The Big "Hi, I'm New Here!" Topic - Part XXVI

transfers bank and debts to Moogle :peek:

:fly: And sorry about taking forever to reply XD I got hit by a story idea. ^_^;;;

hey guys, Im not exactly new to the forum, Ive been around for some time reading alot of the posts, just never really signed up.

Ive been a lucid dreamer for 2 years now, approximately, and I think Im pretty good at it, Ive come up with my own techniques that seem to work well for me, better than MILD or alot of others that are mentioned in here, Ill probably be sharing them with you guys, right now Im experimenting with another technique, so if it works Ill post it too. Im starting to get alot into WILD, Ive learned alot about that technique in here. At first a long time ago it didnt work but lately its starting to work so I think I was just not doing it right.

so hope you guys can learn something from me, because Im sure learning alot from all of you… and this is a very cool community, its hard to find other people that actually can understand what LD is lol.


Welcome to the board as a poster, I’m glad you chose to join us.

Welcome Saori. I look forward to hearing about some of your techniques!

Hello all newbies ! :wave:

Wassup, new to the forum here. Been into OBEing (attempting anyway) for a long time and i’m into this type of stuff aswell. Hope to chat to ya :wink:

:wave: hello Saori and Donal
:wow: wow Saori, only reading the forum for a few years, didn’t you miss the sections only viewable by members when Q changed them to member only ones? :eh:
I hope you do share some of your methods and also post your very first LD in our “My First LD Collection” in our dream diary forum. I’ve never had success with WILD so I may be lucky and your method could work for me too.

Welcome to LD4all Donal :grouphug:
You will find the topics about OBEs in the Beyond Dreaming forum. I think you will have a great time with the ammount of LD information you can access at LD4all :yay:

Hi Saori and Donal :welcome:

Welcome to the forums, and have fun posting :smile:

Hey everyone, I’ve used this site for a few weeks now, finially got around to registering. Looking forward to lucid dreaming more often!

:welcome: Heya The Mad Hatter! Hoope you enjoy it here! :grin:


Welcome Mad Hatter :smile:

Hi :wave: and :welcome: The Mad Hatter !

Bevare ! A crazy guy named Huey may appear any minute now :scared:

:wave: Saori, Donal and The Mad Hatter (by the way, love your avatar).

Welcome to the forum! I hope you enjoy it a lot (like I do)! :smile:

Oh, and… Beware of cookies! :ebil:

Saori :handshake:
Donal :handshake:
Mad Hatter :handshake:

:welcome: :wave:

As I am too lazy to list everyone who joined, I’m just gonna give aveyone a big hug:
/me reaches out to see that they’ve already all left…

:uh: Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think I’ve greeted every new member (who’s posted here) after me… :smile:

You’ve greeted me when I was new…

Huey! You’ve done it! More posts than me!

(hi new kids)

This part is now locked, the introductions continue in Part XXVII :boogie: