the BIG "Hi, I'm new here!" topic part 51

hey there DF :wave: :happy: hope you like it here … mmh , i always use FF’s pwn spellchecker …

Welcome ! hope you enjoy ld4all like everybody :happy: ld4all is the best place for your LD experiences! :happy:

Hey everyone, I’m new to the foums.
My real name is Ethan, you can call me that for short or by my user name (Ethanescence). I don’t mind either way. :happy:

I’ve been getting to know LD4all and I’m really liking the community here.
Everyone is extremely helpful and nice.

So thanks for welcoming me, and thanks again to everyone who’s been kind to me so far here. :smile:

Edit: By the way, I’m really interested in helping with some dreaming tests and the lab, so I’m going to try and see if I can help out with the testing in that part of the forum in the next couple of days.

:welcome: Ethan!
Good thing that you found a place where you want to be active in :happy:

:wave: hello Drug Freedom and Ethan, welcome to LD4all :grouphug:
Drug Freedom, I hope you take the time to post your previous successful LD in our “My First LD Collection” topic in the dream journal forum (link)

if your browser doesn’t have a spell checker, you could always compose any long posts in Word first in order to catch any spelling errors :content:
so don’t let the lack of a spell checker put you off posting :wink:

/me gives ethan a large piece of cheese :grin:
I’m glad the lab has gone more informal again :content: … so if you do come up with a good idea for an experiment it is now easier to commence the experiment :grin:

Hey. I’m brand new (new user smell and everything) 'round these parts. I’ve heard a lot about lucid dreaming, but only recently discovered it’s something that can be actively aimed at. I’ve never been lucid in a dream before, but this place seems to offer a lot of advice. This place seems mighty helpful.

Hmm, guess this is the place to say hi, what up everybody. I’m Stapps and come from another dreaming community (my own now, since it’s my forum) and I come looking for a place to hide essentially. I’m giving up the fight with that place, it’s just tearing me apart. So alas here I grace this place, hope to get to know you all. If you’re curious about me, wanna know anything, send me a PM, I’ll answer anything within reason.

Hi Everybody! :wave:

Nice to meet you all and I hope you enjoy yourselves on this, the greatest LD site of our time!

The Playground is fun if you have one of those quirky sense of humours that i’ve heard so much about. Otherwise there are really very interesting topics to be had and experiments to run. I can honestly say that I think there is something for everyone.

I’m Angelmouse, you’ll see me about here and there sticking my nose in,passing the odd comment. Feel free to say ‘HI’ :colgate:

Welcome! I’m pretty new, too. :smile: I’ve only had a couple LDs since I joined, but it’s definitely been helpful in controlling them better. I used to always freak out and try to escape form my dream once I realized I was dreaming, and I haven’t freaked out once!

:welcome: hello omnifreak and Stapps, welcome to LD4all :grouphug:

:smile: just choose the technique that seems to suit you and sooner or later you will have had your first LD :yay:
Have a look in our knowledgebase, there is a choosing your technique topic and a topic that lists and gives links to all known techniques :happy:
Keeping a dream journal really helps you to spot your dream themes, so i hope you decide to start an online one in our DJ forum :thumbs:

Stapps, I hope you enjoy being a LD4all member.

It is always a difficult decision to know when to walk away. :hugs: But eventually it will feel like a weight has fell from your shoulders :content:

Thank you Moogle I appreciate the kindness, it means a lot

:welcome: Stapps!
What was the forum did you came from?

Hi all :smile:

I’m new to both lucid dreaming and, but i really like it. I’m currently trying to remembering my dreams more clearly, as i think that might be a good idea if i want to have a LD sometime :wink:

Great page and forums btw, love all the FAQ’s and the info.


Hi everyone! I’m new here and very interested in Lucid Dreaming. I’ve had only one lucid dream where I was barely lucid, but I’m sure I’ll have more! :tongue:

:welcome: hello Rocka and Ghost_Zero, I’m sure you will both enjoy being members here :grin:
I hope you both decide to start a dream journal in our dream journal forum :content: since keeping a DJ is a good aid to improve dream recall and spot your common dream themes
We also have a sticky topic which is a compilation of just first LDs
The BIG “My First LD” collection- Part IV which is inspiring reading for people just setting out on their LDing quest :grin:
Don’t forget to use our search button before posting a new topic, since the answer to your question may already be somewhere on the forum :wink:
So just make yourself at home and have fun browsing and posting :user: :thumbs:

:welcome: Rocka and Ghost_Zero!
I hope you enjoy your stay :smile:


I’m bobulator

I found out about LD s on Wikibooks and I read through the book and it seemed rather interesting. I’d like to be able to LD so that I can do the things that are impossible in real life. I’ve been recording my dreams in my Journal but am yet to have an LD. I was quite suprised when 2 days ago, I had two dreams in 1 night.


:wave: hello bobulator welcome to LD4all :smile:

it’s really good when you have lucid powers. One of the first things a lot of dreamers do is to fly in the dream :happy: it’s an incredible feeling since the dream world feels so real and solid but you know it’s a dream :content:

Be patient and you will become lucid soon enough :thumbs: When I first started keeping a DJ, i used to keep a record of the nights I recalled any dreams and how many I remembered. It was very motivating to see the no recall nights disappear and the number of dreams recalled go up :happy:

:welcome: Hi Rocka,Ghost_Zero, and bobulator! I hope you enjoy the site and get a lot out of it. :content:

The introductions continue in the BIG “Hi, I’m new here!” topic part 52 :moogle: