The Big "Hi, I'm New Here!" Topic - Part 44

Welcome Fiore. Instead of saying “But I’ll get it one day”, try “But I will get it today” - That should do it :razz:

Thanks moogle and MovieMe :happy:
So, i’ll get three LD’s tonight! read more about them tomorrow.
(if i’m gonna do it i might as well do it good)

That’s the spirit! :razz:

Greetings to every fellow lucid dreamer (I’m not a lucid dreamer yet by the way :razz: haha, but I’m trying!) ! I’m new here, but I have already recognised the genuinety of this website and its contents! I’m not the one to say this, but great job pasQuale! I love it :happy:! Well anyways, nice to be part of the family :razz:! See you all around :smile:


Welcome Francis!

With that kind of post, it almost seemed like you welcomed yourself. :meh:

Good luck on your lucid adventures!

44 parts?! O_O

Hey Francis!

good luck with your Lucid dreams then :happy: .
You can allways ask questions or something… :tongue:

( First time I welcomes someone, :tongue: )

Hi all I’m new here. :shy:

Welcome, TEM.
*Genkai welcomes TEM to LD4all. :welcome:

'Ello everyone.

I’ve been researching lucid dreaming for some time (a few months?) and although I still haven’t gotten anywhere, my dream recall has improved a lot since I even startedbeing interested in dreams (like a year ago). I hope this forum is nice, I’m rather… known… for being argumentative and slightly irritating much of the time. :smile:

So yes. I’m glad I visit all the cool parts of this forum now.


I used to have lucid dreams but they stopped and I forgot about them…until now. I remembered them last week and I’ve been trying to find a good forum ever since. This one looks great!

I haven’t had any LD’s yet, but I’m getting there. I heard the MILD method was good so I’m doing that.

I hope you’ll all like me. I’m friendly until you start making grammer mistakes :wink:

Hehe, I’m a bit like that… The forum is definitely nice though :wink:

Vichlatti you will get your Lucid dreams back and this is a good place to do it :smile:

:welcome: Myspic And Vichlatti

:wave: hello Francis, The Evil Manifestation, Myspic and Vichlatti; welcome to LD4all :yay: :grouphug:

it will happen sooner than you think :content: … just keep reading and thinking about LDs and use the techs of your choice (I recommend reading the choose your technique topic … it is a sticky topic in quest and the original post is also copied into the knowledge base :happy: )

TEM … I am surprised at your first post

since you posted so much afterwards :grin: … I’ve enjoyed reading your posts :smile:

:cheer: The Gathering is cool :cheer:
oops I think I just lost us the coolness vibe now
/me :whistle: and hides the cheerleader fans …

to improve your chances of having a long LD, you should also use WBTB too :content:

Myspic and Vichiatti … since LD4all is so friendly you will find it more difficult to get argumentative or unfriendly yourselves :tongue:

It’s great seeing so many new members join :woot:

Hey moogle! Thanks for the warm welcome :happy:!


What can I say but a big Hi to all of you. Anyway, having lucid dreams got me interested in this forum.

Lucid Dream # 1:
Back at the days when I was in elementary. In my dream, I was standing there talking about video games with my classmate. I realized that school is out and ask myself why I’m in this place. I turned to my dream classmate next to me and ask him “Is this a dream?”. He told me it was and I pretty much controlled that dream(altering the school grounds)until I woke up.

Lucid Dream # 2:
This is the most controlled dream I ever had. I was sleeping one night and it just popped in my head that I was just dreaming. Realizing that I was dreaming consciously. I woke up and straightened myself and wondered with disbelief. I laid down again and told myself “The next time I close my eyes, the first thing I would do in my dream is lift my hand.”. I did close my eyes and to my suprise, I was dreaming and lifting my hands in the dream world, talking to dream characters and jumping in heights. I woke up again for the second time. Feeling very excited, I close my eyes again and there I was, dreaming again and controlling everything.

Well, thanks for reading! I’m sure going to practice this lucidity.

Hey all,

I’m glad I found this website. The website and you all have been helping me out with lucid dreaming. I actually had a lucid dream last night. But it only lasted for about a minute. But it was pretty exciting to know I had one! I’m looking forward to learning and sharing. See ya! -DW

:welcome: hello Mark Daniel and DreamerWolf

Mark, I was going to move your post into the DJ forum … but a fellow mod beat me to it and moved you into the hi i’m new topic instead :tongue:
So feel free to repost them in your own dream diary in that forum if you wish :grin:
I’m sure you will enjoy being a LD4all member it’s a great forum :yay:

:yes: LDs are always awesome :happy:
congratulations :thumbs:
I’m pleased to see that you have started a DJ already :smile:

Hello! I actually just found this site today, I had happened to see a yahoo discussion question about how to have lucid dreams and it caught my attention. This website was posted on one of the responses and so far I’ve found it very interesting. I am one of those people that rarely remember my dreams but I can say that I’ve had the excitement of experiencing one lucid dream a while back. It was very interesting and since it was my first lucid dream, I didn’t really know what to do as far as trying to control it. I haven’t had another one since, but at the same time, I haven’t really tried. Finding this website today has brought my interest back so I’m going to start a dream journal and do what I can to remember my dreams and hopefully have some more lucid dreams. Something else I found interesting while reading up on lucid dreams was Sleep Paralysis (SP), which I have also experienced and which was a pretty creepy experience at the time, but now I think I wouldn’t mind going through it again because they say it could be a pathway to lucid dreaming. :smile: Has anyone here experienced SP? i would love to hear others experiences and i’ll probably share my own in another posting. This one’s long enough as it is… Well, to finally introduce myself, I am a 20 year old female, soon to be a senior at a Cal State University (going for a BA in Psychology), and I work the graveyard shift, which means sleeping for me is difficult in the first place, but I’m still gonna try to do what I can with this lucid dreaming. Well, I look forward to reading everyone’s comments and experiences and hope to have plenty of my own! Take care everyone and good luck with your dreaming goals! :smile: Later!!

Hello and welcome Little Rebel Angel :content: Its nice to meet you! :handshake: Dream journals are a real help so its good your going to start using one. SP can be pretty freaky :sad: but its not too bad. I hope you enjoy the LD4all forum! :yes:

:wave: hello Little Rebel Angel :happy:

:smile: well you have had one LD in the past so you know it is possible and that you personally can experience a LD :yes:
:content: keeping a dream diary should really improve your recall quite rapidly :smile: and then you will be able to start using techniques to induce LDs :wiske:

We do have a sticky topic about SP in the stuff forum you can find it here link

I look forward to reading your future posts :grin:

walks in

Well hello there, I am new here! I still haven’t had an LD yet but I will soon (hopefully) :happy: