well, now you have joined a lucid dreaming community, your interest in dreams should increase and so your recall will improve too
Plus you will find techs to boost your lucidity level and find topics to give you ideas of what to do when lucid
you could choose a quote from the hitchhiker’s guide for your LD4all signature
Hello every one, I´m new here And I´ve found this page some days ago and I thought this was very intressing. So my goal of this lucid dreaming stuff will be to learn WILD.
I want to appologize for my bad english (I´m from Sweden )
welcome to LD4all Nickvald
Good luck with WILD and remember it is more likely to be successful if combined with WBTB
You shouldn’t apologise for your english … I am always amazed at the high standard of english by non-native speakers on LD4all
I hope you soon feel at home here
Hi people!
Been lurking around a bit cause I could’nt get my activation email through my AOL address. Any how I started a dream journal in August 2006 as well as researching the various methods for LDing after I had a ND where I was a shark swimming around a tank through various hoops. (Had bodily and audible sensations such as water rushing through what would have been my gills).
I had my first documented LD in August 2007. Just under a year after I started researching it and the various methods for ataining lucidity. Right now I’m focusing more on increasing chances of lucidity.
hello apttennap, welcome to LD4all.
Now you have registered, quite a few new forums are now accessible so you have more topics to browse
I saw your topic (link)
Good luck with WILD
I also noticed you have had a LD already … we have a big My First LD Collection in the dream journal forum if you would like to share that very first LD with us
I’m Smoo. I’ve lurked on the site on and off for a long time. My interest in lucid dreaming is very strong, yet very cyclical; I’ve tried and only found tiny success before, but I’m taking a much stronger and more analytical approach this time. I also started my dream journal so that I could have a place to record my thoughts and progress and also hopefully have the encouragement of other members.
Hi guys, new here and this looks like the place us newbies post?!
ok well… I had never ever heard of lucid dreaming before, until i decided to try and work out what these weird dream-type things i was having. Basically what happened was I kept getting the feeling that I was drifting off to sleep but I still had awareness that I knew I was awake…every time it happened I would feel this whooshy-ness where I’d sort of feel myself sort of be pulled into this “whooshy” type thing and feel myself twirling around. All the time during this I sort of think to myself right thats me being pulled in to my dream. Although I never have really experienced an actual dream…its more once i’ve finished twirling I’m still in my bed but kind of feel as if I’m hovering over it in a weird sense. When the twirling stops there is always someone there and its always someone I know…either a best friend or someone i work with etc. One time the person was saying things to me but the words they were saying were like rushing around in the back of my mind really fast and really random things. I have no idea, now, what the words/phrases were but at the time it actually felt like i was hearing all of the thoughts in my mind…it was like all these voices of people i knew saying things but all at once really quickly…quite freaky actually! And i remember sort of thinking to myself that i was hearing the thoughts in my head. After reading the guide section on this website (v interesting i must say!) it sounds as if this is sort of like an out of body experience??
I have a few times tried to control who i see in front of me when the twirling and whooshing (!) ends but I don’t normally manage. Haven’t had one in a while though, it seemed to happen naturally for about a month but it stopped, so I might try and see if i can do it again myself this time. The only other thing is sometimes when I’m trying to fall asleep i have my eyes closed and concentrate on sort of the shapes and colours u see when your eyes are closed and i keep watching them and they eventually start moving and form shapes and its quite surprising that they turn into images which start moving. - i read something about this in the guide as well… I think its really cool to be reading the guide thing and realising that all this weird stuff has names and other people get it too…phew!!
well sorry if this is a looong post…but was just really interested in the site and wanted to share my experience.
hello abi welcome to the forum
when did you have the LD? quite recently?
“woke” up into another dream meaning a false awakening where you could remember the LD?
I’ve had a few LDs that ended and another dream began in which I was telling DCs about the lucid dream I had had