The Big "Hi, I'm New Here!" Topic - Part 46

Hello SilenceSound, Lucid_Dreamer_Wannabe and James Lees :wave:

Once you get used to being lucid you’ll be able to turn the tables on those persuers :tongue:

I’m sure you have a Lucid dream shortly :content: Good luck :wink:

Hehe, I’m a lot like that with worrying :wink: I’m sure ld4all will help you get lucid, It certainly helped me :happy: Good luck to all of you on your lucid quests :smile:

:welcome: hello Lucid_Dreamer_Wannabe and James Lees :grin:

:eh: /me spots another smilie addict :wink:
I’m glad you found a forum that you could join Lucid_Dreamer_Wannabe :content:
When you aren’t reading up about lucid dreaming on LD4all, you can socialise in gathering and the playground :happy:
/me wonders if you may be interested in joining the vampgame?
/me bribes Lucid_Dreamer_Wannabe by saying she can use lots of smilies in the vampgame roleplay thread :happy:

if you can manage to have a shared dream, she may be able to tell you that you are dreaming :content: The plus side is that you have someone you can talk to about lucid dreaming face to face :happy:

/me wishes you both good luck on your quests to lucidity :wiske:

Thanks! :happy: I hope to have one soon. (Preferrably tonight. :happy: Heh.) I’m going to try tonight. Maybe I’ll do a MILD with a WBTB, and then maybe a DILD and then maybe a WILD. :smile: Thanks again! :smile: :mrgreen:

Thanks, moogle! :smile: I like your name, by the way. :happy: Moogles are awesome. (Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2.) You’ve got that right! :happy: I love smilies. :happy: So am I. :smile: This is the second forum I’ve found (and the second site) about LDing. :smile: I might join the other site’s forums in a few months once I turn 15. :smile: I’ll do that. :smile: What’s the vampgame? might be a bit interested :happy: :happy: Thanks again. :happy: Lots of smilies are here. :happy: Too many to choose from! :happy: lol. :open_mouth: :happy: :razz: :smile: :slight_smile:
P.S. Is there a limit of smilies per post? :happy:

if you go too mad with the smilies you could get a friendly pm from a mod :wink:
vampgame you just have to be able to visit the forum at least once a day…
rules [
signup topic [
forum to view previous games

I’ll keep that in mind. :smile: I’ll look into vampgame. :smile: looks at the threads posted I’ll join it. :happy: It sounds quite similar to a game I play in real life. It’s a really fun game. :happy: Do I just post a thing on the signup topic to sign up? :open_mouth: :happy: :razz: :smile: :slight_smile:

yes :yes: :moogle:

My name Kauri, I’m 26, trying to switch careers at the moment from IT to film making, and I’m from New Zealand. I’ve only recently become aware of the phenomenon and more so now that I’ve had two lucid dreams in the space of a couple of weeks.
My first was after discovering this website and reading the RC tips. I was completely shocked and amazed that I was able to LD. I think I’m hooked.
The second lucid dream I had went on for ages. In it I was able to fly and blast through walls. I even grabbed a skateboard from a dream character and rode around just like I was playing Tony Hawks. Also, at some point I got so excited I picked up a small boy and three him off a veranda. I feel sort of guilty about that. Is it okay to harm your DCs? Its not like that Matrix is it?
Also, I noticed that most of the characters in the dreams are sleep walking or something. I wasn’t able to get any useful information out of them. Is that normal, for the DCs to be so pliant? Or does it help if I dream about people I know only?

:wave: hello KiwiDreamr, you are doing amazingly well :boogie:

:yes: yes, it’s ok to harm your DCs, especially if it isn’t premeditated :tongue:

some DCs seem to be more helpful, talkative than others. You may like to look at the testing the realness of DCs topic (link) … it is a discussion about how DCs have re-acted in LDs
I hope you enjoy your time spent at LD4all :happy:

Hey Lucid_Dreamer_Wannabe! Welcome to LD4all :happy:.

Haha, love those games so much.

And hey KiwiDreamr, you are doing really great!

Ha ha! Oh, I have got to try that some time (Note, do it with younger brother)

Thanks, greenelephants. :happy: I love them, too. :grin: :happy: They’re really fun games. :happy: Unfortunately, I haven’t had any chance to play them recently. coughschoolcough Bloody school. grumbles about school and having homework on the weekends Did you know that in Kingdom Hearts 2, if you hit Captain Hook with Fira in the battle, you can set his pants on fire? It’s hilarious. :happy:

Hah! Nice one. :happy: I love it! My brother is SO annoying! makes mental note to throw him off of the roof as soon as humanly, or inhumanly, possible (in a lucid dream, yet to happen since I didn’t wake up to my alarm for some reason [I normally do.])

Thanks for the idea. ;D, greenelephants and KiwiDreamr. Welcome to LD4all, KiwiDreamr! :smile: Hope you enjoy the site and LDs! You’re doing much better than me. :happy:

Well, I have homework to do. :sad: Bloody homework. I’ll probably be on, though. :open_mouth: :happy: :razz: :smile: :slight_smile:

Hey, Lucid Dreamer (hopefully soon) What happens when you dream of eating chocklate? Once - when I stopped smoking - I had an LD including smoking a cigarrette. I so enjoyed it and it felt very vivid. I didn’t go back to my addiction after the dream. But sad to say, one day I did go back. Hoping to stop some time soon. :cry:
the link (this is no open group, you have to apply for membership)

Dream high :cool:

And of course thanks and a big hello :gni: to all dreamers welcoming me and to all “newbies” a :welcome:

Hopefully. :smile: Thanks for the welcome. :smile: (I tried WBTB last night, but it didn’t work- I didn’t wake up. :smile:) I normally do wake up to my alarm. Hmm. Of course, I might ha- wait! My alarm sounds almost exactly like the fire alarm at school (unfortunately and most annoyingly), and in one of my two (amazingly enough, I actually remembered two- before I found this site, my dream recall was about one dream every six months!) dreams, I was at school and heard the fire alarm go off, chaos ensued, and the rest of my dream happened. Maybe that was it. Hmm. I’m not sure what would happen if I dream of eating chocolate. I would probably be super :hyper: in the morning. :happy: I literally bounce off the walls of my room! :happy: evil cackle ANYWAY (I tend to ramble. :happy: Heh.) Hmm. Ouch. :sad: I’ll be hoping you do, too. (I’m nice like that. :happy: ) I’ll check it out. :happy: Thanks for the link. Well, I’m supposed to be baking cookies for my baking business now. I’d best be off. :open_mouth: :happy: :razz: :smile: :slight_smile:

hi, im new to lucid dreaming (gasp, really?) and so im hoping on trying to achieve a lucid dream. any tips would be appreciated :shy:

:wave: hello Cedric_the_Lost :content:
welcome to LD4all
There are basic beginning tips on the lucid dreaming guide link on the main page of LD4all

Cookies, cookies, I want coooookies! :woo:

thanks! :smile: i read the guide but im still open for tips.

I’ve been posting on the Dutch LD4all forum, but I would like to read and post here too :smile:
My English is not so very good, so please correct the things I say wrong :content:


see, told you i’d see you here sooner or later :grin:

welcome to the other side :happy:



i mean…

:hugs: :grouphug:


Welcome Amber :grin:

We have a garden of creation here too, but it’s a lot busier and with a lot more work. :grin: (opposed to Fruits to lucidity which is more like the dutch garden, because it’s inspired by dreams)

I hope you like it here, and remember when I came here my English wasn’t that good either and here I am now, in the USA. What I try to say is, don’t worry about that ^^