the BIG remembering dreams topic part V

Thanks. I guess I just have to stick it out for a while. :tongue:

Also, are you remembering to tell yourself to remember dreams as you fall asleep; having some sort of will or mantra can really help get your recall going.

for starters
when you wake up, even if you cant remember anything
just keep lying down looking at the ceiling and your dreams should eventually get back to you, dont force it to, just lie down, chill, and it will come to you.
i think it is helpful to dwell on your dreams as long as you can, the more i think about my dreams during my waking hours, the more i will be aware of them.
so if you remember you dream from last night, try thinking about it for as much as you can and want during all of the day, try to remember as much details as you can.
always remain positive and optimistic and if you cant remember any thing at all.
just relax, it will come to you in a day or two…
hope this was helpful


Meh. Ive always remembered my dreams from when i was a toddler ¬¬
But lately … ive been getting lowered recall. Its gone from 5 a night to 1…or just small fragments. Anyone suggest why my recall may have dropped?
& i know i dont need to do any techniques to get it back up again, just why its dropped, really. Thankss :content:

Okay, I hate the state that I’m at. I either remember my dreams start to finish, I remember a very small bit of it, or I don’t remember at all. You might’ve guessed the latter is the usual. I’ve tried “the water trick” I’ve tried relaxing and staring at the roof, I’ve tried just jotting down what I know and seeing if anything comes to me, but NOTHING helps me. I don’t have time to read through all the articles ( :tongue: ) so I’m just going to ask if there’s any really good techniques.

Don’t worry, I’ve heard the “it’s different for everybody” thing :wink: I want to remember the shared dream meeting thing with my friends. (I DO keep a DJ just so you know-- It’s on my computer, after reading this, I’m going to keep one by my bed too.)

Well, for me the most important element BY FAR when it comes to remembering dreams is the intent to do so.

Last week I had a dry spell over a period of three days. Partly because I slept very little and partly because I was so busy with other things (university deadlines etc.) that I didn’t even so much as think about dreaming.

Now I’m “back to normal” so to speak and I make an effort (well, a slight effort) every night to remember my dreams. It helps tremendously with remembering dreams in general, and I usually wake up after each one automatically too (also intentional). For the past three weeks or so I’ve done nothing but focus on remembering my dreams, and I’ve been highly successful too. Soon I’ll take it to the next level and go for the LD’s (though I’ve had 2 LD’s and 4 lucid moments during this time without even trying).

So, if anything, focus your intention on remembering. For me it makes all the difference in the world. It’ll still take time before your dream recall is really good if you’re starting from scratch, though.

I’ve read all of the Big Remembering Dream Topics, but I’m still not satisfied at all with my dream recall. If I’d keep it up, I’d only barely have enough recall to try a stab at lucid dreaming. I followed most of the advice offered in them:

  • I tell myself to remember my dreams
  • I try not to force my recall and let the memories come to me
  • I try either not to move or to lay back to my former position if I have
  • I try to write anything that springs to mind
  • I say random words to myself until I find one related to a dream
  • I visualize frequent dream scenes
  • I use B6 and an acetylcholinergic (acetyl-l-carnitine)

I keep forgetting to close my eyes, I should still try that. Maybe I should also write more outside of my dreams when I can’t remember anything to write down. I won’t use caffein before going to sleep as I might not sleep at all because of it, and it’s unhealthy.

Anything else I’ve missed?

The main other thing I can think of is to change the number of hours you are asleep either increase it or decease it. Since when you wake up during (or even just after) REM it is easier to recall the dreams.

You see, I’ve tried all of those too, I don’t have access to B6 or anything, and I wake up after many REM periods. I’m remembering about… 5 dreams a week now, but then I don’t have time to write in my DJ. After that, I forget most of my dream. I simply have the knowledge of what my dream may have been about.

I’m also sometimes discouraged from writing down my dreams because they’re sometimes quite boring. Only the more interesting, weirder ones are placed on my online dream journal so as to not bore my public. :smile:

When I wake up in the middle of the night just to remember some immensely mundane event, that’s quite frustrating. A dream which could impossible happen in real life is what I’d like to wake up for.

Hmm, I was just thinking about something today. I consider my dream recall to be pretty decent, but the last two weeks or so I’ve sort of been slipping (university work).

I still wake up several times a night from a dream, but lately I don’t write down as many. Many times I just don’t really care and I en up only writing down the ones I consider good.

This is more a question to the really experienced LD’ers. Can it hurt overall recall if you’re selective with writing down dreams? Just to be clear, I do still “intend” to wake up after every dream (and usually that’s exactly what happens). It’s just that I can’t really be arsed to write down some of the shorter dreams (or if I wake up being too tired). A quick glance through my DJ will tell you what my recall is like.

If it’ll hurt my overall recall, I’ll go back to writing down everything and make the extra effort. But it saves me a lot of time if I just write down the “bigger” ones, so to speak.

As long as you actually take the time to recall as much as possible, it won’t hurt not to actually write them down.

I think it would improve your recall if you would write everything down. It’s just that the more you write down, the more you remember from following dreams, at least for almost everyone. But as moogle says it would not really hurt your recall not to write everything down if you just take your time and recall as much as you can.

i love remembering my dreams and my family thinks that i am crazy when i tell them about them. well they dont know what they are missing.

Well, my first post, certainly not the first time around ld4all or LDing.
Within the last (about) year and a half, I’ve been wondering about the possibility of seriously developing my dream recall, lucid dreaming and possibly a number of other…things.
Finally, and not a moment too early, I’ve decided that the topic of Dreams is just too important a part of life to sleep through.
And so, about a week ago, I made the first move towards my goals, which is reading and gathering knowledge about Everything Dreams And Sleep I could find, combining this with a DJ.

Problem is… my status at the moment is a Military Medic, something which leaves very little freedom of choice concrning my sleep hours.
I’d say my average night is composed of between 4 and 6 and a half hours of sleep.
Along the course of the last 9-10 days I was able to remember 2 maybe 3 whole dreams, some details missing. maybe a a few more fragments, but that’s it.
I should also note that 3 dreams within that time is quite an achievement for me, sadly being able to remember absolute NOTHING for MONTHES at times.
But. but but but… I feel that my intention’s suppose to propel me forward with so much more force…
I’m really trying to improve my dream recall, motivation I have in tons. I’m using AS every night before(and if) going to bed, telling myself I will dream, and when the dream ends I’ll awaken and remember it.
I’m even using the glass of water routine.
Any tips for success?

Oh, Hey everyone :smile:

Also, I’m really starting to believe that I am a deep sleeper.
I just can’t seem to wake up at will during the night.
So, any advice is welcome /:

:wave: MnemonicDetermination
You can improve dream recall by doing just a few things…

  • Set the intent to remember your dreams before you go to sleep
  • Do not jump out of bed when first waking up (equally try to wake up gently … I find a beeping alarm better than a clock radio) … lie still for five minutes to give yourself time to recapture any dream memories
  • keep a notebook and pen by your bed and jot down the dream before you start your day … even just keywords or a short list summary will help
  • if the above don’t help … then alter the time period that you actually sleep (an extra half hour for example or half an hour less). I find if i wake up just after or during REM, my recall is clearer a lot quicker and sometimes I wake with the full dream already in my memory

I’ve read quite a lot about this technique and I believe it’s the most effective one for me at least, differs from person to person I guess. However are you intended to tell yourself that you will dream and remember them when you wake up until you fall asleep? I often, especially now that school has started again, can’t fall asleep as easily as before - and it doesn’t feel right to tell myself that i’ll dream for 40 min~ :confused:


just telling yourself with conviction a number of times is enough (3 or 5 times)
and then just relax, often thinking about what you would like to dream about

First off, let me start by saying my name is Daniel(Hits Daniel3466)

I have Been Looking Into Lucid Dreaming For about 2-Three mounths now
Read Multi Books on the the subject, Checked out your guys’s Guide To Lucid Dreaming, From First, To The While Sec

And im 15 Years Old

Ok… So My Prob

I cant Remeber ANY dreams, the last dream i remember was about 4-6 mouths ago

a total of about 3 in a year

I am Home Schooled, so I sleep from 10 at night to 6 in the morning, then take a 1 hour nap about 4 hours later

Iv Tried Warm Milk,
Telling My self i will remember My Dream

visualise my self remembering the next morning.

And Using The Water Trick

I found This On YouTube

The Hu Tech
And Still No Remery

P.S. I take Two 50mg B6 pills at night, and have been for 4 days now

P.S.S. If this is in the wroung area let me know, im just a noob guys and gals

Thanks, Hope To Join in the lucid dream experince or, well… even remember a Non-lucid dream at LEAST once a week

Hey Daniel, on behalf of everyone welcome to LD4all! :wave: Enjoy your stay, the lounge is over there, playground down there… here have a drink

Anyway, click here for the BIG topic on remembering dreams.

Step 1: what i and a majority of people do is keep a dream journal. A simple book (or a fancy one if you wish. after all, it is YOUR dream journal :write: ) to record your dreams. Decorate it, make it look how you want it to look, as you’ll be writing in it a lot. And put it near your bed so you can reach easily.

Step 2: When you wake up try to lay still and think about remembering what the dream was. Moving around straight after awakening gets your body and mind started for the day, so it helps to lie still but you can move if you’re uncomfortable. Make sure not to fall asleep again though, if you’re still sleepy open your eyes and look around a bit but try not to take anything in. Simply close them again after awhile.

Step 3: Now try to remember the dream. Don’t focus too hard, and don’t let your mind drift. er… could someone elaborate this? Hard for me to explain.
At first you should only remember bits and pieces, so as soon as you remember anything write it in your dream journal before you forget. Even if it’s a single word, person, object, write it down! Things could come back to you during the day so make sure you have something to write on.

When i first started i could only get a few dot points.
Even now sometimes it takes awhile but i remember the dream in pieces and then i can focus on putting the parts together. Then i write it down in the dream journal. Others can remember the entire sequence of the dream straight away.

There are probably other ways to help with recalling dreams, but that is the basic technique. You don’t have to take B6, i think it’s to aid in lucidity :confused: I don’t know much about B6.
Anyway, good luck and sweet dreams . I have a feeling i’ve left something out though… :eh: