The Best RC. No Seriously.

SUM: Removing Earthly Desires in order to improve Reality Checks. Increasing frequency of RCs by increasing amount of attention we put into desires. See Example 1 below.

Okay, hmm. To begin a little background could help. I have a problem. Yah I know everybody does. I seem to have one. One. One main one my subconscious won’t seem to let go of. Marijua*a. It seems to go hand-in-hand with my counter-culture of dream chasers and musicians. Anyway. I am going to give it up. Not a mild habit either mind you. At roughly $25/day for 3 years = $27,000. The number astonished me.

Now, how could any of that possibly been relevant? I have found a secret. A secret induction technique with waking life benefits beyond our comprehension.

Now for the good stuff…

When I have tried in the past to give-up Marijuaa i would have intense vivid dreams of smoking. Rehab called these “Using dreams”. Wed has been a major Dream Sign for years. Why, all of sudden does it flare in such vividness upon me quitting. The key is desire. Suppressed desires, often containing stigma (Looked down upon by society).

Okay this is where it ALL comes together…

How could one tap into this. When one gives up an Earthly desire it is stored in a special place of the subconscious mind. Often revealing itself in a dream. Could this be a potential sign into the true nature of dreams. Some Psychiatrists state that dreams are visions based on problems/desires being worked out by the subconscious.

What if one was to give up all Earthly desires. The self destructive ones. You know those times where you think… “I shouldn’t do this. I shouldn’t go here. I shouldn’t eat that, or hang out with them.”

But you do ANYWAY!!!

We all know cigarettes will kill you. People smoke. Everyone knows sodas are a dangerous alternative to water. We drink them. People know cake is unhealthy. They eat away. Everybody knows violent video games have un expected ways of re-surfacing. Yet kids play. Ever watched a movie and had a nightmare. Wonder why? Look at Hollywood every single movie is about someone dying a horrible death, or a relationship gone wrong revolving around sex.


I say that to say this… If one was to stop doing everything they knew was bad for them in one instant what would that feel like? Food being one of the biggest changes one could make. What if you listened to your SubConscious for once? Putting everything down, anything you know is bad. Not just drugs and doughnuts. The list is waaay to long…

I propose we have an experiment within this thread. If you were to remove your biggest desire from your daily routine, document your dreams. If you enjoy anything unhealthy question “WHY?” The results should be astounding.

Desires have a special place in the subconscious.

I think a simple example is in order.

Step 1. I drink sodas; Mountain Dew, Coke, Dr. Pepper, Root Beer… etc
Step 2. I agree soda is harmful to the body and a bad habit.
Step 3. I stop drinking soda.
Step 4. I crave soda and perform a reality check
Step 5. I crave soda and perform a reality check
Step 6. Soda crosses my mind, I perform a reality check
Step 7. I see a soda and perform a reality check.
Step 8. The subconscious desire cause a dream about drinking a Dr. Pepper.
Step 9. Reality Check. “Wait. I don’t drink these anymore.”
Step 10. Lucidity.

Now imagine. If you did that with everything harmful. Every time you either crave something, or the idea crosses your mind perform a reality check. What if you did that with food, stopped smoking, p*rnography, bad language, corrected your sleeping pattern. Read more books… You would have an OVERALL 180 DEGREE turn-around in both Waking Life and your Lucid World.

What if you made so many changes for the better in your waking life that Reality Checking made you healthier. You would be in a dream, notice your surroundings and instantly realize, “Wait… I quit coming here”

Or you were in a dream and saw an ex-friend. “Wait a second. They we’re bad influences, I left them a long time ago.”

Maybe your yelling at your mother, “Wait, I decided I was going to try and treat her better.”

This form of reality checking plays on the subconscious emotion of desire.

It’s a real shame I don’t really have any nasty addictions or habits anymore. I could have used some of those right about now…

Anyway, this sounds like a really great way to about RC’s. It just makes so much sense (in more ways than one).

I think I’m going to have to try to take a good hard look inside of me and find something that I really want to stop doing. Or perhaps something I want to change for the better, like my general lack of discipline, although I don’t really see how I can fit that into the whole “desire” thing… Hmm. Think about this, I will. Great post!

Thankyou. I hope people see the multitude of layers inside this technique. Dreams, non lucid ones, are you working something out. Missing your mother at college, dead dog, finding God, breaking up with an ex. So is there a possibility we can have no kinks to work on. Honestly, I sum it up as this. Lucid Dreaming will become easier the farther away we get from Earthly addictions; sex, money, control… etc

A partial reason I stated this was the best RC is because the Waking Life benefits are beyond anything one can conceive. I have been looking for the connection between the two existences since I begun this rabbit hole roughly 18 months ago.

edited in … please edit instead of double posting

Very well thought out idea :plotting:

I might use ice as my desire; God knows I eat wayyyyyy too much of it, it’s just so good :mrgreen:

I’ll try this, this should become a sticky :hyper:

EDIT: Btw, have you had any lucids with this method? Just wonderin :peek:

Yes. More than often regular dreams however. But I know desire plays a key role in all dreams.

Awesome! Who knows, this might be my second lucid :thumbs:

This actually makes a lot of sense. If you’re constantly doing RC’s with constantly with every thought of an addiction, the RC becomes the addiction instead. That’s actually the best way to break a bad habit. Replace it with another.
I would imagine that this would even benefit someone in that if they are missing this addiction, it may appear more often in their dreams. More opportunities to RC basically. :cool:
On thing I should point out. This will only benefit you if you are mindful in your RC’s. If you’re constantly doing RC’s as a habit, the result will become expected and may fail in your dreams. Seriously consider every time whether or not you’re dreaming.

