the BIG "Hi, I'm new here!" topic part 52

Hey, Neptune! :wink:

Congrats on the LD’s. The more you practice the better they get! :grin:
It’s great to have a friend interested. You can motivate each other. I’d be a very happy guy if I could talk about dreams all day long. :shy:

See you around.

Hello! I go by many names, but I decided signing up here that I’ll use my favorite - I’m not telling. :tongue:
I got into learning how to lucid dream a few days ago, and I’m planning to use the experience to help with my Final Project in school. Basically, we get to pick whatever topic we like and research it, before we create our final art piece on or inspired by it. I’ve probably bitten off more than I can chew with researching the connections between Sleep/Dreams/Hallucinations (and lucid dreaming), but I’ve had enough sucess so far that I’m not willing to drop something I think is that interesting. :wink:

I’ve experiened a few pre-lucid dream states before, ranging from a very clear segment from a dream when I was little where I knew that “something isn’t right”, to an odd case of sleep paralysis and interacting with hypnogogic imagery last year, while taking a nap in a car. I’ve also had a certain degree of sucess with WILD so far, but I haven’t experienced a lucid dream as of yet.

I hope my entire experience here will be fruitful, and I also hope that I don’t manage to say something not-quite-so-smart here (I’m prone to doing that on foums, no matter how hard I try).

Love and cookies!

welcome, i’m not telling! Be aware that you will soon be known as INT around here :wink:

final art piece, that sounds so interesting, I hope you will post it in the fruits of lucidity forum (since it will be inspired by dreams :grin: ) Good luck with your project! Have you already tried to summon the way your project should look like in a dream? That’s a very effective way :grin: (if you didn’t know, LD4all started out as a school project too, and I dreamed up the design).

Looking forward to learning more about you, even if you aren’t telling :tongue:

hey everyone, I’m new here. I’ve had two lucid dreams that I can remember and I’m looking to start experiencing them more regularly.

:welcome: I’m not telling & rick!

I also did an experiment the beginning of this month for our final biology project. Let’s hope you stay here other than just to experiment :wink:

:welcome: hello Neptune, I’m not telling and rick :grin: I’m sure you will all enjoy yourselves here

That’s a brilliant start :yay: will you be posting them in our DJ forum?

I’m glad you used the word yet and not just “I can’t make things transform” :thumbs: since with a bit of practice you will be able to do it :happy:
Has your friend joined too? or was he already a member?

:smile: it’s better to do something interesting than something easier but not as much fun

I wouldn’t worry about that, we are a friendly community and don’t bite new people :tongue:

I hope you share your 2 lucid dreams with us … either in a DJ in the DJ forum or our big My First LD Collection topic which is a sticky topic at the top of the DJ forum :content:

/me wishes you all good luck in your lucid quests :dream:

Hi, my name is Deimos, and I’m addicted to cybernetics (aka, the study of systems and how they work). That’s why I’m interested in lucid dreaming now - I want to learn more about the systems that relate to dreaming.

(The handy side effect of being able to control one’s dream also helped in motivating me to join this forums, of course. :grin:

I’ve had two vaguely lucid dreams - one when I was still young (the result wasn’t very successful, but was very amusing) and one a couple of weeks ago (a weird subconscious kind of control over a dream).

I’m starting at the beginning of learning lucidity, though, so I’m going to start a DJ tonight. (Thank goodness my semi-LDs were so memorable!) Wish me luck.

:wave: hello Deimos Braun welcome to the forum :content:
good luck :happy:
if you start your DJ before you go to bed with your previous LDs it could help to get your mind focused on LDing :content:

Thanks for the tip. I’d read ld4all before I go to sleep, but computers/TV before bed really get my mind tensed up. :razz:

Hello! I know some of you from Sea Life… for those that I don’t, nice to meet you! I created this ID on LD4all, and I think it’s about time I start using it.

Dreams, to me, can be as real or even more real than physical reality. Without active involvement with my dreams I would be incomplete… and my waking life would likely be more chaotic!

Well, here’s my new journal:


at last I can give you an official welcome to LD4all :welcome: :smile:

:welcome: to LD4all Deimos & staroflife!!!

Thanks moogle and Miles! :wave:

It is nice to see moogle’s smilies again. :colgate:

welcome back staroflife … , yup moogles smilie usage skillz are exeptional :yes:

hello deimos , hope you like it here :smile:

Hey there… thought it would be good to post something in here to get started in this community.
So… should I introduce myself… I heard about LD about 1 month ago, and it fascinated me from the very first second… As you might think, I’m still tryin to get my first lucid dreams… I guess it some sort of pre-lucid dreams… But i’m still far away from gettin familiar with it… atm im still enjoing my normal dreams as well ^^
So, Im looking forward to share my experiences with you guys, and thank you for that sweet forum…

btw now I’m going to sleep ^^ baibai

:welcome: Jables!
Good thing that your fascinated by it and hopefully you’ll learn some new things on this website :wink:

Hello, I have been some months away but I’m still here.
I would like to welcome the new members as well, I believe they won’t regret getting in such a nice community.

:toilet: “Hey!”

:welcome: wake Up and Tggtt!

Hey Miles, thanks for the welcome! This forum looks very exciting! I’m glad I popped out of the toilet xD actually it’s a huge relief to find a forum that doesn’t show the time of the post in the preview window, because I tend to get very superstitious about that sort of thing!! :happy: