The BIG "Hi I'm new here!" Topic XVI

Lo Bob :grin:.

And um, yeah - you do seem to be a bit of a nutter. But hey, this is coing from a guy who just adressed you as Bob :wink:.

P.S. Looks like one of the other mods beat me to the merging :tongue:.

Hi everyone! I’m new here, as you may already have guessed. I’m not very wxperienced in lucid dreaming, although I’ve had four of them so far, and hopefully many more are to come!

Welcome :cool:.

4 LD’s so far is pretty good for someone who isn’t very expereinced - so yeah, there’s plenty of potential in you :wink:.

Hi guys. I started here last night after a nightmarish experiance. shudder how ironic eh? i didnt think i was dreaming until it seemed out-of-place. that’s pretty new to me. Anyway. I know this place is full of good people and I hope to stumble upon a few. I love helping people understand thier unclear dreams since i’ve had experiance doing so even though im only 13. My real name is Sarah, but you can call me Luscia/LUSCiA if you wish. ^^ Nice to meet all of you and a big thx to moogle who helped me out with a lill problem. ^^; heh.

/me waves to mazz and astralfog
/me wonders if sureal was fast to welcome them because they were female :tongue:

:wave: Sarah

Well, I posted in the Intro area, but realize I should of introduced myself here!

Hello all, I’m new here on LD4all and also new to Lucid Dreaming. My name is Chris, but I always go by Radagar online. I remember having lucid dreams before on occasion, and waking up thinking MAN i wish I could do that when I wanted to. I never really knew there was a LD community or ways to induce LD’s until recently.

So, starting last night, I tried to induce a LD. I failed miserably and feel like crap today, but I didn’t expect success on the first night.

What I did was spent most of the evening reading up on LD’s. When I finally went to bed, I tried to relax myself by tensing and releasing muscles as described in a few pages. I put on headphones and listened to a Lucid Dreams Induction MP3 that I got off this site while trying to fall asleep.

It took me longer than usual to get to sleep because I don’t normally listen to things while sleeping. I may have even had the mp3 a little too loud, I’m not sure. But I remember actually feeling myself drifting off several times and knew that I was about to start dreaming. Unfortunately every time I did this a hundred things that I read about LD’s and how to keep them from fading came rushing into my head and I woke back up. I just couldn’t stay calm enough. I tried to focus and go back to sleep, and the same thing happened again and again.

Finally, I did fall asleep and woke up about 6am to my phone ringing. Well, since I was up anyway I tried staying up about 15 minutes while thinking about LD’s and then went back to bed.

Well, I woke up at 9 at my normal time and feel like crap. I tried to remember any dreams I had, and I don’t remember anything. I went ahead and wrote down in my journal what I did and felt as I was falling asleep, just to get in the habit of keeping a journal.

Today, I feel like I didn’t sleep at all. I don’t know if it was the MP3 I was listening to or what, but I didn’t sleep well. Hopefully I’ll have better luck in the future.

Anyways, glad to meet you all, and hope to read your stories of LDing and post my own someday.

PS - Is it common to feel completely exhausted after LD’s or should you feel just as rested as normal? I assume my exhaustion today is because I was simply trying too hard and didn’t sleep well because of it.

:wave: hello Radagar

you should feel just as rested as after a normal night’s sleep, you were probably trying too hard as you guessed. as you have Lds before, you know you will be able to experience them again, so try and relax a bit more. :grin:

I hope you enjoy your time at ld4all :happy:

Thanks for the welcome Moogle. This is a great site.

/me whistles innocently and walks off…

Hey Everyone, :wink:

I’m new to this forum, and I love it already! :smile:

I have always loved dreams and dreaming. I lucid dream but not consciously yet. I’m working on practicing lucid dreaming consciously. I feel it will help me practice manifesting in this 3D reality.

The dream world is the real world!

Lo Bob :cool:. And welcome to ld4all :wink:.

If you lov dreaming, then your certainly in the right place. Also - you say you ‘lucid dream, but not consciously yet’. Could you, um, explan on this a little? cos a lucid dream is a dream you’re concsious (that is - a LD is a dream in which you’re aware you’re dreaming).

:eek: I just read your intro post and then you arrived in #dreamtime :eh:
It was great to talk to you “live”

Welcome to the ld4all forum, I’m sure you will enjoy being a member here.
I’ll give you the link to the topic I mentioned in chat
Sticky: The BIG Fav thing to do in a LD Topic - Part III [The BIG Fav thing to do in a LD Topic - Part III)

Sticky: How to Choose Your Technique (WARNING: LONG) I didn’t mention this but it gives the different methods of inducing LDs.

Hey moogle, :wink:

Thanks, it was great talking to you ‘live’ too! Thanks again for the great advice. I’m digging deeper into the information on this forum as we type. :tongue:

Talk to you again soon! :smile:

Ah, okay :smile:.

Hi everybody ! :wave:

My name is Greg and I’m a kind kind French boy (21) who remained interested in dreams since young. I experienced LD’s at a time I had in particular to cope with recurrent nightmares :cookiemon:, but that’s now many years since I haven’t had any more. Since several weeks, I’ve been astonished and excited to find on the web so many resources on the topic, but I feel like I found here a real cosy nest for dreamers :love: : I hope I’ll share with you my efforts and progress in retrieving my abilities.
I just started with WILD, MILD, RC, WBTB :read:. I am generally allowed to remember some of my ordinary dreams each night ; I’ve been feeding a dream journal (in French :peek:) at for two weeks.

Thanks for welcoming me,
See you on a thread or another :ok:


hello Greg, welcome to the ld4all community. I couldn’t resist having a fast peep at your journal, even though my french is very poor now. :shy:
I look forward to seeing you on other threads. :boogie:

Hello everyone.I love dreams and they play a profound part in my life.I believe becoming lucid or awake in the Astral is imperitive to the Spiritual growth I seek.I have kept a dream journal for many years,though have periods of time when I cant recall them.Lately has been dream bonanza however.Looking forward to chatting. :smile: :wiske: Love that Girl Smile

:wiske: Hey Vee up there recommended this site. Hi Vee,so your a “Red Lunar Dragon” sounds cool.

Hello all.
I’m new here, i’m just starting out. It will take some practice to get this stuff down. I’m up for the challenge.

Welcome Cindy and SignalRed. I’m pretty new here too, but glad to have ya.