WOW! , I’ve been doing RC 's when I wake up and I had my first FA since I started! It was so real that I was very surprised to find it was a dream! Too bad I can’t stay asleep when I know I’m dreaming yet
I envy you. I never seem to have FAs. I don’t think so. Do I? Prehaps I should do RCs and find out.
I haven’t read through the whole topic, so don’t get mad at me if someone already have written this. ^-^
Everytime you write in your DJ, notebook, w/e, do some RCs!
That way, if you have an FA where you write in your DJ, you will do an RC and wham, you will be lucid.
I thought I had never really had an FA before, until I was reading through this topic, and now I realize I think I have FAs quite often (or maybe just HIs) Often times in the morning I’ll hear my mom calling me to get up. So, I’ll get up, start heading to the bathroom, and even begin taking my shower. Then I realize I’m still in bed. It’s a very frustrating experience, and sounds a lot like what you guys have been experiencing.
I had an LD last night and started to feel my cat putting her claws into the douvet near my arm. I was sure it would wake me up but I can’t remeber if it did, or if it really happened I might have had an FA afterwards.
Is false awekenings more likely when you have very vivid dreams?
(It seems that’s the case for me.)
since Ive been having quite a few successful LDs (8 this month) I have had 3 FAs I have never ever had them before, I find it very strange Im getting them now…
in one of them I fell back to sleep on purpose hoping to re enter my LD, and I did lol, not knowing it was an FA
- Silva
Seems that getting habit of RC after every awakening, is starting to have some benefits for me. But the following story shows how hard it is sometimes to differ FA from real awakening even if you succeed in doing many RCs. As my last LD mostly consisted by trying different RCs until i finally believed that i’m really in LD, i will post my last LD also here:
20th October
I had an annoying ND where i saw a person who annoys me IRL and did the same in my dream. In the end of the dream i thought something like: i wish i would see you in LD instead. I woke up. BUT this was FA
After FA i walked around in certain large garage, that was located in the second floor of a dorm and in FA i had memory that here i was sleeping and now i woke up. So i did RC to be sure (recently i started to make RCs every time i woke up from dream to reduce the chance of not recognizing FAs and now i had first time when it benefitted me). I plugged my nose and was able to breath. I did it several times and every time i was able to breath. So i walked around and wondered: what the heck? i’m sure i’m awake, but still RC shows me like i’m still sleeping! I even started to think that maybe my nose is usually infected by cold and right now i have one of those rarest moments, when i can breath through it no matter how carefully i plug it. But then it was still too weird, because you cannot breath through closed nose!
So i tried another RC with hands. I kept looking at them and looking away hoping that i will notice some difference. Althought sometimes they looked a bit paralyzed (similar to the situation when you sleep on your hand and it “dies”), but it was not THAT strange. And every time i counted 5 fingers in both hands. I was puzzled.
I also tried to fly. Even if i felt bit more confident that i can fly than IRL, i was unable to fly. So i kept doing other RC methods.
The garage was open and it was raining outside. So while i tried to figure out do i sleep, or not, i walked out. Rain was heavy. It was dark cloudy night and i think that i saw some lightnings in the far sky. I decided to remain dry and walked back inside.
In meantime i felt that the dream wants to go away (althought i did not recognized myself being in LD). But as i was really interested am i dreaming, or not i decided to continue it and it went on. To be more careful with hand-check i started to count my fingers with my other hand finger. This time i was successful and found more fingers than i should have! But i still was not convinced enough. So i went to wash my hands and looked at the boxes near the wash-basin. There were some labels with writings on them. I tried reading-method. I read the words, looked away and looked back. The words were the same. Then i decided to look away for a longer time, and it worked. The words were changed!
It finally convinced me that i’m really in LD! But i was not as confident to go straight outside to fly. I noticed two females and i went to them. One was beautiful bruenette, another was blonde, but she was looking OK too I felt arousal and wanted to try some group sex, hoping that this will be one of those rarest moments when someone fully succeeds to have sex in LD. I went to them and hugged the bruenette, while also rubbing gently the blonde with my other hand. One of them said that usually males do it with other males (or brothers do it with brothers). I smiled back and said that it’s actually not so. But then the LD faded away quickly and i had real awakening.
P.S. I’m pretty sure i did closed my eyes many times in LD and it was so natural that it did not at all hindered my LD (overally my LD’s are not bothered by eye blinkings, or closing my eyes anyway).
Edit P.P.S. Before looking at those words on boxes, i was about to search for some clock to use watch-RC method too. My mind was very busy on trying to figure out as many RC methods i can, except jumping from second floor and seeing can i fly, or not - i could injured myself if it really turned out to be RL
i almost always get FAs in the morning when i have to go to school and im so lazy. i eat breakfast, or go to the bathroom but then i wake up
I had a FA before where I reached over for my dream journal to write out my dream. I always keep a pen in my dream diary marking the next blank page, and this was even there in my FA. What I thought was quite interesting though was how it was the pen I’d been using for the last few days but had run out the day before. Thought it was odd how my FA was so realistic with such attention to detail but slightly out of date.
I have never had an FA tha though I really want one. They sound really fun. I hope I get one soon.
You probably have, but fell back to sleep in the FA and never realised.
Try taking a RC everytime you wake up. You’ll either then realise you have more FA’s than you thought, or you’ll start getting FA’s. Either way, it’s free LD’s .
ever since a FA ruined a chance of a good LD, i’ve been doing RCs everytime i wake up…really successful
in my most recent and vivid LD, i had 3 FAs!!!
heh… I wonder why I didn’t notice this thread before (!).
I love those FAs Simply because they’ve gotten me lucid (relatively) many times… I have a feeling that I have a lot of them though. I tend to wake up many times each morning… And when I finally get up from bed I think back at those awakenings and wonder if they were real or not. Hehe… I guess it brings a little mystery to my life.
Last night I had an LD. I “woke up” into another dream after it, and throughout that long dream I kept telling peeps in my old highschool class about my LD… My mind really tricked me there
yeah… I’m trying to do that but, I never - ever - remember to do RCs when I wake up.
I usually get two kinds of FA’s: those where I am writing down a dream or telling somebody about it, and those where I am too late for my bus or work. They come more often if I am afraid of actually being late. Maybe that could be used to incubate more FA’s?
lone wolf: It is possible to have a FA without noticing it. I think you will get one soon if you continue to pay attention.
I managed to incurburate a FA before. However, it’s debatable whether or not I had really woken up beforehand, or whether that was also a FA.
I actually once thought of a method to cause FA’s to become lucid. It involved setting an alarm clock on a random time, so that when you dream, you will be constantly (perhaps unconsciously) thinking “oh the alarm might go off”. I had a FA that led to a LD once this way so that’s why I thought of it. I haven’t tried it yet though.
I almost always have a kind of FA where I am talking to a friend about the lucid dream, it usually happens after I lose the lucidity. Sometimes I have mini-FA’s where I just hear the alarm go off and I kind of remember looking at it or getting up and then sitting up in bed–not vivid–and then I kind of jolt up suddenly after I realize I wasn’t actually awake.
Hm… I had another 3 FAs this morning :\
In the first I wrote an SMS. (When I checked my mobile later, no message had been written)
In the second I did a RC and became lucid
In the third I got out of bed, wearing jeans (which I obviously really wasnt).
Just a question for you guys:
Are you tired in your FAs?
Until yesterday I had always been very fresh when I “woke up” in my FAs. But yesterday I was so insanely tired in at least on of them. I remember that I was struggling to open my eyes. I decided to do a RC. Usually I count my fingers, but since I was too tired to open my eyes, I did the bread-through-the-nose-while-holding-it RC. Even after I became lucid I still was very, very tired…