The Battery Method

I’ve been detaching from the material world receintly. This means much less technology use, refraining from all normal drugs (from prescriptions to marijuana to alcohol), a vegeterian diet (only eating common ingridients, no HFCS or hydrogenated oils), refraining from orgasms, and always focusing on my energy self.
I believe the orgasms are the central point here, everything else gives me enough energy to refrain from them. Let’s consider ourselvs to be battery (yea, the electronic device). Everything we do requires some of our energy, somethings more than outhers. If we have enough stored up when we sleep, we may become lucid.
That’s my method.
Here’s my questions:

  1. If our waking life is difficult (ie. someone in jail), does the mind have more determination to dream?
  2. Is there any evidence that “reality” is not just a reoccuring dream?

(vegetarian for 8 months, no O’s for 23 days)
(This might be linked to the pineral gland post)
(in school I thought spelling was stupid because we all would have spell check so I never bothered to learn, due to my ignorance then some of the above is misspelled :-p )

I’ve definately pondered this? Perhaps are waking life is really the dream whilst the dream world is really the reality in which we live. Either way… it seems, if you are reading this… you are with anyone else capable of reading this, in the same waking reality as all of us.

I also believe the orgasms have somewhat to do with the measure of someones energy however, I don’t believe that orgasms waste your energy. I believe in heightens your vibrational frequency, therefore in my oppinion allowing you to become more conscious hence having lucid dreams, transforming your universe, etc.

I believe there is no absolute truth to any of this, just what you make of yourself