The first time I ever heard about lucid dreams was yesterday night. But I’m extremely excited about it and I really want to have a LD sometime. But now I am in the ‘remember your dream’-stage. Um… well, I really don’t know what to write here, but, uh… yes.
Welcome to the ld4all forum TheBlueDragon and Paganith
Reading this forum can keep your mind focused on lucid dreaming and also help you find improved techniques to prolong them etc
Have you started a dream journal Paganith? Writing down your dreams as soon as you wake up, plus setting the intention to remember them before sleeping can really improve dream recall.
Hey! What’s up guys? I’m Dominic. I’m into dreaming so I guess this is the place for me. I know I’m gonna have fun here and meet a lotta cool people, so drop by and gimme a ‘what’s up?’ some time, and we can chill from there!
hello Dominic, welcome to the ld4all forum.
If you are into dreaming you will really love it here. There are lots of interesting topics to read and post in.
Also if you post frequently or visit our chat regularly you will soon make lots of new friends.
Hello all. I’m called Kiki, though that’s not my real name. It’s what I go by on the internet.
I came across lucid dreaming a short while ago, while searching for stuff on dreams on an online encyclopedia. I found it pretty interesting, and can recall one LD I’ve had before. It was several years ago, when I had wanted to go play at a friends house but my mom said I had to take a nap first. I was afraid I’d sleep too late, and ended up realizing I was dreaming. So I woke myself up (after an FA, though I managed to realize that was a dream as well.)
A couple days ago, I found a bunch more info on lucid dreaming, including a link to this site. I’m currently working on my dream recall, and convincing my subconscious that all this is much simpler than it sounds. In fact, I’m off to bed in half an hour. Wish me luck.
What’s up Kiki! Welcome to LD4All! I’m Dominic–I’m new too, so you can be my LD4All buddy and I’ll be your AZN LD4All buddy. Hope you have a lot of fun here–I am! Oh yeah! Good luck tonight with your lucid dreaming! I just let mine come natural and it’s been working forever, but everybody’s got there own quirks I guess.
Sweet dreams–and may luck be with you, friend…
hello Kikiness, welcome to the ld4all community.
moogle wishes kiki luck and hopes she has her second lucid dream soon.
Hi. I was introduced to this site via another forum (General Chat section in karateforums.com…). I haven’t really done a concerted effort at lucid dreaming, although I’ve had varying degrees of success with just willpower in controlling my dreams (after I realize they are dreams). After reading this site, maybe I’ll actually try and approach it methodically, as I’ve never really did research on lucid dreaming before. Fortunately, I’ve always been able to remember my dreams more or less upon waking, so I’ve got an advantage there. I look forward to reading more on this site.
hello Ryuusoul, welcome to ld4all
You should be able to get more frequent LDs by adopting some methods.
Good luck with your quest … but I don’t think you need luck
Hello, I’m a noob to the forum, and to the concept of LDs, even though I’m sure I’ve known I was dreaming once or twice, but haven’t acheived any kind of control while doing so. My real name is Liz, not Jane, but this has been my s/n for ages.
Actually, I’m feeling a little shy. This forum is so busy and seems to have such a huge userbase, and I have so much to ask/tell, and I’m a little overwhelmed by it all. I’m in the middle of a crisis of conciousness generally in my life, so maybe my dreams are weird as a result. Anyhow, I’m looking forward to chatting with you guys more in the future.
All the best wishes
Liz xx
hello sleepeejane, welcome to ld4all
It may look huge and intimidating at first, but we are a very friendly forum and always ready to help and make new friends with newbies.
As for questions you may want to look at some of the sticky topics in lucidity intro and quest for lucidity first … there is a lot of information there. Or even post any question you have in one of those forums.
Yo, apparantly I’m the newest member now Welp, there have been many times where I have sort of realised that I was dreaming but I have never actually been able to controll things whilst in a dream state, came here in hopes to make progress on that… Anyway… HI
Thanks for the greeting Moogle. I’ve been looking around and it seems there is a world of subjects being discussed here. I’m feeling spiritually very lost atm, but reading a lot of the posts here has given me some peace of mind at the very least.
Best Wishes
Liz xx
…and probably going to get sent to the corner with the Dunce hat. I didn’t know if I shoud start New Topic or Reply…Oh well get it over with early!
Hi All!
I am new here, and excited about learning more. I am not new to dreaming, keeping journals, dream programming, etc but the idea of Gaining control and beyond with dreams is where I want to go! I am going to attend the TLI program this summer in Hawaii (anyone else here done similar Lucidity programs?) My husband and I are also TMI (The Monroe Institute) junkies; we just finished Gateway (WOW) and are just now taking off on new journeys and new discoveries!
This is sooooo much fun…Pity those who Choose to remain in the 3-d, 5 senses-lifestyle
I have no questions, yet I have a ton of questions…I will spend time and read posts and soak up what I can like a sponge;-)
Thanks to the moderators and members for a great site!
hello Hex Oxide and oilfieldpilot
Welcome to the ld4all community.
There are quite a lot of topics about getting better control of LDs, but I think it’s fun just seeing the improvement from one LD to the next one.
I hope you both decide to start dream journals here , so we can read your lucid dreams. ld4all dream diaries
Hey everybody, I’m new to this forum and site, but I’m not new to Lucidity. I just wanted to introduce myself lol I’m Acro.
I also figured since I sign up and be apart of this place It will help me further advance my lucidity skills… maybe? maybe not? lol looks like I will have to find out.
welcome to ld4all Acro
I hope you enjoy your time here
I just joined tonight. I was researching at school a little on lucid dreaming, (truth be told out of an obsession with the game Nights into Dreams) and stubbled over here. I wrote the site down and here I am. it’s 1.27 and ironicly, i had a nightmare. how about that? anyway. I hope I can be welcomed and such.
im quiet shy at times. I have been lucid dreaming since I can remember and personally didnt know others couldn’t do it. I know im only 13 and probably might be overshadowed, but as a writter, i understand many deep thoughts. Even my dreams I conciously hold show me things I need time to understand. So I am also willing to help others in need. I thought there weren’t many people like me after i figured out what I could do wasn’t to common amongst my friends and felt a little lonely but it’s nice to know there are others out there. I’m glad to be here and My name is Sarah if you want to call me by that intead of Luscia. ^^;
hello Sarah, welcome to ld4all
We have a wide range of ages here and all posts are equally valued independent of the age of the poster
You may like to have a look at our “how old are you” topic in the gathering forum.
have fun
edit just spotted your post in the “how old are you” topic.
[color=indigo]/me slaps herself for being unobservant [/color]
hi im mazz im kinda new 2 this forum and website. so hi evry1 , how r de blue monkeys! (im a bit of a nutter!) this lding sound sooo kwl. i can kind of do it! so if dere is any1 out dere in de big wide wrld plz anser my message and if no1 ansers i will assume u hav all disapeared in2 oblivian and been eaten by scoobie doos! c u l8r i hope bye xxx