the BIG Quest Suggestion Topic

the current sealife quest is a quest for atlantis :smile: You can still participate in that one :smile:

how about the 2 i said, i like those:P, what do you think

leaving the matrix
splitting your body(into 2 whole body’s, not 2 half ones)

Uhh… You mean like Astral projection?

no, in your dream lol

you split your dream body into 2 dream bodies

Taste something that doesn’t exist IRL.

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How about try to go to the lucid capital. I was truly intrigued by weasel’s dream about the lucid capital, and I would really like to visit there. Maybe we might even meet other members of LD4all there.

Synaesthesia? :confused:

My DC’s aren’t worth a comedy show.

for your SG('s) then:P

find out more about quantum physics

Direct a movie?

I KNOW! Summon Freddie Krueger and see what happens…

Successfully record a music track? :music:

I only have one, and his name is a little to long for me to remember. He looks like sully.

hell yes, that would be great fun. a bit like jurassic park 2.

if it was really vivid, just seeing them would be good enough. though watching it on a screen would probably seem rather dull after that.

Work magic.

That’s so unspecific, though. I guess in a dream, anything out of the ordinary seems like magic (like the flying one that’s on at the moment). What about stereotypical magic, then, like Harry Potter things with wands and incantations? :wizard:

how about trying out your “perfect life”

Hmm… I don’t know if this has been suggested or not, but how about a Matrix LD? You could stand in the middle of a courtyard-like place and beat up clones of yourself. I don’t much about the Matrix, but it sure does sound like fun! :mrgreen:

i think thats a GREAT idea!

Yay, thanks! :good: [size=9][color=grey]That’s one of my very rare great ideas. LOL.[/size][/color]

Maybe it could be a competition based on how many clones you can kill. We can then see who gets the highest score! :content: