the BIG "Hi, I'm new here!" topic part 50

This is apparent. I don’t think anyone could find a friendlier forum. People don’t get cruelly shot down here.

Thanks for the welcome.

Welcome to everyone newer than myself.

Hello, just joined. I have had lucid dreams before and stumbled on this site in a topic talking about them in another forum.

:welcome: to LD4all Squeegy! If you need anything don’t hesitate to ask :smile:

Hello Squeegy. welcome to LD4all :wave:
By the way I just looked at your profile and by your date of birth you should be a Blue Magnetic Monkey (kin 131) :happy: and not the red dragon you selected :wink:

I hope you enjoy your time spent at LD4all :content:

hi there!

i just signed up to the forum, and am interested in lucid dreaming.

I decided it was about time to use the forum more seeing as ive been reading it without signing up, and it has been a great source of information and help for me :razz:

i still havnt had a lucid dream, but i have managed to improve dream recall from 0 to enough to keep a Dream journal (just about) so i guess thats an improvement?

and help or just a hello would be welcome :smile:

so hello to all!

Hello celain :wave:
Nice to have you in the forum, hope you like it (i know you will) and try not to get too addicted :tongue: (not that i am. I AM NOT AN ADDICT I TELL YOU!!! :nuu:)
Hehe as you will find people tend to be a little crazy here but you’ll get used to it (and soon join them :ebil: )

Dream recall is very important, so i believe you’re close to having your first LD. Don’t hesitate to PM me if you want to ask any questions or just chat :happy:

hi celain :cool: i hope you will come back in chat later, it was nice to talk to you. Good luck on your way to the first LD! Are you going to start a dream journal here at LD4all?

hello queen SD, and hello again siiw :smile:

its good to know i can ask questions if i want to, because believe me ive already asked siiw a fair few XD

and i hope so, but even if not im gnna just keep on truckin :razz:

so i guess i should say a lil about myself since all siiw knows is i want to LD…

well for a start i live in England, i can do tarot readings and i like bleach (the anime not the substance) [kinda hoping that wont make a difference in any way but its a few things]

those 3 things are a good start wouldnt you say? maybe not but who knows! i think i can confirm myself just as crazy as anyone else though if that helps ^^

as for a DJ, i might do once i start having a few more clearer dreams, and i might consider putting what ive recorded already, it cant exactly work against me i suppose?

Hi. I’m Angelmouse, I’ve been LDing for most of my life with varying degrees of control. I have some issues with recall in as much as it’s not very prolific but when I do remember then it is with total clarity. I can remember dreams from years ago in exceptional detail to the extent that when I bring them to mind then they’re like a memory; which I like. :cool:

I mostly deal in DILDs but I have been known to MILD and it’s very cool. I love that moment when you realise you’re in an LD. :smile: I’ve had 4 Out of Body Experiences and inumerable LD’s.

I’m currently taking more of an interest in Sleep paterns themselves and hope to soon partake in many interesting conversations regarding all levels of conciousness.

Thankyou for a fab and interesting site. :bow:

:welcome: Angelmouse! I know exactly what you mean when you say the few dreams you remember you have with perfect clarity. I even remember a lucid dream I had when I was just five years old! :cool:

That feeling you get when you realize you’re lucid is awesome. It’s like your whole mind has just filled with some sort of energy.

I look forward to having lots of interesting conversations with you! :grin:

Yeah, actually I wasn’t born on that day, mistake on my part. I checked up and changed my kin, but I had no idea what it was when I registered.

:happy: another UK invasion :smile:
:wave: hello celain and Angelmouse
welcome to LD4all :grouphug:

and now you are registered you can also read the dream diary forum and gathering too :happy: … so you have more things to read :yay:

that is all due to pasQuale :grin:
:peek: I hope you make a post in the 30 years or older topic :happy: (there is a link in my signature)

I hope you both enjoy your time on LD4all :grin:

@ Squeegy, I’m glad you have your kin sorted out now :thumbs:

Welcome Angelmouse to LD 4 All!

I have also felt the awesome feeling. It’s just brilliant! :happy:

I hope you have fun here on LD 4 All, and maybe share a dream or two by making a DJ. :happy:

Hi. Thanks guys for the welcome. :smile:

hi i’m new to this site so… :help: :cry: i’ve lucid dreamed before and unified china (that was so cool) anyway we’ll all be good freinds i’m sure! :grin:

Welcome evil shrimp. Well done on unifying China.

Hi Evil Shrimp

I’m sure you’ll be fine :wink:

hello evil shrimp and angelmouse :smile:

cheers it was pretty fun i sorta launched firew at them CHEERS FOTHE WELCOME EVERYONE.

:wave: hello evil shrimp, welcome to LD4all :grouphug:
it’s great you have had a LD before :yay: … if you remember the details of your first LD, we do have a sticky The BIG “My First LD” collection- Part IV
There is also the option of making your own dream journal in the dream journal forum :happy: