The Big "Hi, I'm New Here!" Topic - Part XXV

:wave: hello odmo
/me thinks it’s time for a group hug :hug: :grouphug:

welcome to the friendliest forum in the world :smile:

“Hi, I’m new here!”
Yeah, what that says. (took a while to register when I realized I pressed the under 13 button >.< [and I am 13!])

Anyways, through surfing through Wikipedia, I came upon the Old Hag Syndrome (which I experienced before with some laughing cartoon characters and a lot of big, red dots), which lead to Lucid Dreaming, which just happens to be what I was trying to do for at least a year. I found an external link to here and decided to join in the dreamers. And besides the fact that lucid dreaming is fun, I was wanting to get it to help me with my fantasy story. I find all these ways to lucid dreaming interesting, but I’m just worried about that one, nightmare. If I didn’t have teratophobia (fear of deformed people), or having my school to have handicaps, all my dreams would be ok! I always seem to have a dream with a deformed guy in it, except me not being to scared.

But besides the nightmare, my dream seems to be like watching a movie. I am the star of the movie, but I am watching the movie I was starring in. That means I am watching that dream (in any point of view), but can’t change it in any way.

Now about me: Well, I can be wierd at some times. I am in the best class in the school. I am a fan of Ragnarok Online. I like to do graphic, flash, sound, and HTML editing. I am making a story good enough to be an RP/RPG.

Wow, I write a lot o.o;;

:welcome: hello Raigeki
welcome to the LD4all forum. In addition to all the information and help on LDing, we also have the playground, gathering and garden of creation forums to get to know each other amongst others. :happy:

I hope you enjoy being a member of the forum :boogie:

Welcome, Raigeki!

Funny thing—I also found LD4All (the first time) through Wikipedia.

The watching the dream as if it is a movie thing is called Disembodied Observer. You should be able to control the dream nonetheless once you become lucid… Also, I don’t think it’s normal ONLY to have disembodied dreams, are you sure you never dream in first–person?

I hope you enjoy the forum!


Hi, I’m also new here.
Well actually I’m a new member but I’ve been reading the forum for about a week now so I’m pretty familiar with everything. After reading so many topics I finnaly decided I had to join, so… here I am!

I’m enjoying the friendly tone here. Also I appreciate how the topics are organized and grouped.

I had a few spontaneous lucid dreams over the years, then last November I went to a workshop on lucid dreaming on the beautiful Big Island in Hawaii.

Since then I’ve had a few LDs using WBTB and MILD. I hope participating on this Forum will increase the number of LDs I have and give me new ideas to explore.

I think we are always dreaming, and I want to Awaken. LD is good practice :smile:

:wave: hello TraumMann and Asclepius :grin:
TraumMann now you have registered, some more forums have been opened upto you. So you have more areas to explore and topics to read :boogie:
Asclepius, I’m sure becoming a member will help you increase your LDing frequency :yes:
I look forward to reading all your future posts :cheer:

Hi! I’m new here…

A time ago I heard about LD and I was wondering what it was, so I read a little about it and for a few weeks ago I dreamed a LD (I think) so a started to google a little and I found this place…

Know I’am going to try learning dream it by myself, I hope I can get a little help here…

// Zpeppy

Welcome, Zpeppy!

It would be nice if you started a Dream Journal, or posted your first LD in the “My First LD” thread (both to be found in the Dream Diary subforum)!

If you need any help, the “First Steps” and “Quest for Lucidity” forums have plenty of useful information. Send me a PM if you need any help ^^


Hi, I’m new here. i heard the topic as I researched dreaming and got interested in it, and now I love it lol. I study and experiment about it alot, so at school, my pals call me the “Lucid Dreaming Scientist” I love talking about my studies to others when they want to hear it, and enjoy it overall. The only one of these listed techniques I can’t use is WILD, and I’ve been working on it lately. So hi all, can’t wait to meet you all!!

Hi, Tribemaker, I see I will probably read a lot from you, for I love reading experiment discussion and whatnot. :tongue:

Welcome to the forum!

Hello everyone, i’m kinda new here. Trying to get into LD, but it don’t work lol! Well, pratice makes perfect. So i’ll do it every now and then.

And don’t mind my bad english ;; Mother tounge isnt English. Hehe, anyway i’m from Singapore. SUP every1. :happy:

:hurray: :partying_face: :boogie: WELCOME SHUNLI!!! :hurray: :partying_face: :boogie:


Hope you have a GREAT time, and feel free to ask any questions you may have. :grin:

:welcome: hello Zpeppy, Tribemaker and Shunli :grin:

you will get a lot of help here … from existing topics which are full of information to personal replies to questions posted and on going support and encouragement if you decide to start a dream journal in our dream diary forum :woot:

Tribemaker, you will love our dream lab and lucid adventure forums :boogie:

it doesn’t take long to set your intention to know you are dreaming when going to bed… you just do it while waiting to fall asleep. So I hope to hear that you have had your first lucid dream :dream: in the near future :cheer:

Hello everybody. I have been browsing LD websites including this one, for month now and finally decided to sign up. I heard about LD’s on a computer game forum :smile:
Anyway, I didn’t have any luck with LD yet, just one failed RC, three times I tried to WILD inside a dream(!) and failed of course, and I experienced very strong vibrations for the first time this morning, while doing WILD but no LD again.
Wish me luck, I hope I am coming closer :smile:

:wave: hello jtkirk
my first RC in a dream failed too :sad: , the trick is to do a few different RCs and you are more likely to succeed … and also expect it to show that you are dreaming :yes:

/me wishes jtkirk luck in his next WILD attempt :thumbs:

hello all, i am new. ive been attempting lding for about 2 weeks now. ive been using the wild technique which has succeded in putting me to sleep. ive had some pretty vivid dreams, only one semi-lucid. just need to stay awake while trying to enter a dream!!

:wave: hello azwethinkweiz02
welcome to LD4all. :smile:
what was the semi lucid dream like? did it just feel slightly odd or did you dream about being lucid?
I hope you succeed with WILDing soon :thumbs:



Allo. ^^

Welcome azwethinkweiz02 as well. :wave: