the BIG Quest Suggestion Topic

How about visiting an ld4all forum as a real place? You know, like an apartment, a place in the clouds, or a skyscraper.

Or fly out into space and see what happens when you get too long awey!
Or grow larger the earth, that whould be wird.

I like that idea…

I kind of like Neol’s suggestion. It reminds me of Q’s (or was it Noelle?) dream of the ld4all as a place.

/me dreamt of LD4All+SeaLife dreamers community as a huge building :cool:

How about taking a pill that gives you lucids every night?

I like Neol’s suggestion too, partly because I was thinking that would be very nice to have before he posted it. But I never came on the idea of posting it here, so thanks Neol :smile:

I like the idea of making your own dream song too, but it might be hard to remember?

Find your anthro animal self? :smile: (Example: I’m a fox, which means I’m intelligent and a thinker, etc. but still a little emotional and good-hearted.)

How about this? We fly to the moon and check if it’s really made of cheese!

Or…We can make a clone! Of ourself, of course. Then we could fight it…The winner gets 2 extra hours of lucidity. (You will win even if you lose! Mwahahaha!)

Maybe you can ask a DC about the worlds best joke? Or…no, that’d kill you, right?

Just some suggestions =P

1). Ask a DC to give you lucids every night and see what happens?

Another one I’ve thought of:

  1. Ask your dreams to show you your future. Possible methods include, showing your future on a TV screen, tarot cards, asking a DC, anything else you can think of. Compare the predictions to real life.

  2. Something i’ve always wanted to try. Explore, walk into the houses of people you’ve never met. Find a door with a no entry sign and walk inside. See what your imagination can come up with.

To find lucid city … :content: (or our mental perception of it) … either way I think it would be intresting …

my suggestion is that you create a planet in your dreams populate it with custom creatures and be their god but you have to remember it because if you dont then it dosent get saved therefore it will help improve your dream recall because theres more of a reason to remember your dreams

You could become huge and juggle various objects; Cars, Helicopters ect.

Become president and make horrible decisions; From now on america will be forced to eat peanut butter an eel sandwiches for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I know that the president only passses laws but you could use mind cotrol to make laws on the legislative branch.

For a Lucid Adventure, i think the dreamer should go to a wishing Island, where there are doors and behind the doors is the dreamers special wish and it comes true. So they can spend some time in their wish world.


I would like to try this for a month… as a quest… well its more or less a quest for everyone else.

Take a symbol or something… and say two people know what that symbol is. Now, everyone else is to try (in a LD) to find what the symbol is and what it means to them. Then at the end of the month, the mod can post what the symbol was.

It would be really interesting to see how close people can get to the symbol.

i like that idea carnun :happy:

I have a symbol in mind… I can PM it to you if you want.

I had an idea for a quest, but I don’t know how well it’ll work. I actualy planned to do this when I get my first LD. :tongue:

Call your SG and get a symbol (something simple). Then create(draw/paint/scuplt…what ever) it when you wake up.

Just an idea that I had…

Draw a glowing glyph that represents yourself?

This suggestion is very simple (the advantage here being that anyone ought to be able to do it on the first try), and that is - next time somebody has a lucid dream, they should take a look at what they are wearing at the time. I think it’s a good idea because in two of my lucid dreams I spent a lot of time worrying about my clothes because I discovered I was wearing my pyjamas out in public. (Very stylish pyjamas, mind you, but that’s beside the point. :razz: )

I think it’s interesting to see whether you’re wearing real clothes that you actually own, or whether your dream just makes up random ones for you. I know a lot of us don’t notice our clothes while dreaming, but it’s such an easy thing to do - why not?