the BIG "Hi, I'm new here!" topic part 51

Hi everyone! I just joined a few minutes ago after deciding that I want to be a part of this great community.

My quest for Lucid Dreams began three days ago. I read everything in the guide two days ago and it’s really fascinating. I’ve started writing in my dream journal and I’ve had seven dreams in just three days! None of them where LD’s though :sad:

If you wish to know more about me, send a PM!

:wave: hello Revolve :happy: welcome to the forum

it’s early days yet and you are improving your recall with the DJ, so when you do become lucid it will be easier to remember it vividly :smile:
We have a DJ forum if you would like to share your dreams (and future LDs) with us :happy:

I hope you enjoy being a part of the LD4all community :grouphug:

:welcome: Revolve!

It’s good that you’re already starting a DJ and it looks like you have great recall already!

Hi everyone! I found out about lucid dreaming a few years ago and briefly tried learning how to do it (had a little progress, but lost the inclination). I’ve just rediscovered all this info, so to speak, and am back to keeping dream journals, looking at my watch twice etc etc :wink:

Thought it might keep my interest up if I started posting about it here…

:welcome: Schrecklichkeit!
Good thing that you came back to LD and found us.

Welcome, sounds like the exact terms that i joined this site heh, well good luck finding the info you need. :content:

:welcome: hello Schrecklichkeit welcome to LD4all :grouphug:
:yes: being an active member will help to keep you motivated since then you aren’t just ‘doing it alone’
I recommend you take a look in the lucid adventures forum, the Do You Have the Most Interesting LD? topic for great LD accounts and Smoo’s DJ if you need any inspiration :grin:

Good luck this time around :thumbs:

Thanks, there’s some downright hilarious stuff there :lol: - but at the same time a lot of inspiration… :wink:

Hi Schrecklichkeit WELCOME!

Hiya everyone. ^^ Nami here.
I haven’t had a lucid dream, but it sounds interesting. When I’m dreaming, though, it /always/ feels like I know it’s a dream. Mainly because it’s never from my perspective. :razz: I’ve been watching too much TV. Sometimes my dreams are even animated. :confused: Maybe I’ll just think ‘why am I watching these random people’ and float my omniscient perspective somewhere else. x]
Anywho, right now I’m improving my recall. :happy: I read everything yesterday and remembered /two/ dreams. ^
^ Which is really good for me. I’ll start a dream journal eventually. Even if I don’t have any LDs I’ll be happy with having perfect recall sometime in the future (if that’s even possible).

:welcome: Nami! :happy:
Good job on getting your dream recall up! Go ahead and start making a DJ here!

:wave: Hey Nami!

I hope you have fun on your quest for lucidity. If you need help, feel free to ask anybody :smile:

:wave: hello NamiWaters, welcome to the forum :grin:

:lol: somehow I don’t think it will take you long to experience a lucid dream :content:

why wait? :happy: starting a DJ now could motivate you with keeping up your recall… and if you make an online one in our DJ forum, you would also get some feedback and comments :user:
I hope you enjoy being a part of the LD4all dreaming community :grouphug:

Just a quick note to say hello to all

Have had some LD’s and good dream “vibrations” in the past and am seeking more :wink:
My intuition says to come here now and to explore :angel_fly:

Its a great day today to say hello and spread good vibes

Blue Planetary Night

I perfect in order to dream,
Producing intuition.
I seal the input of abundance
With the planetary tone of manifestation.
I am guided by the power of magic.

:happy: so you are into the dreamspell
:wave: hello 96 I hope you spread a few vibes in our are you 30 years or older topic :wink: (the link is in my signature)
There is a guided tour topic in the knowledge base forum which is a good way of finding your way around the sub forums etc :content:
I look forward to reading your future posts :happy:

:welcome: 96!
Explore everywhere yes!

Hi, I’m a lucid dreamer since I remember but I just discovered the studies and tecniques and discussions about it… I’m here to learn more and improve my “natural abilities” :grin:
Sorry for my english, but I’m italian and I’m trying to do my best!!
See ya around! :content:

/me finds an italian flag hello MilenaOne, welcome to LD4all :happy:

I would suggest browsing the pathways forum and checking Links and short descriptions to all new and known techniques
It’s good to have you with us and I hope you enjoy your time on the forum :happy:

:welcome: MilenaOne!
I hope you have a good stay here. Cool that your from Italy. :smile:

Hi MilenaOne!! welcome to the forum, your english is good :happy:, and you came to the right place to learn more, and to have fun :happy: