Well, if I ever get in an ld, first thing I am going to do is create anna kournikova.
Give her a nice, small bikini and then we can go to a pool and swim/breathe underwater. Then, one thing leads to another, and we undress and have sex underwater… and my orgasm is gigantic and long.

Then, I dunno what happens with her, maybe I just put her to sleep or something , so I can continue exploring my dream city.
I will go up to a random DC, say “Hello. Do you know who I am?”
Then whatever he says I go “WRONG! I’m your worst nightmare, motherfucker” Then I pull out a mauser (boomstick) and blow his brains all over the pavement.
Then I go fuck random girls. 
And then I go get Anna again, fly to a cloud, and have sex there. Then I talk to some more people and shoot some people too.
Then I want to join the army
And kill my instructers, so that the S.W.A.T comes or something.
Then I want to get shot. And I want to fall dramatically. Anna will come, crying and such, etc etc. Then I will close my eyes.
No, it’s not over.
I get up, do a matrix, pulling the bullet out of my skin. Then I start using telekenises on everybody…
lol xD I dunno
Definatly sex, and I definatly want to join the army in a dream. Along with swimming, flying, and talking to people.