That’s so unspecific, though. I guess in a dream, anything out of the ordinary seems like magic (like the flying one that’s on at the moment). What about stereotypical magic, then, like Harry Potter things with wands and incantations?
Hmm… I don’t know if this has been suggested or not, but how about a Matrix LD? You could stand in the middle of a courtyard-like place and beat up clones of yourself. I don’t much about the Matrix, but it sure does sound like fun!
I was thinking about one of the following for a quest:
Be a hero/character: Turn yourself into a comics/movie/cartoon/anime character, which his/hers characteristics, habilities and powers. (example: Be spiderman and web-sling around NY, or fly around as Superman, or do magic as Harry Potter, etc, etc, etc)
Be a hero (2): Act an adventure LD where you play the role of a hero. People could try different styles, ages, worlds, etc.
Talk to yourself: Summon yourself, or a manifestation of your SC and talk to it, ask any questions you might have. I figure this might give a different insight rather than the usual SG idea.
Be an animal: Turn into your pet or an animal you like to see how it is.
I’m hoping I can do one of those sometime smile, so I thought they’d be good quests too.
I had a GREAT idea now!
“Make a friend!”: Try and make a DC friend and see if he/she shows up again. Another possibility is to be a DC’s lover But maybe it’s too much.
(that could have two meanings: Make a DC, or find a DC and get to be his/her friend)