Create life. I don’t mean just poof make a plain empty-head DC show up. I mean, try to create something/someone intelligent, something that feels more real than anything. A good idea is to also have that creature/person/entity/whatever to be a companion on your dreams and LDs. Maybe someone who can come back to make you lucid when you aren’t . (this is similar to Magnus’s idea…)
Ask a DC to teach you something! Or find a teacher and ask him! (Check the “testing the realness of DCs” experiment in the Olde Lab to learn more about the teacher concept).
Meet yourself. This can have many results. Talk to yourself, fight yourself (this would be awesome!), hug yourself!
Ask for a mission! This is based on my own experience. I’ve been given, once, the duty to go to the Yoge Mountains (hence my DJ name), in order to meet my “Guardian Spirit”. I believe I really should try to find this place on my next LD. I’ll go there and check out what’s this all about I think people could try getting an objetive for their LDs, just like this.
Transform yourself into water. Or into smoke!
Relax! Find a comfy, or relaxing place to be.
Create your own house, or find one that’s been created for you. This could be very interesting, as I’ve heard about people who made a “home” where they always returned to in other dreams.
Find out what happens if you go too far in the universe (does it loop, like physics say? Does it end on a plain white/black empty space with a “men at work” sign? Find out!)
Open you mailbox and see if there’s a letter for you! Who knows what you might find…
Die, and see what it’s like.
Fight, or better yet, duel with DCs. Use varied weapons, fighting styles, magic, whatever you can think of.
Find out what’s your power animal!
Find and read a book.
Meet a historical/famous person! Jesus, Buddha, Elvis, Lincoln, Caesar, etc!
Walk on the walls/ceiling.
Sex change!
Ask a DC/SG about your soul mate!
Teleport! I don’t mean to different places, I mean in the SAME place. Get a room and teleport across it! This would be interesting with the duel idea above (Pretty Dragonball Z -ish )
Learn a new way to fly!
Go to other dimensions!
Break the limits: try running faster than the speed of light, digging as far as you can, flying as high as possible.
Look into mirrors, try to enter them.
Meet your ancestors