the BIG riddle topic [part VIII]

Can’t you give a hint or something?
In what way should we search?

note: its the letters H to O

thats the most obvious clue i have ever given

Yeah, I found that out. But I don’t have any clue what to do with it. (When I posted H&M I just thought for a minute or something it was H to M that wasn’t there)

Some questions:
Is it something with numbers?
Is it something with a word?
Did you make it yourself?

try saying it out loud (now im really giving the game away) the missing letters are H to O. say it exactly as i put it. You might just hear yourself saying the answer. (or something very close to it)

water (H2O) or aqua

WELL DONE! THATS CORRECT! YAY! WELL DONE! :thumbs: :good: :ok: :boogie: :cheer: :hurray: :bounce: :partying_face: :beer: :clap:

Hebrew- Click the little ‘edit’ button at the top of your post to add things in instead of just making another post. It needlessly adds to your postcount and spams. AND NONE OF US WOULD EVER SPAM, RIGHT? :grin:

What is the greatest worldwide use of cowhide?

making leather

@DA, it’s possible tho:p

What destroyes all mountains ?
Kills the greatest kings .
Defining it is hard .
Even though we can .

A nuke?


Pretty riddles-in-the-dark stuff. :content:


A nuclear warhead.

that can’t be stopped, read the last line, and PLEASE will you STOP SPAMMNG, you joined yesterday and you got 60 posts, that’s 30 a day FGS

I don’t spam. I just post a lot.

Darn .
And one nuke can`t bring down a mounttain :tongue:

Yes it can. If it can destroy a country (almost) it can destroy a mountan. at least enough so that people can never climb it again.

it dont fysically destroy a country . it just make it unliveable for humans . The mountain still exist , though we cant climb it