately. And I only got about 4 hours of sleep last night because of homework. :sad:

Ugh, I just realized I’ll be out of town this weekend… towards the end of the challenge… meh.

I dreamt I was in Shakespearean times but that’s about it…
I was too tired to do anything else.

I went back in time to the start of the Iraq war, will that count?

It was just generic Iraq war, but I felt it was near the beginning… Especially since Osama wasn’t in hiding.