That just sounds AWESOME.
You kill two birds in one shot - one in WL and one in NWL.

But how can you use it to do something you DO want to do?
Like, do more sports, or doing your homework?

I have just decided to journal a dream that I thought would be related to this!

[spoiler]Friday, September 18th, 2009 - 1 new lucid dream!
Last night I had a very transcendental lucid dream that I thought I should post. It was certainly a very powerful experience!

Dream #1: SoulFire - Lucid: YES :biggrin: - Type: Transcendental DILD
“Power of Expression”: The way your mind and soul naturally expresses emotion - in waking life and in dreams.

“Dreams are direct literal and metaphorical manifestations of our own thoughts” - I never thought this statement had so much power - so much potential. I’ve even been getting philosophical dreams, even about the evolution of consciousness.

In this dream, I was a “disembodied observer”: it was just one consciousness in a setting manifested by its own thoughts - mine. Yet I felt I had a natural existence there - I could move around and interact with the environment, yet for the most part I remained totally stationary. I had the added knowledge that I could create anything that I wanted to. Even what seemed like another consciousness. Every time I thought about something new, even emotion; it would manifest itself. Sadness–>rain. Life–>campfires. Safety–>tents. Creativity–>stars. The first thing that was on my mind was sadness. Suddenly I burst into tears as I watched rain clouds naturally start forming and being absorbed into me. This felt very real and it blew my mind.
This gave me courage to stand and face up to my other emotions. Suddenly, I watched it slowly turn right into night and a whole bunch of stars appeared. This was a glorious revelation. I looked into the center of my vision and I saw something very surreal: a campfire formed. Something that would never happen in real life all by itself. The amount of water created in this dream was just amazing.

Later, I found myself lying in bed - I had woken up into sleep paralysis. “I should journal that,” I thought to myself when suddenly, I felt a strong force separating me with my physical body: I looked down, and I saw my body reaching for me. Then snap, I woke up. I then went back to sleep and had another few lucid dreams - but sadly, I cannot remember any of them.[/spoiler]

Read through it quickly, almost like moving IRL-problems into your dreams and there they are not problems :happy: sounds like a good technique for when to do RCs, will try it.

I noticed that whenever I want something really badly, I dream about it.
Ex(dont laugh) I want new rubiks cubes -I dream about rubiks cubes
I order rubiks cubes off ebay
In 2 days I have a very vivid dream about rubiks cubes
and this happens every time I really want something

Rubix has the point. Desire is one fundamental to dream subjects and theme. If you can leave earthly desires behind your dreams/kinks, are worked out.

The technique is simple. When a thought of an addiction comes into your head reality check. “I don’t do that anymore, I quit.” When the subjects pops up in your dreams the same will follow. It will become useful, desires are often kept dormant.

The obvious benefit of WL is extraordinary. When you truly understand what you need You will find checking reality a lot. Wanting to eliminate every single “Earthly handicap of convenience”

If you are aware of the better alternative you need to follow it. Make every decision consciously. Food becoming the biggest or most relevant. In my christian faith I believe the Adam of Eve story of eating the wrong fruit is a metaphorical clue to our unhealthiness.

This is the reality check of eating broccoli. Quitting every artificial consumption.

Your dreams will be infinitely more vivid with every passing day of “sobriety”. Addictions lay outside the realm of just drugs. For some it’s morning coffee. For others is 5 o’clock happy hour. For some it’s work, and many its television. Go a few days without some quote un quote “necessities”. Discover what you really think you “need”.

Do you ever stay up until 2:30 am watching Terminator eating candy corn? Examples being replaceable, obviously. Time to change.


That is great!

I might try to give up soda for this RC.

You guys sure it works?

When you become aware of all the “things” you desire it works wonders. Seriously. Your mind attaches to an addiction in a distinct way. If you can connect the thought of an addiction to that of a RC, the same train of thought will follow in dreamland.

But there are levels to this. Do not simply give somthing up. Find other ways to incorporate desires. If you do the same action every morning (Ex. Shower) On a lower level your mind will predict this routine behavior. Have a WBTB + WILD and concentrate on that shower. The simple fact its your regular routine will cause a trigger. Do a routine with anything for 2 weeks, then try to stop for 2 days. You will understand this technique alot more. You can create your own cravings. If you crave a chocolate pop tart every morning go to sleep with the intention of eating one. You can create the dream scenario and walk into it with a WILD or RC after you have already realized “Wait I don’t eat these anymore, time for an apple.”

Replace any bad habit with an RC and the healthy alternative. Clean out your subconscious and feel the lucidity flow through.


Never thought of it that way…

But its to much of a hassle for me :razz:

Im too laziii :happy:

If you understand the full ramifications and benefits of Lucidity then one must ask oneself, “How could I be to lazy to explore the universe.”

Good timing for me to see this topic. Just two nights ago I had a dream about divulging into a previous habit – too bad it didn’t hit me til the next morning. The dream was incredibly vivid and I was just a reality check from going lucid. Still a wonderful dream nonetheless.

Another thing on the same line of thought of removing earthly desires, but not in terms of addictions – I have recently moved hundreds of miles away from everyone I know and love. I dream about different people and situations all the time. Either in the dream or the next morning I always think “this is/that was a dream, I’m not with them.”

It’s a pretty strong RC and Wond3rland, this is a great topic/point to bring up.

I haven’t been to this site in a long time. I’m glad I came back now. I had lost all interest in dreams, I still however have the desire to learn about them and also have the desire to make my life suck less. I think everything you’ve said has sort of been my revelation, how pathetic… This is an amazing idea though, maybe ingenious.

Could you re-explain the quoted post? I don’t fully understand what you’re saying.