The Big "Hi, I'm New Here!" Topic - Part XXXVII

Welcome Sharpmind! It took me a long time to get my first deliberate LD but it eventually came! Just take everyone’s advice and I’m sure you’ll succeed! Enjoy your stay!


Im registered here now and dreamviews forum… :happy:

:lol: I JUST watched the Godfather yesterday night! :shock:

/me does an RC

:wave: Welcome, Godfather! :woot:

so… i am new, and i like to say hello

unfortunately my english isnt very well, but perhaps i can learn a bit here.
i am german, and there is also a german lucid dreams forum, but that one isnt very big at all. in english there seems to be a little bit more information and people interested in this stuff.

i myself have got a bit experience in lucid dreaming, but i have still much to learn. my present main intention in lucid dreaming is learning lucid self-determination not only inside my dreams, but in any possible situation.
because i dont see the very difference between “waking” and “dreaming” anymore… and also i dont want to see it anymore. i want to connect dreaming and waking and in the end “the will” should be fulfilled anytime and anywhere. its a bit philosophic here, but i dont want to dogmatize. i dont only think about “life is a dream”, but i feel it more and more. lately i have made a few experiences in meditation that showed me going this direction…
and often meditation while dreaming is a bit easier, or more intensive than in waking life…

so far,
hope i can find anything interesting here and perhaps i could also help someone in any way.
and i hope you understand my wish-wash :wink:


:wave: hello Sharpmind, godfather89 and rosniin :grin:
:welcome: welcome to LD4all there is a lot of information here :boogie:
Sharpmind, you should read the choosing your technique topic (link), it will help you decide what method may work best for you

godfather89 and rosniin you should use the search button it will help you find the topics you are interested in :yay:

I look forward to getting to know you all in the future :smile:

Hi everybody, my name is Darleen and I love LD’s ^^ I have them a couple times a month… I don’t know what to say :tongue:
I’m from Belgium and sorry for my bad English? :grin:

Welcome to the other side Darleen_J? (I’m not sure if you’re the Darleen I think you are)

Also a welcome to rosniin, godfather89 and Shaprmind too.

I’m sure you’re English will improve if you stay here for a while. It happened to me too :wink:

Hello, I’m some person who wants to break his “dry spell”, which is going on for some years now. I think that posting and reading this forum will help me with that. Well, at least I hope that. Anyways, I’m glad there are places like this forum.


I’ve been going to this site for years now, but I’m finally a member! I’ve had a few lucid dreams in my lifetime but still have a lot to learn. The other night before going to bed, all I did was think “hm it would be cool if I had a lucid dream tonight”, and that night I had one of the craziest ones ever. I wish it was usually that easy. :content: the next morning I was motivated to join the group, knowing that just by reading and posting it’ll help me become lucid more often.

I’m an artist/designer, and a lot of my work is dream-inspired, maybe you’ll enjoy it? website link removed as it could be considered spam, but the link is in the website icon at the bottom of the post :moogle:

i look forward to getting to know you all!


Its day 30 in my dream journal which is about how long ago I found this site and along with the wikibook the first place I heard mention of lucid dreaming.

Its been very helpful to me to have a place to read others ideas and experiences and in part because of this I now have my own experiences with LDing to share.

A big thanks to thoose running and supporting this site and everyone that takes the time and effort to post.

Hello Dreamers,

I am Corbeus, I am not new here actually. I am back after a long while - since 2002 that is.

LD has been on my agenda since 2000. My Dream Diary is now of quite a reasonable size with dreams ranging within nearly any depth of the Dream Ocean and induced by various methods.However, I am still striving to achieve that unity of thought, that universal balance that elated state of pure enightenment where the margins of “dreaiming while awake” and “awake while dreaming” states disappear.

Hope that participation in these forums and LD focussed discussion will act as a strong catalyst for my aspiration.

I am pleasantly surprised to see how this website has evolved. It is like a virtual Mecca of the Dreamworld


Welcome Some Person, PaperBoogie and aDreamer :wave:

Some Person, I love your signature! :lol:


/me pokes Moogle and points Blue Magnetic Eagle

—congratulations on finally joining, you won’t regret being part of this forum! :yay: And nice website! :happy:

aDreamer, thank you for joining! Have you had your first LD already? Or not really? Either way, perhaps you could start a virtual dream diary we could all read? :smile: What do you think?

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Corbeus! It seems we were posting at the same time, sorry if it looks like I ignored you, I hadn’t seen your post! Welcome back to LD4all! :woot:

hey all ive been reading your posts for a bit and decided i should say hello cause you all seem cool :tongue:
anyways im 15 and i got interested in lucid dreaming cause ive had quite a few of them most of them i barely remember but i always woke myself up because i was little and was like “sleeping sux i wanna get up and do stuff!” but i had one recently and i realized "im inside my own mind, i can do ANYTHING! :grin:
but then i dont remember wat i tried to do but when i did everything spun around and went black and i woke up :confused:
so yea i wanted to learn how to remember these dreams better and how to control them better and have them on purpose and i found you guys :content:

Hello all! I am a 20 year old english major in the US, I have had an interest in lucid dreaming for a while and love this site. All the info with new research and techniques all the time, it’s great. I am glad to now be a part of it and hope to have something to contribute in the future.

  • compliments to PasQuale on keeping something so informative and clean :smile: up and going

:welcome: skeith,
I can understand why you want to learn to get them now. In dreams there are more possibilities to do then when you wake up. Good Luck on getting them, and don’t hesitate to ask questions.

:wave: Welcome DhramaBum,
I agree with you pasQuale did a great job on this site. I hope you will enjoy your stay here, and might even start a DJ. Have fun with LDing!

I had no LD yet. I’m trying to get my first dream these days. Baybe I can find usefull infos in this site


:welcome: hello darleen_j, SomePerson, paperboogie, aDreamer, corbeus, skeith, DharmaBum and polymedes :grin:

There is a lot of information here for dreamers of all abilities to learn new things :yay: I hope you all enjoy all your visits to the LD4all forum :content:

hello, everyone :wave:

I’m fifteen, and have been lucid dreaming for nigh on 2 years now. I feel the need to revamp my dream recall. I’ll be starting a DJ here, and just figured I’d introduce myself beforehand.

So… hi!


Hi, I’m 29 years old and experience LDs once in a while. In the past few months I’ve had this habit of getting up quite early in the weekends with my daughter and entertaining her for maybe 2 hours while my wife sleeps. Then I go back to bed and usually have really intense dreams, quite often they are lucid too. I’m pleased to find a forum like this, I’d like to learn to control my dreams. I have grand plans, you see. :wink:

Hi,ive just registred . I dont know english very well but this is very good site. I had only one fully lucid dream but i want to learn ld very much. But i am definetily going to have problems with it if i hardly even remember my dreams. And i started my practice just two days ago. I hope i at least will be able to remember my dreams soon. Sorry for my lame english :smile: