The afterlife is like a lucid dream

Maybe it’s because of the realization that they get after practicing meditation that “all is one”. Many New Ages teachings claim that, though I think their understanding is very western and intellectual, i.e the NA folks don’t have a gut feeling of the concept.
I’m not sure exactly why, I have little “knowledge” about Zen but I never got to researching other Buddhist teachings.

I had a look for that book today… the book is actually a trilogy… there are 3 cosmic trigger books. They said they can import it from overseas at about $35 aussie dollars each. It’s also on Amazon and they are charging a much more reasonable price at $11.50 USD but unfortunately i can’t use paypal… not quite sure what to do… it does sound like a very good book though.

No big deal, because (and I don’t no if I’m allowed to say this, should have checked the rules) you can get the first book via Emule or the Torrent, I have an electronic version which I can upload to one of the sharing sites.
You might wanna read an excerpt of CS or any other books (I like Quantum Psychology also) from the official BOB site here:
A documentary about his ideas is called “Maybe Logic” and it can be found FOR SURE on the torrents, it’s a really great way to get to know this man and learn his famous (or should I say infamous) agnostic-non-dogmatic-open-minded take on things- from UFOs to Magick.

Thanks heaps Rasputin… I will take a look into all of that…

These people who had a strong belief/experience in this did they ever find a way out? is there a way out? what is it all about anyway? is it really a machine world like in the matrix and I am simply a food source? then when i die there really is no afterlife and my body is liquified… because if so then I should be looking for a way out before that happens.

I’m pretty much convinced it isn’t a theory anymore… i’ve experienced it 5-6 times now on separate occasions and the more i pay attention to it, the more likely it seems true. But I am still not quite sure what to make of it… I still dont know all the answers… I dont know how to proceed… or who to trust.

That’s interesting. Have you looked into the Philosophy section of the official Matrix site? There are a lot of articles that explore further the philosophy of the matrix and what it means. Hey, there is even an article by David Chalmers, which can be found here ( also, who is a pretty famous mind philosopher from Australia :smile:

Another interesting site that goes heavy on the more common ‘paranormal’ stuff like synchro. and De-Javu is this one:

The important thing is: Don’t PANIC! :smile:

Wow… I watched that video with Anton Wilson and the truths he spoke were so profound (I think he has achieved a state of mind-over-matter too). But I have now changed my opinion on this subject… I still believe it to some extent, but I no longer believe that its just my mind only… but rather many minds within the same mind and I am just one part of many parts of one whole. This way I don’t get the depression and despair that comes from the misconception of being all that is and completely alone. Instead I am beginning to believe we are all connected and in a strange way all able to create our own subjective reality which synchronistically reflects the created reality of others if that makes sense. I certainly know that I could have never imagined a place as beautiful as Earth by myself, and this reality would be here with or without me, and what i am perceiving is based on something outside of myself.

Firstly i would like to say one thing about Christian’s heaven and paradise :smile:

I hear many people claiming that Christianity teaches that Hell is a place where our body is burnt into terrible flames, and demons beat up us all the time. Not correct.
Christians believe that Hell is not a place made of materials. It’s a spiritual condition. In which the spirit/soul has chosen to live a life far away from God. So, when eternity comes, it realises all its mistakes and how wrong it were, and suffers because of this. Suffers mentally. Because it has chosen a life far away from the “Holy Grail”.
So actually God doesn’t punish them. They are punished bythemselves. And punishment isn’t to be kept in a prison where a Dracula comes everynight to make them feel unbelievable pain. But the realisation of what is truly the meaning of life and hapiness, and that they have chosen to stay away from it. And of coure all this about eternal fire that are written in Bible, are symbolic. It’s the mental situation been “translated” into a more…earthy form. So to be palpable to the people of that age.
Now, i think that searching and having true agony to find some answers is not a reason for someone to be punished. Remember Saul who was a fanatic persecutor of Christianity. But he wasn’t punished. 'cause he wasn’t doing all these from carapace, but 'cause he had studied, troubled his mind and trully belived that this was the right thing. And he was helped by God. Maybe because he wasn’t an close-minded person.

Personally i consider afterlife being a matter that troubles most people not because our agony to find out how it looks like but because we don’t know if it even exists. That’s the first step and i think that the majority of the humanity is “stuck” to ths step :neutral:

It is very interesting idea the LD Heaven, but it sounds to me…very limitary :tongue: We would be “stuck” into our humanity, but we will never reach to the Source. How are we supposed to learn this way what’s the will God? What’s his plan, what’s his ideal way of life that humans should follow (and of course this must be the way that leads to the true hapiness).

However i respect your point of view Akorah :smile: And i want to know that i am not a part of your conciousness, but a real human being :content:

With a second thought, it’s very scarry that we can’t prove our existence :sad: i suppose we have to make a shade dream, to check how it is to meet in the Dreamworld a real Lucid Dreamer. Maybe the feeling is deifferent.
It’s time for Chroniclers to take action :wink:

I just dont really want to buy into any religion… I would rather be free, have my own personal belief and faith in what i conceive to be god, without having to constrict myself to the rules and general limitations of an organised religion. I dislike christianity for many reasons… not necessarily because of what they believe, but because of what has happened to it… it has become a money grabbing corporation sucking people in using fear tactics… the vatican is the richest place on earth, there are churches and other christian related statues/relics everywhere. One thing it says in the bible is to not build places of worship, or make a statue of worship or anything like that, and the whole bible has been twisted, words changed… the new testament is much different from the old and it can be interpreted many different ways, and most people get involved with it because they think its a quick way or like a free pass to heaven. There are many other things I could point out about it but I shall end my rant there because its off-topic.

This thread ties in closely with the movie “What dreams may come” by Robbin Williams which is a very good movie if you haven’t seen it. The LD heaven isn’t just your own LD heaven, but like a SD LD heaven so that problem of not knowing god’s plan and being trapped in your own reality is solved in this way.

I’m not sure about Bob Wilson being a mind-over-matter master, but he is CERTAINLY a mind over mind wizard! Not in the straight way though. In my atheistic days, Bob managed to show me that the little belief that I had in me about the world was as biased and unfounded as the belief system (or BS) that a xtian fundamentalist or a conservative politician had. To quote the fantastic Philip K. Dick:
“Wilson managed to reverse every mental polarity in me, as if I had been pulled through infinity.”

Never seen What Dreams May Come, but Dick’s novel “The 3 Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch” revolves around a drug which puts you into a very LD-like state. The drug is called Chew-Z (interesting, since it remindes me of Calea-Z).

I’m christian and i believe heaven is going to be much better than a LD, there will be God/Jesus, the tree of life, and all what the bible says but it will be beyond imagination, i have heard testimonies that leave me w/ the conclusion that your real dreams will become true there, like flying, breathing underwater touching all wild animals etc.

Hmm, maybe it’s like an LD but we are all in the same ‘reality’ but anything is possible :happy:. I think it would be very, very lonely with no one else around

Now THAT would be Heaven! Bring on Alvin, Rocko, Spiderman, X-Men, and Street Sharks! :cool:

WOoo!!! dude that is soooooooooo cool! i have to watch the movie! i mean now that i’m growing up i am learning that experience helps us later on in life and it will after we die. somehow. i dont know. whatever it is out there i can’t wait to see it!!! :grin:

after so much experiences, that words are your beliefs, no facts?
you like to believe?

(I dont wanna believe, i want to know… Hope ill find my truth one day )

What is true to you?
why flying in a dream is less real than flying in the afterlife? because you wake up after a few hours and return to this plane?
If you were to dream for eternity, will this be heaven for you?
What is real?