The BIG Remembering Dreams topic - Part III

I’ve started to make a DJ the previous week and i have already written a couple of dreams.I don’t know why but these days (i mean the whole week)it seems like i just can’t remember any of my dreams not even a scene.It’s just black,black,black…
I can say that i love black as a colour but i hate it when i just can’t remember my dreams.It’s irritating…Any advice??

I just can give you the advice I’ve given before: not to move when you wake up (I suppose you already do that). Another good technique, when you don’t remember anything when you wake up, is thinking about random words “a plane… a camel… flying… a boat”, etc. until you feel one of them has to do with something you dreamt. Then you focus on this feeling and you can sometimes remember a dream fragment, from which you can rebuild your dream in the reverse order, wondering what happened before.

If you already remember your dreams like that, all I can say is not to worry and wait your dream recall to come back. Good luck! :content:

Thnx!! I don’t usually move when i wake up,and i just try to remember my dreams.I can see only two problems for not remembering my dreams.One of them is because i want it too much and just keep trying to remember them.The other one is-i think-that these days don’t sleep well,but the thing is that it has happened before-not to sleep well-but i was seeing dreams these days.Dunno,but thnx for the inf. :smile:

One thing you could do that I just thought of (to improve dream recall) is to keep a normal journal of your day events. Cause if you wake up not remembering anything, or remebering litte, you could read the last few entries of your normal journal and perhaps pick up a key word or phrase that brings an entire dream back…

Thnx!!I will try to do that. :smile: The bad thing is that the subconscious keeps bigger notes…if you understand what i mean,and also it’s a bit difficult to do it except if i keep notes of the things that give an odd impression to me.thnx anyway.i saw two dreams yesterday but i can’t remember them as well although i keep a DJ so that i know what’s going on with me but again i only know that i saw two dreams at night.It’s a start :shy:

I’m gonna try that. It’s a good idea I haven’t heard of before.

My dream recall has gotten worse too. When I started to keep a DJ, I had many weeks of good dream recalling, I always remembered atleast one dream, tho sometimes only a fragment, but atleast something. Then in the mournings I rememberd the ND as if I had been right in it and it was awesome. I mean, I felt something like “yesterday I was blasting some nazi bastards with my trusty AK-47”, it was so real. And I have gotten to respect it now, when my dream recall has decreased to 0. It’s as if I don’t dream anymore. I lay in the bed and think, what my dream was about, but then I nearly fall asleep again and I start fantasysing, alteast I think I am fantasysing, and I stop it. I hate to write “nothing” in my dream journal (I use the rest of the space of the page to vent my frustation :razz:). I practice autosuggesting (“I’ll have a vivid dream and I will remember it”) and I was just starting with active RC’ing during the daytime, but now I’m just worried.

I think you have a blockage. Take a 2 day break to stop your frustratio, and peaceful try to remeber your dreams next time you go to sleep in the mind set of remebering dreams :tongue:

Worked for me. Your just really “Trying to hard”

I don’t know about everyone, but all I do is remind myself to remember my dreams once during the day (“I intend to remember my dreams when I wake up”) and I’ll remember at least one dream per night.

Hi Santa!
It happened to me too. It doesn’t mean that your dream recall is bad. But imaginating and falling asleep again will of course erase your remembrance of previous dreams. It can become a bad habit so you should get out of bed next time you realize you begin to imagine things and are no more focused on remembering your dream.

I havent got real DR for 3 days in a row for 2-3 weeks ! :sad: I may have DR for 2 days and its gone for a while .
I think my problem is that I don`t really understand that I had dreamt ,

Any suggestions ?

Don’t worry Petter. Such dry spells happen to everybody.

Just say to yourself firmly, “Tonight I will dream, and I intend to remember those dreams” Once in the morning, once during the day and once sometime before bed. Aside from that, just let it alone. Just let it alone and try not to think of it much. If you wake up with no recall, just state firmly, “Just let it be, My recall with return and improve eventually, there’s nothing to worry about.”

That’s what I do.

In addition to what Basilus and Chilla have already said, you could try some meditation or post hypnotic suggestions. I have no problems with dream recall after meditating for half an hour, and then giving myself autosuggestions that I will remember my dreams vividly and in detail (and here’s my plug: if you don’t believe me, check out my dream journal!)
Hope this helps Petter,

Thanks everybody !


I am actually quite sure that would work :content: You just about allways dream I heard, so in theory you could dig up alot of dreams.

I have alright dream recall, but I figured I’d improve it, so I told myself I’d wake up after every dream and write it down. It worked, I remembered at least 2 dreams every night, vividly too, and sometimes 3-4.

The thing is, now I can’t remember anything if I don’t write my dreams down! lol. I remember them in the morning, for a few seconds, and I even tell myself that I will remember them later on during the day, but I always forget anyway.
It sucks lol. Sometimes I KNOW my dreams were long and vivid and filled with adventures, and I still can’t remember what I dreamt about!!

What should I do? Should I just hope it goes away (maybe I just hit a dry spell)?

Dream on. // Olesia

I have the same problem.I also usually hate to read what i have written so even if i write them down i won’t be able to read them.Right now i remeber at least two of the dreams i saw last night-day but i don’t remember many details.The funny thing is that i remeber a person that i’ve never met and i’ve seen it on a picture-a friend of my bro- and pope although i’m orthodox… :tongue:

Most of the dreams we have are confuse, it’s very rare when they are cohesive, pretty and interesting. In such conditions, it sounds like normal that we forget dreams if we don’t write them down. By the way, it’s well known that we forget dreams in the few minutes following our waking up.

I've been working on my DR for a few weeks after I had a couple of spontaneous LD's. I've been keeping a journal and can remember about one dream a night. The only problem is that my level of consciousness is very low within the dream - little is vivid visually and usually have no other senses. Does anyone have any advice for just [b]observing[/b] more in dreams? I'm still experimenting with techniques - WBTB doesn't work well, and I've had one LD apiece with WILD and DILD.