The big list of RCs

Hello :smile: I would like to create a big list of the different reality checks out there for the lucid library.

If you’d like to contribute your RC, please would you reply here, mentioning the name of your RC, and explain briefly how it works.

After, we can have a vote on the most creative technique. The winner will get a mini-prize to show that they have the most creative RC. Although please don’t make up RCs in order to win.

I’ll start by listing a few:

The hand RC - Look at your hands and if you have an unusual number of fingers then you are dreaming

The breathing RC - Pinch your nose and try to breath. If you can still breathe then you are dreaming

Drawing in the air :cool: If it is visible, it is a dream! It never fails me.

Good idea, Technodreamer ! :happy:

I made a list of RC’s on the (dead) french forum. The 2 which are working the best were :

  • the nose RC (very good)
  • putting a finger through something (for instance a wall or your palm).

Other RC’s I remember were :

  • trying to fly (not to be done IRL :wink: )
  • pinching or biting yourself (rather masochistic :bored: )
  • looking at your watch
  • looking at a text twice
  • stretching your finger
  • changing weather or light

And a mental RC:

  • trying to remember what happened 5 minutes ago.

If you reading something, it makes no sense and is completely messed up when you are dreaming

Remember how you got in the situation you are in. If it seems unlikely, or if there are bits you are unsure of, then it’s probably a dream.

Keep them coming, this is really helping my tutorial.
so far:
The hand RC - Look at your hands and if you have an unusual number of fingers then you are dreaming

The breathing RC - Pinch your nose and try to breath. If you can still breathe then you are dreaming

The drawing RC - Draw in the air in front of you with your finger, and if it shows up, you are dreaming

  • putting a finger through something (for instance a wall or your palm).
  • trying to fly (not to be done IRL )
  • pinching or biting yourself (rather masochistic )
  • looking at your watch
  • looking at a text twice
  • stretching your finger
  • changing weather or light
  • trying to remember what happened 5 minutes ago.

I did copy directly from other people’s but I won’t do that in the tutorial unless you give me permission.

I can’t remember where I heard it, but what I like to do is close my left eye and then look at my nose with my right one, if my nose isn’t there…I know I’m dreaming!!!

A good one is to hold your nose and try to breathe through it. If you can, you’re dreaming. This one is good because it requires very little movement so it won’t wake you up when using it while WILD’ing.

Close your eyes and see if you can see through your eyelids or close your eyes and then open them and see if the scene changes :wink:.

Yes indeed, it was Pedro’s RC.

Fiver, I think there is absolutely no problem in writing those RC’s in your tutorial.

Yes feel free to mention the RCs in your tutorial. That’s the idea of the tutorial :smile:

The idea is that you don’t know whether it is real life or not! If you know your dreaming then there wouldn’t be much point in the RC. :smile:

Looking at your birthmark for changes. :grin:

Waving my hands on my face works well, I would gradually feel the consciousness weaving in when I do this :cool_laugh:

Try flipping a light switch. I heard somewhere that most of the time electronics don’t work in dreams.

I wouldn’t like that people fall from the 3rd stage. :happy:
But it’s a trick that works well in dreams, cause you often have the intuition you’re dreaming.

Some RCs are unreliable for me, but I’ve come up with a new one to try.

I need to wear glasses to see clearly. But in dreams I don’t seem to ever wear glasses. :cool:

New RC - can I see clearly without glasses? If yes then I’m dreaming :thumbs:

Sometimes I try to poke my finger through a wall. I don’t really care for the odd looks people give me :smile:

Something like Wolf’s birthmark RC. Sheree just told in the BIG RC topic she looked at her tatoo in a dream and it wasn’t the same. It made me remember that some people used to write something in their palm and when they looked at it in a dream, it was different.

It’s very close to the text RC, but it’s easier cause you don’t have to search a text in your dreams.

the computer RC - turn on a computer and if it doesn’t work you’r dreaming(similar to the lightswitch RC)

That or your computer’s just busted… :content: