The B I G Lucid to-do list topic

  1. No, not flying. I want to meet my spirit guide(s), face to face, talk to them, ask for tips in the future.
  2. Now it’s where my fantasy goes wild: Create a gun that changes it’s form according to the nature of the person who uses it.
  3. Have a swordfight
  4. Fly :happy:
    5)Visit my past self, asking questions why I did that or that
  5. Do magic infront of people
  6. Create lightning bolts
    :cool: Play “Magic ping-pong” by conjuring a ball, invite someone to play, shoot the ball and bounce the balls with shields you yourself conjure up.
  7. Ask someone for ideas in LD
  8. Learn maths/chemistry
  9. Look into the sky
  10. Speak into a microphone to contact all people in the world
  11. Tell DC-s that they are in my dream.
  12. Try to wake up my friend in another town (RL) and in the morning ask if it had any effects
  13. Spin myself extremely fast.
  14. Visit my history museum.
  15. Grow myself older
  16. Shapeshift into a rock and fly myself to people
  17. Hack into government computers
  18. Beat up someone I really hate from school (beat up big time)
  19. Turn into formless element. (Wind, water, magma, whatever)
  20. Make myself invisible
  21. Eat cookies
  22. Meditate
  23. Ask my SG(-s), how to leave my bad habits.
  24. Call a random number
  25. Create a dimensional rip and go through it.
  26. Extinguish the sun (if it exists in the dream world)
  27. Listen to a song that does not exist. (Because your mind knows what kind of songs you like, which touch your heart and soul. I hope to listen to a very beautiful song that way and hopefully remember it upon waking)
  28. Visit my mind’s home, talk to it and ask why is it so hard for me to have LD’s, can’t he do anything about it. (Offer him money if needed). Lulz

Wow, so big to-do list

First I will post the things I have done (If i’m allowed :shy:)

In my 2nd LD I:

-Changed day to night
-found sky island
-saw a member of the fantastic 4

What I hope to accomplish is:

-Make it to space
-Talk to myself as a child (around 4 years old)
-Enter the world of Halo
-Take part in the battle of 300 (spartans)
-make my own world and be able to visit it each day adding new things/people
-Character Assisted Lucid Dreaming
-See what its like in a different person’s point of view or an animal like an owl
-give my friends nightmares and ask them about it the next day
-have an interesting chat with a DC and maybe even make friends with one
-Visit locations in the World Of Warcraft for example Ironforge :happy:
-become better at the drums

Sorry that its so long

To-Do List:
1 Contact spirit guide/ totem animal/ sub-conscience
2 LD-induced-OBE
3 Fly
4 Explore space

Things I have tried:
LD #1:
Invisibility (unsuccessful but with interesting side-effects)
Telepathy (unsuccessful)

Telekeneisis— successful

Mourphing— successful, but with very low clarity, shocked me into a FA

  1. Fly, and not just floating around in space.
  2. Have a full conversation with a DC
  3. Use telekinesis
  4. Create my own world and watch it grow.
  5. Resist the urge to have sex. :eh:

heres a little list i made of what i really want to do in an LD


jump super high :content:

super powers (oh yeah!!!)

kick some a**

take a lucid pill (TOP PRIORITY!)

go into space

complete a dream quest

run SUPER fast! :eek:

destroy my school :happy:

jump off a cliff

eat loads of pizza

play a video game ive played IRL and see what happens in the dream version

I plan to:
-Phone a random number
-Be in a video game
-Make something
-Listen to music
-Watch an episode of South Park
-Use a computer
-Have a conversation
-Be really good at skateboarding
-Be a sniper in WWII
-Rub my hands and spin so I don’t wake up
-I also want to try and enter a certain friend’s consciousness and talk to him and see if he actually heard it the next day (would be insane if it works)

I have:
-Shot bullets from my fingers
-Controlled weather
-Fallen asleep
-Made a monster fall out of the sky
-Got electrocuted by my own hand
-Eaten candy (I’d suggest not to, it had a HORRIBLE after taste even after I woke up)

Thats just off the top of my head.

