The Big "Hi, I'm New Here!" Topic - Part XXXII


This madness needs to be stopped. :content:

:handshake: Night_Bug

Sorry i’ve been feeling funny latly.(sorry about my speling)

hey guys thanks for the warm reception “grin!” i don’t remember my old account, because this was like at least more than a year ago. the new layout for the forums rock! i like the kin thing, (though i don’t really get it). anyways looking forward to chatting with y’all :smile: chris

ya what is kin?

'Lo. I’m new, hi. Can hardly lucid dream at all. I use Binaural Beat technology every night to increase my chances, though.

Oh, and kin are pretty much spirits of non human things in human bodies. Like Furries, Angels, Dragons, Vampyres…


But that’s just what I’ve heard, of course.

you shouldn’t believe everything you hear mindule :tongue:
:welcome: welcome to LD4all mindule :yay:
We love people with a sense of humour at LD4all, you will fit in well :smile:

(SweatDreamer … every day has it’s own kin [a little like an horiscope] just read the dreamspell forum and post any questions there)

:handshake: mindule

I love welcoming people to the forum! :wave:


i still don’t get the kin thing, how do you know wwhich is your kin?

Smilies are big around here, huh?

You can find out your kind by clicking here.
Just enter your birthday.

Pretty much. :content:
You’ll just have to get used to that. :grin:

Welcome, new beings!

Hiya, i’m new here too! I have had lots of LDs without using any induction technique (actually without even knowing how those dreams were called), but they were getting rare to happen. So, I begun to search on internet for some stuff about it, and found this site.
I’m learning lots of things i didn’t know before, like how to stabilize the dream and some induction techniques, and they are working very well with me.


Wolfy! :happy:

I sent you a PM to welcome you when you first joined! :razz:

Did you get it? :grin:

Welcome anyhow! ^^

:wolb: Senior

Yes, I recieved your PM, thanks Wolf!

:wolf: :wolb:


Aw, forget it. Welcome, WolfJsr! :wave:

Oooo! And he’s Brazillian!


If you ever feel lost here, feel free to PM me, ok? :happy:

By the way—how’s Santos these days? Raining too much? São Paulo is in that weird season we have those absurd, endless thunderstorms and the following days are so hot and clear you almost melt. :razz:

Hmm, yes, how is Santos, Brazil? (Out of curiousity. :mrgreen:)

Just curious, do y’all have an IRC channel?

Click on ‘Chat’ at the top of the page and it’ll take you right there. :smile:

:wave: hello WolfJsr :grin:
Welcome to LD4all :yay:
/me notices there have been lots of new members with wolf somewhere in their name and looks at wolf :eh:

I hope you decide to make a LD4all dream journal to record your LDs :boogie: