the BIG "Hi, I'm new here!" topic part 51

:welcome: Stapps!
What was the forum did you came from?

Hi all :smile:

I’m new to both lucid dreaming and, but i really like it. I’m currently trying to remembering my dreams more clearly, as i think that might be a good idea if i want to have a LD sometime :wink:

Great page and forums btw, love all the FAQ’s and the info.


Hi everyone! I’m new here and very interested in Lucid Dreaming. I’ve had only one lucid dream where I was barely lucid, but I’m sure I’ll have more! :tongue:

:welcome: hello Rocka and Ghost_Zero, I’m sure you will both enjoy being members here :grin:
I hope you both decide to start a dream journal in our dream journal forum :content: since keeping a DJ is a good aid to improve dream recall and spot your common dream themes
We also have a sticky topic which is a compilation of just first LDs
The BIG “My First LD” collection- Part IV which is inspiring reading for people just setting out on their LDing quest :grin:
Don’t forget to use our search button before posting a new topic, since the answer to your question may already be somewhere on the forum :wink:
So just make yourself at home and have fun browsing and posting :user: :thumbs:

:welcome: Rocka and Ghost_Zero!
I hope you enjoy your stay :smile:


I’m bobulator

I found out about LD s on Wikibooks and I read through the book and it seemed rather interesting. I’d like to be able to LD so that I can do the things that are impossible in real life. I’ve been recording my dreams in my Journal but am yet to have an LD. I was quite suprised when 2 days ago, I had two dreams in 1 night.


:wave: hello bobulator welcome to LD4all :smile:

it’s really good when you have lucid powers. One of the first things a lot of dreamers do is to fly in the dream :happy: it’s an incredible feeling since the dream world feels so real and solid but you know it’s a dream :content:

Be patient and you will become lucid soon enough :thumbs: When I first started keeping a DJ, i used to keep a record of the nights I recalled any dreams and how many I remembered. It was very motivating to see the no recall nights disappear and the number of dreams recalled go up :happy:

:welcome: Hi Rocka,Ghost_Zero, and bobulator! I hope you enjoy the site and get a lot out of it. :content:

The introductions continue in the BIG “Hi, I’m new here!” topic part 52 :moogle: