The BIG "Hi I'm new here!" Topic XVII

Excuse me while I make myself invisible enough to suprise you with my big bang appearence in a few years from now.

Hey guys, im new here.
just letting you know i exist :tongue:

Greebings HrX. I am a potato.

Welcome to ld4all.

That is all.

/me runs away before he is caught :razz:

Hi Akir and HrX :grin:.

I’d say something random like DePerc did, but I’m a duck billed platipus.

And us duck billed platipusses never joke.

Hello everyone!

Yes, I made it. I’m the new kid on the block now.
Okay, quick recap.
I had my first lucid dream when I was 11 years old. Didn’t know it was called “lucid dream” until a few months ago. As if it were coincidence, I’ve started having lucid dreams again. Had three within the last 5 weeks, with the duration increasing each time. I hope to be able to explore it further. It is good to know that such a big community exists online.


Welcome to the LD4all forum Akir, HrX and vennjr

/me makes a note to expect Akir to make his big bang appearance in a few years from now…

mmm but where is the proof that you exist HrX … you may be a figment of our imaginations :tongue:

hello vennjr, you may like to read the favourite things to do in a LD ( [The BIG Fav thing to do in a LD Topic - Part III) ) or have a look in the lucidity lab for ideas of what to do in your LDs. :wiske:

I hope you all enjoy your time at LD4all

Hello all, I’ve been interested in LD for a little while now and I was very happy to find a website with an entire forum on the topic. I can’t wait to start sharing my LDs with everyone and also listening to everyone elses Lucid expieriences.
-twelvebottles :wave:

Hi I want to say hello and am new member here… Plz be patience with me for getting used to this… :wink: Thanks

Welcome PurrMeow. You should have put this in the “Hi, I’m new here topic”, but nevermind, I’m sure a mod will move it.
/me shows PurrMeow around, in particular the fire escapes

Hello TB (hm… isn’t that a disease?) :grin:.

I’m guessing your gonna love the Dream Diary section :wink:.

:wave: hello TwelveBottles and PurrMeow.

[color=indigo]/me also shows PurrMeow the official “Hi, I’m new here topic” :tongue: [/color]
I look forward to getting to know you both better through your posts. :user:

hi i’m whats up?

:wave: hello snowkid2241 welcome to ld4all :grin:

:eh: the ceiling is up! :tongue: :lol:

LAME! :cry:

Hi, I am new here.
I am a 14 year old boy from Norway. My English is not so very good, but I wil try my best.
My nick “somnium” is latin for dream.

Hi and welcome, Somnium :cool: You will probably learn some English from staying in here, especially if you choose to visit the chatroom!

Hi, I’m Scott, but call me REP!

I am from england and stumbled on the LD4ALL site when looking into OBE’s.

I will be trying the MILD manouvre tonight.

I hope it works.

Stay cool peeps!


great to have you here rep :grin: hope your WILDattempt turns out well, it hasn’t for me :tongue:

Greetings to everyone! I am new here and new to LD… I live in Atlanta. Right now I am really excited about getting started, but I think I will wait until I get settled into my new place next week, got too much going on right now.

I believe I have always done LD, but I never knew the correct “term” for it. The last one I had, I was able to consciously do what I wanted to do, i even looked in a mirror and saw myself, so right now, I think I have a strong ability to get right into it, just probably have some skills that have been untapped by will. so here it goes… feel free to say hello and see how i am doing.

welcome earthmother :grin: Great to have you here