Continuing from my above post…
31) Go inside my computer hard-drive
32) Melt two different organisms into one (eg. Cat+rat=???)
33) Make the sky glow
34) Emit UV light
35) Turn myself into liquid
36) Count to infinity :happy:
37) Visit my friends
38) Go to another planet
39) Haunt other people’s thoughts
40) Blow my nose and watch what stuff comes out of my nose :happy:

One more i came up with today,

Be able to have the Click remote form the movie and visit milestones of your life (except ofr the makin of :eek: )

Mine are in no particular order

  1. FLY
  2. Massive battle(guns)
  3. Lightsaber fight
    4.Weird converstions with DC’s
  4. Anything that pops into my mind that would be fun

I think I have already said that, but:

  1. Fly, without any borders
  2. fight (Massive Swords).
  3. fight (Massive Guns).
  4. fight (duel).
  5. Run a country (And enter wars with it :tongue:)
  6. own a farm somewhere (Not as the same DC as the country-runner)
  7. Have a dream with the OOTS’ aroma (That is: things like: “Yay, I got up a level!” That normal DCs say)
    :cool: Explore.
  8. Fight.
  9. Speak.
  10. kill myself (My DC, to be exact).
  11. Experiment with myself (My real self, that is).
  12. Have random fun.
  13. Kill something.
  14. shoot something.
  15. See some nice special-effects, and places.
  16. Lose a battle.

For me, top priority is to somehow hotwire my dreams by basically doing tons of things to created LILDs by abusing the placebo effect (Eg: summon computer terminal hooked to my brain and input a command to LD every night)

Then as soon as thats taken care of i have a list of fictional female characters to summon and then dance with them, primarily to Tchaikovsky, Strauss and some more modern artists all of which in different location.

Then it would be transformation, i know Dragon sounds corny/cliche but what the hell, my LD my choice, also im going to see how good my memory is with remembering songs, i listen to the Blue Danube and Waltz of the Flower all the time so i imprint them on my SC so i can dance to them but i have a whole library of songs id love to have playing while i screw around inside my head.

I’ve already had a taste of violent powers with tele/pyrokinesis but its interesting that as i looked into it more and more, i found stuff like "Nuke the earth for the fun of it, didn’t sound nearly as fun with say creating stuff or doing non-violent things.

Oh yeah and fly the Normandy from Mass Effect, that is one sweet looking Frigate.

I did this in a ND. It hurts!


  1. Fly
  2. Be Link
  3. Get a piano lesson from Liszt
  4. Chuck some planets around.
  5. Nuke junk
  6. Fly an X-Wing through a huge space battle
  7. Be a Jedi
  8. Go on some kind of epic quest
  9. Breathe underwater
  10. See my emotions manifested as objects or events.

I know i hate it when you do that and you get that apprehensive feeling followed by that SLAM on your feet.

Also i like no 3 (tell me when you can play La Campanella! :wink: )

I think I have already posted in this thread, but I have a few new things to ad.

Talk to some DCs
Make some dream worlds
Become the ultimate evil and destroy one of my dream worlds
Listen to or play some music
sex :tongue:
visit a water park or an amusement park
Have an epic journey
Fight the Baku–see dream eaters (in my signature)–
eat something

Feet? I always do belly-flops.

It’ll be a while. I’m currently working on Il Lamento, La Leggierezza, and Un Sospiro.

I thought up a few more additions.
11. Drop a piano on someone’s head
12. Go into outer space
13. Go into that theoretical world with no friction, mass-less ropes, no air resistance, etc.
14. Go sky-diving without a parachute
15. Listen to Pavarotti or Maria Callas

Good stuff you guys :smile: good imagination :content:
My Current list would be:
1-Meeting my Dream girl and make her constant.
2-know my Dream nickname.
3-Meet God.
4-Fly towards the sunset w/ fresh breeze touching my face.
5-Go through a deep magical forest and meet stuff like from Bridge to Terabithia.

nuke the earth for the fun of it ? hehe , that was me i think :lol:

I have already ONE permanet (ok… not permanent , but reocurring) DC , i want to make more …
AS ? : what do you mean with dream nickname ?

Burn stuff.
Smoke a cigarette.
Just take a glass of something and drink it.

I want to re-enter one of my ND to get me wings! :cool:

Jam with Hendrix (or any other musician I love). I’ve done it before in NDs but i had no control over it so it wasn’t very exciting.