the BIG "Hi, I'm new here!" topic, part 69

I have had one lucid dream since I have tried to do it, and I would like to have more and share my stories with you. This seems like a great community with one topic everyone can talk about freely.

I joined this site a week or so ago, and was very pleased to find it. I am 61, and have been fascinated by dreams and dreaming all through my life. I’ve had few lucid dreams throughout my life, but those I have had have been riveting. I want to learn to induce lucid dreaming at will, and see joining this website as a step in that direction. I’m fascinated by the light that lucid dreaming throws on so-called reality; agree with the Gurdjieffian idea that we spend most of our “waking” time in daydreams etc, and that we need to wake up; also of course with the anecdote about Chuang-Tzu - was he a man who had awoken from a dream that he was a butterfly, or was he a butterfly now dreaming that he was a man.

Best wishes,


Hey, welcome to the forum, I hope you enjoy :smile:

By the way, there is a topic for introductions ( ), but a mod will merge it, no worries.

Welcome :music:

Hey everyone! I just joined today; I’m from the UK and watched the film Waking Life a couple of months ago and since then I have been interested in dreaming. I never had a LD or even a mild sense/feeling I might be in a dream until last night/earlier today where it happened three times! :cool: Was pretty funny I had wanted one my whole life and then three come along in one day.

Anyways I posted my DJ up and plan on continuing with it too

Hello. I joined a few days ago. When I was in my teens, I had a natural lucid dream before I knew what they were. It was really fun, but I never knew how to have another one. I thought it was just a fluke. Quite a few years later, though, in college, a girl in my speech class spoke about dreams and mentioned Lucid Dreaming. That’s when I finally put a name to it. Since then, I have done some research on LD, but never really tried to continue attempting it. Then a couple months ago, I saw the Remee on kickstarter, and found links to different LD websites that eventually led me here. I have been having Lucid Dreams ever since. My goal is to learn to induce lucid dreams at will.

I had my first ever lucid dream 2 nights ago…and I want to gain as much knowledge as I can about this topic. I started the search with google and stumbled upon a few sites like the wiki article lucid dream and lucid dreaming mask removed the link to vendor but I want to know where I will find the most relevant research and answers…is my best bet just to wonder these forums and learn fro real experiences? I want to lucid dream every night from now until the day I die, I swear LOL

Welcome to LD4all. I would recommend our FAQs and Tutorials and Article space

Hi all! I joined a few days ago, after having my first fully lucid dream :slight_smile: I had been trying for a few months with just reality checks but it didn’t work until I found the “sporadic awareness technique” on dreamview, which only took about a week! :happy: in the few days since then it feels like I’ve opened the floodgates, so to speak. I’m much more aware in my dreams though not fully lucid, and they are more vivid, while they were usually dim visually before. In fact I just woke up from a dream with far away friends all in my backyard. I ended up saying it wasn’t real, thanked them for coming, and left through a door in a tree, and woke up in my bed. Fun :content: I did a reality check don’t worry haha

I’m looking forward to learning a lot more about dreams, my own mind, and the community. And lengthening and stabilizing my dreams more! I’m so excited to finally be a lucid dreamer!!

Hi guys, I just started here, My dad was the first person to tell me about lucid dreaming a few days ago, and I have been finding out about it ever since.

I am not allowed to wake up during nights, as I can’t get back to sleep after that, but other then that I can do whatever about lucid dreaming (oh, also I can’t spend money on it)

I hope I have a good time here, and end up on the right track to lucid dreaming.

I’m new to the forums. My name is Christy and I like dreams so I thought I’d come to the forum and I used to be a member here before, but it was along time ago. I didn’t know how to log in becuase I had a username but didn’t remember it and you had to know bolth in order to get your password. I only knew my email becuase I always use it for everything. SO I hope you don’t mind that I got a new email and signed up with that so I can talk on the forums. Iam going to try to be here alot, but if I’m not I’m usually buissy doing something else. I wanted to join becuase I wanted to get back into fallowing one of my dreams. being Lucid again like everyone else. ANd I’m wanting to know more about dreams and dreaming. I’m going to get a tape recorder tomorrow so I can start recording my dreams, but tonight I’m using a notepad. Anyways, I have to go, I’m going to bed and hope everyone has a good day and or good night wherever you are from.

Hello I am Clay.

I am new to the whole lucid dream thing, the day before yesterday I stumbled upon some lucid dream stuff online. After the discovery of this my only goal has been to LD and ask myself soooooo many questions, maybe talk to a long lost Best friend. I have tried the WILD thing and nearly got sleep paralysis beyond my legs, so I feel that tomorrow morning will be a success(ps. I wake up at midnight/one so its really dark)

Hello SleepParalysis! I am pretty new here, as well. I congratulate on your advancement this far! I have just barely started to remember dreams! I wish you luck on your quest to lucidity!

I’m new again. I came here before, but I don’t remember what my username is so I got a new email and signed up with a differant account name. I’m nea again. I don’t know how active this place is, but I think it will help me learn about LD’s and dreaming. I used to meditate and then write my dreams down the next day. Now I have a tap recorder and I record my dreams in a tape recorder. thanks for reading. see ya later.

Hi there :smile: My name is Taryn (tear-in), I’m 16 years old and I’m…ehh…semi-new to Lucid Dreaming. I was really into it a few years ago, but after a few months life got too busy to focus on it. Well, its summer, so here I am again :smile: Any tips and tricks are much appreciated. I’ve just bought a new dream journal, so I’m really excited for this! Hmm…a few things about me, I love chemisty, musical theatre, and the movie Brave. My favorite thing about myself is my wild and crazy hair, and I am constantly re-reading the entire Harry Potter series. That’s me in a nutshell guys. Well, sweetdreams !

My name is Chris im 39 and from the UK.

I have been having LD’s for as long as I can remember, but have started to have more and more over the last 2 years, currently im having 1 maybe 2 a week. I am self taught, and have done all the normal stuff - as in sex and flying!

What brought me to this forum is that I also have PTSD (have posted about this within the forum) and im using LD to help me combat the PTSD. I am also interested in how I could possibely use LD’s to help others with PTSD as while not a “cure” would help people I belive.

Any questions just ask?

thanks for the welcome. :smile:


I’m pretty new to the forums. I signed in long ago and was previously on the french ld4all forum (not very active, though). I don’t post often but enjoy reading the topics…

I like to LD but truth is that normal dreams are enough for me, as long as I get creative ones. I use them to create my stories and managed to have one entirely based on six or seven dreams I recalled…It isn’t finished (and it’s in french soorry :sad: but the scenario is complete and all I have to do is finish typing the manuscript…
I have been writing a journal for two years and a half now and recorded 3661 dreams the last time I had count (when the next notebook will be full I will probably have around 4000).
I won’t be here often during the summer (no internet connection where I go) but I’ll try to LD a little and be around here until july…

Sorry for bad english sometimes. I don’t suck at it but I’m too lazy to correct when it’s not for school…

Hello all!

I had my second lucid dream over the weekend (after two months of trying for #2.) I had a fantastic time performing reality checks, seeing how strange yet vivid my hands looked and confirming that lucid dreams really are incredibly high-def.

Both of my lucid dreams have been fantastic experiences. I’m eager to learn more about the art of lucid dreaming and (hopefully) grow better at this day by day. I’m very happy to have found this excellent community!

Good luck (and pleasant dreams) to all. :smile:

Thanks for the welcomes. I feel very welcomed here. :smile: