The BEST iste I've ever seen on the net bar none

This is just supream! Fix your head on before clicking the link!

uhh…i dont get it, just a bunch of really weird videos and pictures…

epileptics beware

oh wow, the flashes … the colors. … the binural sounds … cool dream related animation though.

It’s not strange … it’s much too strange to be called strange. I only watched the first one because they animations are very long. … I actually dont’ know if they end … I stopped watching when Michael Jackson was embracing ET. :lol: … not that I disapprove … it’s just so darn long.

yeah…what is it though??? just some amination stuff? whats so special about that?

something you should watch after taken LSD ;D
I watched it yesterday when I were stoned and I were amazed :open_mouth: It was so damn cool. Not as cool today though ^^ But still neat. :content:

Ouch ! My head ! My eyes ! My ears ! It hurts ! :wink:

Its just, to trip out with?

Well I’d say, no although as spacecheese pointed out it does go rather well with chemically altered natures.

I’d say this about his work, it reflects society and especially subcultures we are all familiar with, that thrive on the web. Porn, drugs, consumerism and spirtiuality are all mashed together into something that actually effects you physically (I really feel those animations through my bones). I especially like the way that its not gallery art but is web based and uses web conventions like you can interact with some works. Its some of the best web art I’ve seen as its subject matter is the bewildering internet and its web animation in execution.

I personally think his stuff ranges from the clever to funny and satirical and all the way to high art IMO.

Here is some good examples of his stuff

Click on 106 or 73

I love this one

I’ll stick with normal methods. It sounds nightmare inducing! lol.

That’s just odd. Didn’t really enjoy it too much.

Besides, everyone knows the best website is right? :wink:

no no no! The best site is www.dreamv…. oh FUCK! >.<

I’m not sure it’s the best site on the web, but it… OK, it is the best site on the web!

While this is totally crazy, the general idea follows what my mind is like when going to sleep late and exhausted. It loves imagining totally weird stuff, quite seductive but mostly unpleasant and overwhelming.

I think thats the sort of site that carlson would love… to f*** up