the BIG "Hi, I'm new here!" topic, part 74

New too, hey :smile:

Hi and welcome! :welcome:

Hello all,

I am new to this forum and new to the world of Lucid dreaming!(sort of). I have been posting for a couple of days in the dream journal (Dream Daniel Dream) as I am focusing on building up my memory recall.

As a kid I remember having lucid dreams and how incredible and often they happened. As an adult, with a head full of stuff (read junk), I find it a lot harder to tap into my dream world, which is why I am here. Did some research and found this awesome forum with a long of history.



A lot of children seem to learn to naturally lucid dream due to nightmares. Was this the case for you?

Keeping a DJ really helps dream recall. :content:

Hello everyone :cheer:

since i can remember i have always had vivid dreams, but in my child hood i dont believe i got them very often, not that i can remember atleast. The reason i wanna learn this incredible skill is that the thought of having a whole world for myself sounds amazing. Now i have had a few lucid dreams, or what i presume was lucid dreams, around 7-8 at this time, and so i no longer have a doubt that this amazing thing is too good to be true, and i am eager to learn it

i cant wait to get to know you all

Welcome to ld4all Matildus.

You can already lucid dream :thumbs: now it’s just a matter of increasing the frequency and experimenting within the LD :content:

Hi, I’m Moxie! I’m here on a quest to find someone I’ve met in the dreamscape whom I believe to be real. Also I’m here to hopefully increase my lucidity and amount of lucid dreams I have. I have had an insane increase in lucid dreams since the beginning of this year, but just can’t get enough of them, and now that I’ve had a nice taste, I’m ready to excel and master them ( :

Hey Moxie, Welcome!
Could you share the dream in which you met this person? I know I have directed a few folks in the dreamscape to LD4all but never saw them turn up :wink:
So if you could describe your encounter others may recognize something from their dream :smile: or do it thriugh a third impartial person to share details, in case you want to be sure noone is making it up.

Well, it would certainly take a very long time for me to share all of those dreams, as I think I’m approaching about 100 at this point.

I will definitely post the initial dream and the most recent dream, and a few more extra important dreams in between that involve them.

Also, I’m not sure what you mean by third impartial person? As in, write in a tone/way as if I was neither of the dream characters/dreamers and be an omnipotent narrator instead?

Oh wow, so many dreams with this person? Now I’m even more intrigued!

With third person I mean someone you know and trust, who you can share your dreams with, and it someone claims that they are that person from your dream, they would first send details to the trusted person. In that way you can have more certainty someone isn’t making it up/you have more proof.

The person in the dreams is apparently a man Qu.

… though I did think you were male when I first joined :spinning:

Welcome to the forum Moxieofthemoon

Yeah, it’s a pretty strange, and rather rare collection of dreams I suppose. Can’t say I’ve ever dreamt of another [supposed] dream character like this, nor have I heard of others experiencing this, either.

&Gotcha. I have shared a little bit of info with two people, just so they have a general idea of what the person is like and what to look for if they notice anything.
I also have some other ways of making sure the person isn’t making it up. There are things only I know about this person, so I suppose I would ask that person questions only said dream character would know, as there are many things I could ask in that regard.
Also, I think sending a simple picture of themselves would automatically convince me, if indeed it was them (of course, if they were comfortable with sending a photo, in exchange for my own).

They are indeed about a man. I think at least that much could be given away so there’s some kind of narrowed audience.

&lol, I do tend to give off a masculine vibe, kinda always have. No worries! &Thank you( :

39 posts were split to a new topic: The BIG "Hi, I’m new here topic part 75