the BIG PreCog dreams Topic - part II

I had a dream that I was playing in the editor of trials evolution 2 years ago. I just recently recognized the yellow boxes and such from the dream. The thing is… I was making something else than what I was recently than in the dream, so it hasn’t happened yet.

Top of the page, I win!!!

Last night I had a dream which started with me sitting out on my front porch, in the middle of a sandstorm. The sand in the air made a face at one point. Sandstorms happen 2-4 times every year, and usually around January.

When I woke up, there was a sandstorm going out. Strange coincidence.

Also, there’s no way my body could have “detected” it, since where I live it’s a million degrees and I sleep with the windows closed, and the AC on at max.

i don’t believe in being able to see/ predict the future with dreams or anything spiritual but a couple of nights ago i had a dream i was hopping off of a bus due to pain in my foot. The day after i was on a party bus and really hurt my ankle, swollen and really painful.

It happened again. I had a load of precogness pop up today. In Minecraft, in a world never seen yet, I knew the exact position I was facing and what was around me in front of an xbox live friend’s house.
Another one happened at Disneyland where I suddenly experienced deja vu, I’ve never gone there at midnight.
It seems my precog dreams happen when I forget the dream. A few images pop up of what will happen next when i’m at the prime location.

Either all that or I am just so aware of everything around me at the time and my following of the human patterns allows me to predict absolutely everything that will happen in the next few seconds… Nah, I can see the future!

I had precog dreams since I was a little kid, but mine were always particular…at least they were for me - in each precog dream I’m looking through my own eyes and when I get the dejavu I see everything just like i dreamed about it. Well, here you have my longest, creepiest and strange precog dream I had over these years.
By the way, this is a quote from a thread I just opened.

I’ve been having dreams about future events since I was a little kid. At first I just saw some pictures or really short sequence in my dreams, that I saw later on with my own eyes in real life. In the beginning I thought it wasn’t much of a deal, because it was simple stuff and not special at all, until one day I dreamed about a discussion my classmates had while we were on a school trip in a town I haven’t been in years. All day I had these dejavus of places I saw in my dreams the night before and just before we had to get back on the, some of my classmates had this conversation (nothing special, just kidding and making fun of each other, but…each one of them said exactly what I dreamed they would). In my dream I was looking at them and listening to what they were talking about, and just like that I was standing in that same place, looking at that same group of people, listening to the exactly the words I heard - loud and clear, I knew every word that would come out of each ones mouth, and the conversation I dreamed about was long 30 seconds. At the end of the dejavu I was blown away and to say the thruth a bit affraid, I just got the idea something must be wrong with me. I couldn’t tell it to anyone, because noone would believe me, but after checking the internet I found out there actually are people with this kind of “gift”, problem is noone on the internet (at least the stories of those I read), never had such long and precise dreams. I know, it sounds crazy, I does sound crazy to me too, but I just wish someone here could share a similar story.

Needless to say these kind of dreams didn’t stop, I the years that passed I had some dreams again about people around me and their spoken words. Sometimes I even dramed about what I was about to say, but these stories are too long for this post.

When I was three I had a precog dream. I dreamed about walking around the corner and my mom was doing laundry and I said “I don’t wanna be four.” That’s all I remember of it. And (I think) a couple days later, the same thing happened. I know it was precog because I have two memories of the same thing.

I had the very unpleasant experience of seeing the scene from the first dream here: [ when I came home from work today. … pp/kulm/sk iflyvning/31219032/ (warning: contains screenshots of a serious accident)

/me shivers

In reading both “Big Precog Dreams” threads, there were several I found very interesting. I, too, have had a number of precognitive/spiritual dreams over the years. They have always preceded a major event in my life concerning family or friends. It’s a bit of a read, but if this is a subject that appeals to you, I’m sure you will find them of interest. … 43f21e9b26 0d3ae8096528bc72c80a5

I’ve had many precogs over the years, though none recently as far as I can tell.

For the most part most of them were not family related, they were fire/accident/crash related, but there were enough details to say there were more than just coincidences.

I’ve also had dreams about places I have never visited but other family members have.

So, occasionally, I’ll get these weird precog sort-of dreams, where I’ll be in a hyper-realistic dream, yet still not a lucid one. Then something will happen in that dream that will eventually happen in real life later on. Sometimes it only takes a couple of days, but once I waited 1 1/2 years for one to happen… Weird…

Anyone else get these?

In my past a have had a lot of prophetic dreams.
Some of them were realized after days, others realized -in minute detail- after only an hour. As if I were watching a film replayed alive after an hour. Something like time travel beyond my wildest phantasy…
I remember having a short siesta before driving to an appointment. This midday dream was about a car accident that I just managed to avoid by a skilful maneuver that rotated my car and parked it parallel by the side of a taxi. The taxi driver had crossed my lane and could have killed me. I was furious. Wanted to yell at him. So I bent to my right to turn the window lever down, but all of a sudden my anger vanished and I felt sympathy for the driver… a weird understanding…
So after my siesta and still under the vivid influence of the dream I rushed to my appointment. The scene I had dreamed was repeated alive in every tiny detail. At first as I acted to avoid the crash, I did not recall the dream. But as I found myself parked by the side of the Taxi and bent to lower the right window in anger, the dream came to my memory.
Then the emotional part of the dream went on: The driver shaken, sincerely apologized, explaining that he felt a big remorse for almost killing me.
My anger evaporated and all of a sudden I felt an extreme sympathy for a hard working person…
This was a clear prophetic dream that made me wonder about the true nature of time. This question is further extended in the quantum nature of phenomena, and in the human perception of reality …not to mention the human perception of time…

This is interesting. I recently had a quite emotional dream scene re-play IRL, but it was probably caused by myself, by feelings of guilt carried over from the dream itself. It made me bring the sensitive topic up IRL after I told the dream to a family member.

Instincts and emotions work on a more subconscious level than thoughts, and I wonder if they are often ignored as part of precognitive dreams.

I dreamt this morning that my parents picked up a skull and human bones, and threw them into the car where I was sitting so they could take the bones to the forensic lab. I didn’t post in detail, but the skull was missing the lower jaw, and the arm and leg bones were missing flesh as if they had been gnawed on. There was no torso, just a skull and limbs.

Now after work I find this article. The police has probably found the head and limbs of a missing person in the sea. The remains are being taken to a forensic lab for identification.

This match was close enough to make me feel like it belongs here.

I had this dream two weeks ago:

Yesterday was my first day at work. We spent half the day working on a funeral order of a well known football player. At least I had one of the designs in my head already, from that dream.

I had this dream before coming into work a few days ago:

-I am at work. The mall is dark and quiet, and we are about to close. E and M are working with me. The lights go off, and I go to start rolling CC containers into the cool room. At the same time, a shipment arrives: one container, overflowing with mimosa and hazel branches. This can’t be right. E tries to talk to me, but I can’t understand what she is saying. I try to reply, but my voice disappears into the background.

I told this dream to E the same day and she showed me this day’s shipment: 1 container, the top layer was loaded with long curly hazel branches.

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Has anyone else experienced premonitions or precognitive dreams,Either lucid or non lucid.
I have had many over the years.
One example :
Its dark.There are some plants.I am the night air.
I am outside the boundary of my friends garden and disembodied.I observe a group of people at the boundary.My POV possesses one of their bodies.I am just an observer and not in control of it.My tactile sense is not so strong although I can feel something personal between fear/anticipation/caution.They including the one I am ‘in’ jump and climb over the fence/wall of my friends garden.
We proceed to the house and are then inside.
Objects are taken and people go to different rooms.I realize I am witnessing thieves.The owners are close/arriving and I see headlights.I feel adrenaline then am running.People disperse and hide.Im disembodied and see building materials and builders in a partially out door space that is not part of his house.
I awoke and the norephinedrine from the dream kept me awake.

(3 Lunar months after this OBE;my friends house was burgled.I told him I had seen it and suggested he take fingerprints of the builders next door. He asked ‘How did you know there are builders next door?’)

I moved your post here.
You will find examples in this topic @Vadzimu :slight_smile:


There have been many studies of dream ESP and telepathy…The most famous were the the-maimonides dream studies,
Science is shallow and tries to debunk over 100 years of research and thousands of years of anecdotal evidence as Pseudoscience,