the BIG riddle topic [part VIII]

Don’t look at this post if you haven’t found it yourself!
First find it out yourself! but I can’t make it small or something along that.

I put my name next to Needle :smile:

E L D E N E E D E L N E E N E D L L E E N E D L E N E E D E L N E E D E E L E N D L E E D E N Ea E D L E D N E L E E N E L E E Lr E E N E N E E L D E E D N L E Dd E N D E N E N L E E D E L E D En E N E L E L E E D E N N E E L Ea D L E N D E E D E D E L E E D Ns E E L D E L L D N L E N E L D L E N E E L D N E E E D E D L N E E E D L E N E E D L L E L D E L N E L E N E D E D N E N E E D N E D E D E E D E N L E L N E L D E E E E L N E E L E D E E N E D E L D E N E E D L N E E L D E N D E E L E N E N E E L D E E E E L E N N E E E D L E N E E L N N E E D L E N E L E N E L E N E N D

that isn’t a riddle … it’s just observation. :tongue:

Amazing work, Sandra. I just posted this and you answered it already. I didn’t think it could be done in under 5 minutes.You have real good eye to spot it so fast.

EDIT: I guess, you’re right, moogle. But I thought I could still place it here though.

The idea is someone posts a riddle, then whoever gets it right gets to post their own riddle.I’ll start:

I’m as small as an ant, as big as a whale. I’ll approach like a breeeze, but can come like a gale. By some I get hit, but all have shown fear. I’ll dance to the music, though I can’t hear. Of names I have many, of names I have one. I’m as slow as a snail, but from me you can’t run. What am I?
merged into the BIG riddle topic

click :content:

And Shadow is the answer to your riddle. I can’t think of much myself right now. You’ll have to do it with this.

I pass before the sun, yet make no shadow. What am I?

this is for Mr.Quesadila…
ummmm…is it…possiable spoiler…

SPOILER - Click to view

fear or death???

if you want to see my guesses then just highlight the text in the box :grin:

I’d have to say a shadow, although it doesn’t really work with the “but all have shown fear” bit. :bored:

[i] I stalk the midnight, with nothing more but small blades as my tools. I jump over the tallest of obstacles to reach my target of assassination. Poison is my friend.

What am I? [/i]

You are given a match with a computer opponent in a game of Tic-Tac-Toe. You have the first move. If the computer’s first move is always random, what should your first move be that’d ensure the greatest chance of you grabbing the win.

(I made this puzzle out of the fact that I ‘studied’ Tic-tac-Toe when I was younger and when I was bored… )

one of the corners. Then he has a 1/8 chance of getting the middle.

if he gets the middle you lose but you can always win if you get it i thinks maybe not though.

Why will you win if he doesn’t get the middle? Explain each scenario. (Need to be sure we’re thinking the same)

I believe that the middle is essential to winning the match, as it allows more versatile strategic thinking.

Cid, you’re wrong. The middle one would guarantee a win only 50% of the time.

I think one of the side squares should be used. Like this.



Then you could go like this.


or similar. as long as the opponent does not choose the middle, it will work.

I bear the Good within me, and I am pure of heart.
I aid my allies with valiancy and struggle against Evil so hard.
Sword in hand and armor on torso, my path is wise and smart.

What am I?

A knight.

Almost, but not quite.

A white Knight?

Or maybe a paladin of light?

“Paladin of Light” It is! Here’s your price, a SilverWing Tabard hands one to Heb :content:

Umm… thanks.

What have I got in my pockets?