the BIG remembering dreams topic part IV

I guess I’ll never know for sure, because I do a lot of WBTBs in the morning, when I had that/those dreams. It’s entirely possible I woke up briefly before being executed, then immediately fell asleep again and had the FA. But it’s only a possibility. Anyway, thanks for your answer, moogle, it was helpful.

That happens to me sometimes. I don’t have FA’s, but wake up in bed, and am still in the dream in my head. I will be trying to solve some problem from the dream, or think up some way to change it so that it works out better, until I am awake enough to see that it was just a dream. :happy:
It happend again just this morning. I will be writing the dream up in my DJ in just a few minutes. I woke up, and was wondering how to get to the festaval and meet the princess in time. I was really woried about it until I realised it had been a dream.

That happens all the time to me too! :content:

While on vacation I pulled a small muscle on one rib. It was a minor injury, but when lying down it was painful if I moved the wrong way.

Normally I sleep on my side and roll over to change sides many times during the night.

With this injury, each time I wanted to change sides, I would awake and very slowly roll over.

The interesting thing was that I woke up through out the night at the end of dream sequences. It gave me a large degree of dream recall and also showed me how REM sequences really do get longer as the night goes on. Also learned that if I wake up at end of REM sequence I need to wait at least an hour for hypnogogia and next dream cycle.

I don’t recommend injuring yourself. But if you want to develop more dream recall, experiment with techniques that will wake you up during the night naturally (as opposed to by alarm clock). For example you can drink a lot of water. Or you could wear a bell that will ring when you roll over. Or you could something lumpy next to you, so when you roll onto it it wakes you up.

During REM sleep you are in SP, but at end of REM there is a period where you body may move around again. This period seems to be right time for good dream recall.

Hello. I’ve got a schedule very counter-active to sleep and dreaming in general. (I bet I’m not the only one!) Is there any way to increase dream recall with small amounts of sleep?

I work at night at UPS, from 11:00pm - 3:00am. It is very hard labor, loading heavy packages into semi-trailers. It takes me about an hour to “unwind” and then actually fall asleep once home. I sleep for about 4 hours, where I must wake up at 8:00am for college. I get home from college at about noon. The afternoon is about the only time where I have 8 hours of uninterrupted time available to sleep, and that’s if I don’t have any other plans.

My question is: Is sleeping in the afternoon instead of only four hours in the morning advisable? I find it difficult falling asleep in the daytime, but it might not be so hard if I skip the morning “nap”.

The way I see it, I can either sleep in the afternoon or adopt a form of polyphasic sleep. What would you all recommend? BTW, I am currently using a DJ and autosuggesting before sleep. My recall is pitiful.

Yeah, I’m having a bit of a blank… a drought or whatever in dream recalling terms.

What’s the best way to get your (rather, my!) dream recall up?

I also want to incubate a dream the same night. Or should I get recall up one night then incubate the other?

Or I could Incubate a dream where I keep saying “I will remember my dream when I wake up!”


Do you keep a dream journal?
Try setting your alarm clock to wake you up during your REM periods throughout the night, or if you’re more advanced at intention setting just tell yourself that you will awaken after each REM period and recall your dreams clearly. I find this works like a dream. :peek:

I recently wrote a blog post about an easy way of increasing dream recall. I hope it helps.

thanks guys, my dream recall goes up and down alot.

One week I was remembering 1 dream per night but now I don’t remember anything!

I have kept a dream journal and there are loads and LOADS of dreamsigns everywhere, but I stopped for some reason. Don’t know why.

Thanks again.

The Mad Hatter had it all cowerd up on his blog, go there!

i would also like to say thad you shouldnt stress it too much… i havent had any LDs yet but my recall is doing great, i had two days without dreams and i freeked out but when i got over it it started coming back… it is normal to have few days without dreams so dont let that bother you…

everything else is on hatter’s blog…

i vould trade my dreams for one LD all ready though… :neutral:

This part is now locked: the discussion continues in the BIG remembering dreams topic part V :moogle: