the BIG "Hi, I'm new here!" topic part 60

Lol, you just made me so excited. Well, i will try not to try to much :happy:
Also, thanks for the welcome. I’ve also made my own theory to get into LD. Well, it’s based on Reality check. Also, can’t wait for tonight to test it out.

hiya, i’m new in this forum and you can call me tic (shorter than tictactictac^^). i am from austria and started to lucid dream about 9 (? not so sure) months ago. m also active in the german “” with the same name and thought it would be interesting to see how people in a rest-of-the-world-forum handle this topic. and i like it. hope for a lot of fun and interesting discussions in here^^ and sry for my miserable english, can not better. :tongue:
ld, tic

Welcome tic! Hope you’ll enjoy your stay here aswell ^^
Also, your english is just fine, don’t worry :smile:

:welcome: low and tic :happy:

Tic, its just to begin reading existing threads, then youll see how we handle this subject :biggrin:

Haha, I live in the country beside norway :razz:

Good luck with LD’s both :yay:

big hello to everyone here. ive just joined 3 days ago but have been researching LD’s for almost 2-3 years now.(mostly on this site :smile: ).

Welcome am_i_dreaming! We’ll be eager to see the results of you researches ^^ And hope you like the community too :smile:

Hello to everyone here :grouphug:
My goodness you have such fantastic smilies on here :cheer:

I came across this forum a few days ago (I was prompted by a mention in Robert Waggoner’s recent book) having recently renewed my quest for lucid dreams.
So far I’ve only managed a minute or so of lucidity in the dream state, I’m envious of all you who regularly experience this and intend you join you as soon as I can.

Welcome lunar6! Congratulation on the positive attitude ^^ I won’t be surprised if you get long LD’s in no time! ;D
If you like books on LD’ing, I would suggest EWLD too, by Laberge. Great stuff aswell :wink:

thanks Tosxychor, I’ve read most of Laberge, and just about everything I can lay my hands on with anything to do with LD, maybe I’d be better off taking a more nonchalant attitiude, lol

Hi everyone, I’m new as well - I’ve been doing a lot of reading on this forum and over at lucidipedia- I didn’t even know there was a term for lucid dreaming until this week when it was introduced on another forum I’m on.

It’s something I used to do rarely when I was younger, and I’d say every year or two I have a low level lucid dream. I’m amazed that since I started journaling a few days back just how much more I remember! Before I started journaling I’d say I used to remember parts of a dream every week or two. Then on Monday I went to bed and said “When I dream, I will remember my dream.” I remembered 5 dreams (wrote notes when I woke up from each one). It’s kind of rough waking up after every dream, but I’m trying to cultivate my lucid ability that I know is just dormant.

I’ve been reading a lot of journals- fantastic stuff!

Welcome captal, and gald you’re liking our community ^^
Be sure to take a look at the Knowledge Base and the BIG stickied topics to get started :smile:

Hi. I’m new to the forum. I found out about lucid dreaming about 5 or 6 months ago,although I have had lucid dreams before educating myself on the subject. In total, I’ve had about 90 lucid dreams.I love lucid dreams and I think they’re a great way to face your greatest fears, be creative, get inspiration from, discover new things about yourself, etc. I wish that all of my dreams were lucid. On the other hands, having non-lucid dreams keeps me driven to attain lucidity. The technique that works best for me is DILD. I really wish I could WILD more, I’ve only had five. I guess part of the reason has to do with my laziness. I also keep a dream journal beside my bed and on my computer. I’m trying to improve my dream recall. I’m pretty good at remembering who were in my dreams, the emotions I felt in my dreams, and the gist of what events took place. However, there’s always room for improvement. I also want to be able to recall dialog better. Usually if a conversation stands out I’ll remember most of it, but not always. My problem with recall is mainly due to my laziness as well. I’m trying to fix that though. I’ve started to write more of my dreams down and stop procrastinating. Anyways, I found this site through another Lucid dreaming website. I liked all the great information you guys have especially the, “BIG How to stay lucid,” type threads. By the way, the layout of the site is really beautiful. :smile:

Hi Ch3rry, :wave:

You seem to be pretty good at LD’ing :smile: and I hope you learn a lot more here and get even better! This forum has really helped me keep motivated to always improve my LD skills.

Welcome Ch3rry! I’m lad you found our site useful already ^^
My guess about dialog recall is, try to practice IRL. As dreams can be used for getting better IWL, the same could be said for the vice versa. Try to remember random conversations you just had, find ways to get better at it, you’ll be able to in no time ;D

Hello everyone! :smile:
I recently have become interested in lucid dreaming! I just think it might be really cool to get some advice and stuff from other people who might actually know what they’re doing :content:
Thanks! and i look forward to becoming a better dreamer and helping others along the way if i can!

Thank you for the warm welcome. :happy: I’m sure this website will help me become better at lucid dreaming and fill me with much more knowledge. I’d also like to thank
Tosxychor for the advice on recalling dialog in my dreams. I’ve never thought to go about it that way.I think this will trying to remember conversation throughout the day will be a great help for me. :thumbs:

Welcome Strawberry Milkshake! :wave:
Don’t forget to look at the Site guide by Q, Knowledge base and the BIG stickied topics, we already have collected lots of info ^^
And good luck with becoming an experienced dreamer! :happy:

Hey I’m new here, was hovering around the forum before but only just registered. I first found out about LDs almost 10 years ago-it took me a good two years at least to have even a hint of a lucid though! Amazingly (for me) I persevered and now enjoy a couple of lucids a week although seem to be going through a bit of a dry patch at the moment! Anyway just thought I’d say “hi”. I love lucid dreaming but am also interested in OBE’s and Astral Projection and all that good stuff and this looks like a great site to learn a bit more about them all!

I am new as well. Me and my closer friends have a profound interest in Lucid Dreaming. We thought we should sometime participate on the forum, eventually help as subjects with the experiments. We also do our own lucidity-related experiments, and keep written record of lucidity-levels in our lives and try to figure out the hidden connections.
I am happy there is such an online community as this, but I do not believe I will be posting more than once per week, since I am too busy. (It is quite a challenge for me to reach lucidity while being an averagely sleep-deprived student.) Hopefully, through this forum we will be able to contribute to each others progress!
Anyways, your articles are a big help for those who don’t wish to read dozens of e-books :smile:. I really appreciate the work you guys do here.

Welcome jules2009 and ambrosivs! ^^ So many new members this month, it’s wonderful :happy:

jules2009, hope you will enjoy all the material and discussion we have in the “Beyond dreaming” section, there is quite some active discussion about OBE’s and AP’s there! And stay cool about the dryspell, that’s one of the ways to get back to LD’ing again :wink:

ambrosivs, paticipating in the experiments as a group sounds like a wonderful idea! ^^ and great job with keeping a LD’ing group stable and active :smile: