The Big "Hi, I'm New Here!" Topic - Part 40

:welcome: venus! :grouphug:

You might like to read Stormthunders Dream Journal, her dreams are like stories too. Have you ever considered writing a story of your dreams?

as for prolonging dreams, you might find the “prolonging lucid dreams” topic in the knowledge base useful and the "How to stay lucid" topic :content:

Good luck with proloning your dreams, and completing your lucid goals! :mirror:

Hi everyone, I am Boz, and I am love dreaming lucidly. I am writing this both as an introductory post and to show you what I’ve done so far, who I may help and who can help me.
I started with it some 8 years ago, using concentration-based methods that seldom worked. For the better part of my excercises(up to a year ago), I was self-taught, and depended on trial-and-error, which, as you know, is not very effective timewise in the area of lucid dreaming. Anyway, pretty soon(after a few years), I developed my own methods of attaining and retaining lucidity while dreaming, and not waking up. Lucid dreaming(and other things like meditation, standing sleep and the like) is really something awesome. A fellow forum member from a different board showed me this place, and I made an account, eager to share my own experiences and listen to your own.

I am interested in dreams, and I also might have a gift when it comes to remember them and also controll them a bit. I gues those two things conects nicly. I am not to good in English grammar…

I often dream about similar type of places, i am sure that I can learn important things from my dreams. This is a new personal revelation I have had, about doing tests in dreams. I am a nights person and I love to sleep in the morning. That has maybe somthing to do with the fact that I enjoy sleep and dreams so much? I am 27 years old and there is a lot of things I don’t know. I am a verry normal man, I read a few books, and have a few interests. I like stuff that is over the line a bit, like Bill Hicks or William S. Burroughs. About dreams, I have read “the art of dreaming” by Carlos Castaneda and other works by him, but I found him to be a bit repeating and I have also later came to understand that he has bean quite a mystic abot this phenomen. Well I did not know that it actually was somthing caled Lucid dreaming, as a research field, until just recently. And I will try to read more about the subject in the time to come. What I have found out, or are exploring now, about this subject. Are that dreams that you remember, can mean a lot to you. Dreams that you controll can mean even more. If I have a verry materialistic dream, I will think of this and for me, this results in trying to gett less materialistic and more spiritual. The same can be say’d about sexual dreams, but I am not to good in lifting the focus away from it when it happens. I often have had nightmare like dreams where I am emtying my self of options… I had one recently witch made me avare of the horror I have of heights. Even though I knew it was a dream, I could not walk down the narrow wall, because I suddenly was so aware of the extreme fall on bouth sites my knees start shakin. I would fall if I stod still also. This happend to my mind! This told me that dreams are important, that it only was fear that killed me. It would have bean easy to walk on that wall if it had bean on the ground. I often find my self klimbing upwards in dreams. I use some of the same buildings and outdoor places all the time. I have had one out of body experience when I was young. I could sea my self in the bed. I had now controll, I was dragged out the window and I floated in air over the landscape outside the place I was living, and it was real! I could not controll it and I was draged to a field, and there where som ugly men waiting there, making me spin in there direction… I remeber that I had bean real exhausted when falling to sleep and that it felt like my body felt a sleep before my mind. It must have bean tangled up and turned into a nightmare. I have also a couple of times had the sensation of being a sleep at the same time as waking up in the room I felt a sleep in, the room has bean noise, and high monoton noises has ocoured. It is also clear to me that I have chickend out every time this have happend, and that I nead training to advance. one senario is in the morning, I have maybe bean awake for a bit, and then I gett hold of a dream. And I gett Lucid, and I gett into a nightmare. Like when I am the guy the tree ugly men call for when they want to train shooting. I know I am Lucid, but the horror takes me, it feels so real! Have there bean some investigation of the black area you can fill with dreams? I have actually had some experience with small soring flames, I have bean hovering with them, just above the floor. And I remeber it to be most unplessant? It can offcourse be me that have read about it and spinned on my nightmareish ways a fantasy dream on it. This is my first post, and it is a long hello. As I said, I have a long way to go, but I want to study it good. People nead to belive in somthing!

:wave: hello venus, The Boz and focus1

venus, at least with becoming lucid so often, you will have ample opportunity to work on getting them more stable :yay:

The Boz, learning everything by trial and error with no one else’s personal experiences to help you is a time intensive way to improve LD abilies :yes:
but I suppose you had the advantage of just judging your attempts by your own progress and so wouldn’t have encountered the frustration that some people encounter when learning to LD

focus1, it’s good to see someone who cares about their normal dreams too :smile:

I hope you all enjoy being members of LD4all as much as I have done :yay:

Hi! I originaly heard about lucid dreaming via Wikibooks. I have been trying for months with mixed success, as documented in my other post. I can control dreams perfectly well when I am lucid, I just need help getting there. (I could even generate people, things, and rooms in my first LD!)

:welcome: hello Ccool2ax, welcome to LD4all :smile:
It would be great if you posted your first LD in our big sticky “My first LD collection” topic in the dream diary forum :boogie:

I’ve just looked at your other post and if you increased the amount of RCs you do a day (twice a day isn’t quite enough) and used WBTB to reset your intention to LD … you only have to tell your self once or twice that you WILL LD and believe it, your LD frequency should improve.

Hello, I’m Jake. I came here through Erowid and have been lurking around for some time. I found the concept of LDs mind-boggling and decided to try it. I can’t consistently LD yet, but dream recall is ok.
I joined looking for advice and conversation with everyone, since it seems that actively being involved in the community would make me think about it more and consequentially have more and better LDs.

So, hello! :smile:

:wave: hello hippiejake, welcome to LD4all :smile:
there is so much information and personal experiences to discover at LD4all, you will have a great time browsing the forums :yay: and then if you need help there is always someone there to post an helpful reply :boogie:

Hi there

I’m Tyza. Nice to be here.

Greetings to everyone.

Hello, I’m new :content:

I discovered LD a few years ago and did some reading on the subject, but I never managed to get good results :sad:

But now I will try again. Wish me luck! =D

good luck :happy:

:wave: hello Tyza and Slacky :grouphug: welcome to LD4all
I look forward to reading all your future posts :smile:
/me wishes you both good luck with your lucid goals :thumbs:

Well im new to this forum so just wanted to say hey :smile:

Hi =p
[The Big "Hi, I'm New Here!" Topic - Part 40)
Thats the “Hi, I’m knew” topic for you to introduce yourself

kit, since a mod always moves these errant intro posts into the official topic there is no need to give new members the link … since we could end up with 2 intro posts that way :wink:

:wave: hello Richard_Grayson, welcome to the great LD4all community :grouphug:

Thx for the warm welcome. :happy:

Hello everyone,

I figured since I’m going to be reading these forums I’ll register and introduce myself. I usually like to remain busy, so I’d probably not be contributing too much, but I’ll be contributing by reading that’s for sure.

Okay, incredibly, I just found out about LD yesterday! I have been LDing now for about 4-5 years, usually on average about once a month (at times, I’ll have 5 in a month and other’s I’ll have like 1 in 3 months). The only thing was that I didn’t know there was such a thing. I thought that I was some eccentric dreamer that was able to take control of myself when sleeping. I would tell my friends about my dreams and they would just think that it was some helluva dream.

Two nights ago, I had another cool flying dream. I’m to the point where I can fly directly to where I want to go at whatever speed I feel like going (not light speed, doesn’t seem like too much fun anyhow). It was such a liberating dream, as always, and when I woke up I was excited about it. So later that day, during my job, I decided to look up meanings of dreams and specifically flying. Well, that’s how I ended up in this site! I was SO SURPRISED to see all this talk about these types of dreams! Everything seemed so familiar, like for example when I first started experimenting in my dreams, I would float just inches from the ground. Then I would glide forward. Then I would high jump that would take me about 100 feet. Then 300 feet. Then I began flying. Then I began controlling the flight in any direction. Then I learned speed and control and that’s where I’m at.

I can do many other things that I have read about in these forums and now I feel like I’m not that crazy afterwards! Well, who knows, we can ALL be crazy, but at least I feel like there’s many others that feel and experience the same things that I experience!

Alright everyone, sorry for the long message, but just wanted to introduce myself and explain my path to these forums. Hope to read many more great stories in here!

Hi everyone, I’m Jack.
First discovered and researched LDs a few months ago but I got sleep paralysis (probably out of thinking about it all so much) and stopped out of fear. But now I am extra motivated and have started to try again and no Hag yet :tongue: so I soon hope to be recalling dreams regularly and ready to start. :content:

:welcome: hello LooBou and jack :smile:
:grin: I see you couldn’t resist doing a few posts elsewhere LooBoo :wink:
It’s very hard to just browse at LD4all without joining in :content:

wow, I think it’s quite unusual to become a natural LDer (without knowing about it first) when you are older unless your dreams suddenly change in content.
I think I will go and hunt down your other posts and find out more :tongue:
BTW it would be great if you made a post in the 30 years or older topic in gathering :grin:

jack the thing to remember about the old hag is that it isn’t real and is just created by your own mind to explain away the sensations you can feel during SP
:thumbs: good luck I hope you get your first lucid dream soon :happy:
