The BIG Fav thing to do in a LD topic - Part V

Soul Travel=travel to other higher worlds
Remote Viewing
See my past lives
See The Future
Meet the Blue Being Who Is In The Blue Pearl( 3d eye center)
enter the sjamanic gate
learn martial art

Talk to Einstein, Cleopatra, Napoleon, and many many other historical figures. Find out what made them do what they did and tell them how the world is today and watch their reactions.

Figure out why I have an overwhelming obsession with sex when I dream, but have little to no interest in it when I am awake.

Go to hurtful times in my past and fix them (beating the crap out of people most likely)

Talk to my baby (curretly pregnant)

Visit my RL friend in his dreams and get him to join me on a Lucid Adventure

I’ve had 1 LD and all I ended up doing was taking a piss because I realized what might happen and awoke in fear. Heres what I want to do: meet my SG, Sex, Good Food, Flying, Explore Space And Time

Well, in the many LD’s I’ve had, my favorite things are still flying and sex, (havn’t yet tried combining them, will next time though)

Other things I like to do include:

Blow crap up with lightning.


Tried to meet my SG once, started feeling wierd and woke up, havn’t tried again yet

Walk through walls (havn’t quite mastered this one yet)

When ever I fly I use wings, not becuase I cant othewise, but becuase I love using wings, and I feel incomplete withought them in a LD, I always run really fast and then jump into the air while spinning like a corkscrew, then when I get high enough I stablize myself and glide, it owns!

I went around my home town tossing cars. :grin: Such a lovely feeling lifting and throwing a 1,5 ton car into another watching them tumble. :cool: I guess seeing it happen in movies all the time makes it very realistic in dreams. :smile:

I think the funnest things to do in an LD are flying (duh), sex(double duh) and run around naked in a public place. (i love the way that DCs don’t care)

Lol running around naked is awesome. I like to walk through things and scare DC’s. Its a lot of fun when you can be the monster in the horror film.