The beginning of a dream.

I’ve never in my life remembered the very beginning of a dream, only like 10minutes (in the dreamworld) or more after the beginning.

Is it possible to remember the beginning of a dream WITHOUT lucid dreaming?

Honestly, I also can say that I haven’t remembered the very beginning of a dream.

Dreams tend to go like this for me (as with everyone else, I think :tongue: )…
Dream 1-----> Dream2------>Dream3------>Dream4 etc

I usually remember the end of dream one, and then fading into the start of dream two/three and so on. But I never recall the beginning of each one perfectly. Most of the recall is in jumbled snippets. So, Im not sure if its actually possible. If you’re great at recall and have been practising for awhile, then its probable, but in my case…Nop :tongue:

I dont think anyone remembers they’r beginning of a dream, if you dont make it up yourself, the thing that you are’nt really suppose to know is that you are dreaming. So your mind thinks that you have been where ever you have been for a while, if you know what i mean.

I think that ulv is right. I do know that I have started lucid in a dream while doing WILD, but there is always a “history” to where I start. It is a bit like starting in the middle of a movie, but just remembering everything that happend befor. These false memorys may fade away faster then the actual memorys from the dream.
So what I am saying is that you may well remember the start of a dream, but that you don’t think it is the start of the dream, because you know that something was happening befor in your memorys. If that makes any sense. :grin:
There is also the fact that generaly your mind is not all there in a dream, so it is easyer to miss the fact that you are jumping into the middle of a story in the dream, and that what happend up to the start of the dream is just false memorys, or that it is missing. Sometimes you just know that you are doing something for a reason durring the dream, that later when you remember it is just so strange that you can’t think why it made sense durring the dream. :confused: That is just how dreams seem to be.

That’s an interesting question. When exactly is the beginning of the dream? I can remember times when I have entered fully into a dream, through WILD ofcourse, but it starts with visuals, do they count as the dream? I have visuals whenever I close my eyes, sometimes without doing that. Where is the line? I think that there is usually a little time of unconsciousness before i get into the state when I can enter a dream, am I already there perhaps when it starts?

Someone stated it nicely on these forums… “dreams evolve from thoughts”. Maybe it’s like planets forming? A little thought joins with another one, growing bigger and bigger. Probably not, but it’s a nice thought. :content: