so many things to do, so few dreams to do them in…
let’s see. what can i remember…
here’s a cool one. running so fast i can run over the oceans, and end up in a world of my own. then jumping up into the air, twisting around, and landing feet first on a sloped wall, making a huge dent in it where i land, and at the same time pushing myself away, and upwards into the air, where i spread out some angelic wings from inside my back, and soar upwards in a large arch, and glide above the clouds, feeling a gentle breeze, and a warm glow from the sun. then, when i’m nice and relaxed, i direct myself to fall downwards, picking up speed, and level myself off when i’m close to the ground, where i zoom along only about a foot above the grass, losing speed until i just twist myself upwards right before the edge of a cliff, and push my wings forward so i lose all momentum, then fall the 2 last inches to the ground. then i fold my wings back, and look out from that spot, into a vast, beautiful valley, and watch as my dream guide lounge about in the grass. then, i let myself fall off the cliff from where i just stood, and into a pool of crystal clear water below me, and, savouring the feeling of being embraced by the soothing liquid, drift upwards with the current, popping up at the surface, and swim on my back to the beach, where a small stopwatch is lying beside a small book. it reads 13m52s when i stop it. then i write down the time, and take pride in my new record run. finally, i let my wings vanish into my back, dry myself off, and walk back to my dream guide, pull up a small pouch from a hook on my belt, and hand the contents, some french grapes, to her, who puts them to use for our lunch. and just as i’m about to lie down and take a break from all that running, she asks me to go get some japanese long-grain rice. i just look at her with a really annoyed look, and step back to the beach, where my stopwatch is. i start it, sigh, and seemingly dissolve into the air, leaving the stopwatch to fall to the sand. when it touches the ground, the air collapses into the gap i’ve made from that spot, to the wall at the south end of the valley, making for a nice linear cloud of dust, and then i jump out from the sloped wall, fly over her head by a hairs width, and fly along the valley until i reach the ocean, and start running from there.
this one is just something i thought up just now, but its pretty much the kind of dreams i want to have. of course, normally my dreams are far from it. normally my dreams are devoid of emotions, and kinda dark and gloomy. so next time i get a LD, i will try to remember to make something like this as my dream scenario. though i’m pretty sure i will end up trying to find anyone of the female sex to “entertain” me.
PS: this entire dream scenario was spawned from me reading the previous post, specifically the line “run at hyperspeed”. i am that bored right now.