The BIG Remembering Dreams topic - Part III

YESSSSS i rememberd one this morning!!!, i’ll post it in a DJ topic EDIT now, cos i don’t have nnything better to do:p

Congratulations! Btw, writing the dreams down is a good way to remember more of them, too

Im going to school in the morning and just cant write down my dreams in the mornings.
I mean , I try to , and do so a few times in the week.
But the rest of the days I doesn`t remember it when I come hoem from school :help:
I s this (very) bad?

Dream recall is important. If you can’t remember your dreams, then how would you know if you were lucid. If you are realy short on time in the morning try writing down just the key things you remember.

for example: Say you dreamed you were a superhero and flew around saving alot of people and fighting alot of differant vilans.

This dream could have alot of detail and would take awhile to write it all down. so instead write:

-Saving people

Take the piece of paper you’ve wrote that on to school with you. I’m sure that you have SOME free time during your day. Just by going back and looking at the key terms to put down, there is a good chance it will help you remember alot of your dream. Then rewrite it in more detail.

Hope this helps you. :smile:

also if you are short on time and if you have a tape-player with record on it record your dreams or if you have a video recorder video yourself talking about the dream these 2 things saves time if you have a mic for your computer you can also do that.

yea, sadly, i didn’t remember anny after that:’(
or, now that i look at the date, 1 more, but i rather don’t share that i think:P

I usually do what Waesel suggested, and it usually works. I rarely have time to record a full dream in the morning so I just write down point form notes and expand them in my DJ at night, right before I go to sleep. I’ve found this also helps to keep LD in your mind, as you going to sleep, 'cause I’ve just done my DJ right before bedtime.

Sometimes, forgotten dreams come back to me when i go back to bed the next night. Has that happened to any of you?

Actually that happens to me quite often. I’ll get back into bed and when I roll over and get into the position I woke up in, the dream will come to me.

strange, well, a few days ago i had my record DR, it was the day i was crazyly(?) trying to hack a cola machine:P

i remembered 3 dreams, this morning i rememberd one where me and a few friends(3 guys and a girl i think) were in a halo (1 or 2, i dunno) game, but not playing it, we were inside it:P, at the end the girl that was playing along got injured by the boss, it just wouldn’t die and we had to abandon her cos if we didn’t we’d be killed by the boss

strangely i don’t even own a halo game

My DR is going quite well i must say, not remembering full dreams, but i’m remembering fragments of 2 or more dreams a night.

My dream recall has really gone down the toilet since college started :tongue:
I’ll start my DJ after thanksgiving weekend, then I’ll be a bit more rested :smile:

I’m in a bit of a dry spell myself. I’ve gone about a week now with hardly any recall. Time to make another trip to the Lucid Wishing Well! :content:

I’ve been trying to LD again for the past 3 nights, and I feel pretty stupid, because I keep remembering these dreams where crazy stuff is happening and I dont think of doing a RC! But I think it’s good I’m remembering a lot, last night I can cleary remember 2 dreams each with a few different scenes.

My dream recall skyrocketed for no apparent reason.
6 Recalls in 3 nights compared to my once every month or so usually.
I’ve forgotten them all now because I didn’t write them down, I wasn’t actively trying to improve DR or LD so there was no reason to.

Maybe you’ve just been getting more sleep lately darkryno?

Nah, if anything i’ve been getting less. I didn’t remember any last night so maybe it was just a random spell. I’ll see tonight if its gone completely. It was good whilst it lasted though, eve though 3 of 6 were nightmares, I was lucid in one, if only for a second.

I find I remember more just by thinking about dreams more before I go to sleep. Although I keep not doing reality checks!! Maybe tonite!!
I never write mine down (too lazy), but I can still remember them for a few days. Try lying in bed after you wake up and just think ‘what were my dreams about?’, dont move if you can help it.

btw you wouldnt happen to be from quebec would you? just knew someone who used to go by a similiar name online.

No definately not from Quebec.

Sounds like me. Luckilly when I become lucid it just seems to happen for no reason and I know I’m dreaming straight away without needing to do an RC.

I wake up remembering a lot of dream fragments (from ND’s) sometimes and can’t work out the order they came in. There’s too much. If i did more WBTB, recall would be easier - smaller amounts of sleep at a time.