The Big OBE topic part II

I’ve been looking into LDing with a lot of dept and detail. Acouple of days ago I just remembered what I think was on OBE when I was about 5-7? I was pretty young, im 15, so i forgot what age I was but I remember like it was for real.

" It was 12, midnight, and for somereason I got out of my bed, and walked to the living room. In the living room there is a large window that stares into the street and the front yard. I saw this big alien space ship, i can even draw it for you till this day, with a lot of different colors and it was flashing. I than called my grandparents which live downstairs and they walked up the stairs, and i told them to look through the door. They looked through the door, and saw the spaceship too =/ But than a couple days ago i recalled that they never opened it… So what was that?/ Obe? LD? Or real life, which now i doubt.

You remember to have experienced this when you were 5? It’s like an old RL memory? A friend of mine told me he remember he could fly when he was 5. He remind this like RL memories. It can be FA’s or LD’s, but I think it can be also alterate states of consciousness during waking life.

Yeah. A FA? Explain what it would feel like or what it is? I know what the definition of course, because I just moved my mouse over it but what is it like? a LD, normal dream, OBE? o.O

You believe you wake up but you’re still dreaming. When you’re adult, you easily can make the difference and realize when you really wake up that you were dreaming (though I’ve heard accounts of poltergeists which were obviously SP or FA’s). But when you’re a children and can’t clearly make the difference between dream and waking life, I suppose you can remember this as a real life memory.

[color=indigo]My first OBE happened last Spring (2005). I recall getting my daughters off to school then I went back to my bed to just relax a bit. But before I knew it, my body was tingling and I noticed that my body was still on the bed yet I was up above it. Then that was it. It kinda freaked me out, so I ended up snapping out of it quickly.

It sucks cause I haven’t been able to do it since then.

I was told that basically my LD’s are a step closer for me to become astral. Is that correct?[/color]

It’s said that you can astrally project from a LD. The principle is to move your consciousness to a distant point so that your astral body goes towards this point. It can be done from a LD through many methods:

  • provoking a vertical movement in LD, by flying up or falling from a high,
  • visualizing yourself floating above your body or simulating an OBE from a LD.

Another method is entering the “black void” (a dream zone where there is no more dream) and practising energetic methods (with shakra or breathing).

I never tried all this methods.

Thank you, Basilus West. I understand it a little more now. Now off to learn more. Hehehehe . . .

Last night I think I was as close to an OBE as I’ve ever been before. After smoking some bud and eating a brownie, I was relaxing on my bed and listening to some music. While I was laying on my bed, I would zone out, and then just have the feeling like I was being dropped back on my bed; this happened several times and I would only zone back in when I was falling down, I was never conscious enough to catch myself floating up. Maybe if I weren’t so stoned. :razz:

Although smoking weed may be helpful with relaxing and zoning out. I would definitely advise against smoking it (or eating it in brownies :content: ) while attempting to have an OBE.

Yeah it never work when after smoking. Im always discouraging after a moment and maybe it relax more quickly but its so difficult to reach that stage to project ourself.

Merged with the Big OBE…

Ok, so I decided finally to seriously try OBEing. I have read Robert Monroe’s book about Astral projection and now I’m reading another book of other writer. Generally, I’m very motivated to do something like these… but I have never had Astral Projection that and I’m not really sure how to start seriously, because I have tried OBEing about 6 weeks ago but i decided to make a pause… Now, I try again.

BTW, I’m good at Lucid Dreaming (maybe it would help or something).

I hope that someone having knowledge about OBEing will give me an advice here.

What should I do to achieve OBE? Should I achieve mind’s silence? Some kind of trance? Wait for vibrations and jump out of body? What kind of body positions are helpful? What technique do you use?

well, they asy that if you move from SP into a dream, you go out of body, you could try that

You dont have to be in a certain position but I heard sleeping on the back is the best.

For mind silence forget it , its almost impossible to not heard anything from your mind. Just try to focus on your breathing it help me to not think about anything else from the sound part.

You dont have to wait for something . You will know when you have to project yourself. And if you continue to try to astral project yourself at a certain point in your mind you will automaticcaly try to project. But the best I think for me is the rope method.

Splitted from the “For those who believe OBE’s are real” topic and merged into the “BIG OBE” topic

Its like 2 OBE that I trying to did and each time I was trying to get out I was suddenly popping out of my body and landing right away on the floor without even seeing thing (just feeling in the dark) . It was hurting to land on the floor and to think that my body is maybe on the floor , I wake up everytime.

Any idea what is this and why it does this ? Its so weird , its untellable.

I think I had an OBE the other night. :eh:

I remember not being able to fall asleep. I also remember lots of HI, and feelings of spining, wobling, ect. Although they all subsided and I thought I was fully awake, still having trouble falling asleep. I eventualy just got out of my bed and did a few RC’s. They all checked real. Then, I felt what I could best describe as a silvery/white light in my chest and, with a slight jerk, I was in my bed. :confused:

I thought it was just a weird dream, but after looking it over a few times…I think it was an OBE. :confused:

:help: Any input?

[EDIT] The RC’s I did were:

  1. Checking the clock (1:16)
  2. Checking my hand (apeared normal)
  3. Remembering everything I had done leading up to that point (I could remember the entire day. Everything seemed normal)

When I “woke up”, the clock read 1:17.

It’s a very interesting account Ysim, especially the clock thing and the high lucidity level. People who have OBE’s say their lucidity level is very high. Yet I remember there was a LD’ing experiment about internal clock accuracy and there were some good results in it: Your clock

Hello all. I had my first OBE last night. I couldn’t believe it and it was spontanious.

I was laying in bed practicing my visuals as usual. I don’t remember falling asleep but I do remember feeling a tingling all over my body. I’ve been tinkering with astral projection and thought I was just in a trance. Only this time, when I got that floating feeling indicitive of a trance, I went with it and tried to push myself out of my body. I had a strange vibration all over my body. It was like I was being electrocuted. Well I pushed to hard and litterally flew up through my cieling. I saw a few images of what I thought were spirits and a city. I got scared and threw myself back down in my body. At this point, I didn’t want to continue but I kept raising back up.

I looked over at my bedroom door and there was my two year old son. At this point I really wanted to stop because I thought that he was out of his crib. I got really bad sleep paralysis which scares the crap out of me. I was so concerned for my son that I stayed out of my body and went over to him by the door. He looked up at me and said, Mimi (thats what he calls me) Your doing it! Now you can play with me at night! This calmed me somewhat but I was still scared. I was able to get out into the living room and I saw my husbands astrally projected self and he kept trying to cuddle with me! Whats up with that?

I finally got so scared I pushed myself back into my body and MADE myself sit up! I was shaking all over. I couldn’t believe it. I was in a daze. I asked my son the next morning if he remembered playing with Mimi last night and he said YES!

Does anyone know if children are born with this ability naturally? My husband didn’t remember anything and gave me the “your crazy” look. Anyone ever had a first experience like this??

Light and Love,


Sarah, that’s awesome! It’s great to have an outside affirmation of your actions, no matter how much you believe them without it.

I haven’t done much research at all into LD or OBEs, but I knew a mother whose daughter very often had OBEs while she was asleep, to the point that she was moving things around in the house and worrying people quite a bit, until they figured out just whose spirit/astral body was playing with her toys while she was sleeping.

Has your son helped you any more with your OBEs since that first experience? Have you thought of asking him to come and get you sometimes if he wants to play with you like that? If he has a natural ability, he may be able to walk into your room and help you come out just like he did the first night.


Last year, before i had even know such a thing as LD could exist, i accidentally had an OBE. I awoke to my alarm and hopped in the shower, then i went to lay down on my couch to watch tv. I went to “sleep” and then while sleeping i was watching the same tv show and i could feel that my body was very cold, and then i looked down and there i was on the couch, i kind of peeked my mind up out of the back of my brain. then i was afraid that i was dying and woke myself up

I almost had such an experience but I didn’t quite get it…

I remember I was in a lucid dream and i decided I wanted to have an OBE I always thought it would be cool to do so and explore the world around me without my body weighing me down. Well I think it was this website or another that gave me advice on having OBEs in a LD one of the things it suggested was to start flying and repeat “up, up, out of my body” So i decided to both will myself upward out of my body and repeat this phrase. Very slowly but surely my dream started disappearing and my line of sight ascended just slightly above my bed, as if my sight was forcing its way through my eyelids, I can’t even totally explain the feeling. As I was doing this I wasn’t totally out of my body but I could see outside of it slightly and started glancing around. Finally I tried to hard to push myself out of my body and instead woke myself up, I recall a slight sensation of falling backwards as if back in my dream and everything went black for a few seconds and I woke up. I only got to glance around while I was slightly out of my body, but I was surprised to look around when I was awake to see everything was relatively in my bedroom as i saw it in my “dream”, lighting, object placements, everything, whereas it usually looks distorted and way different when I dream about my bedroom. So I consider this an almost OBE but not quite, I just couldn’t get myself beyond that boundary, if you will, but almost…