I’ve had SP a number of times. I usually get it when I’m stressed. Up until 3 years ago I used to sleep walk when I was stressed but now I just about always experience SP. It happens as I’m just drifting off to sleep. I start to feel vibrations throughout my body (especially my head) and I can’t move. I also hear a buzzing sound in my ears that gets louder and louder. I’ve never tried to scream or speak. I always have my eyes closed and can’t open them which is probably why I’ve never had hullicinations. I did have audio hullicinations once though. A woman was trying to tell me to wake up and a man kept telling her to shut up. The first time it happened I was terrified and didn’t know what was happening, even after I woke up. I thought for sure I was dying. (You hear all these stories of people dyin in their sleep) I’ve never felt anything pushing down on my chest, but I usually get SP while sleeping on my left side.
I read somewhere that if you try rolling out of your body during SP you can experience OBE, so I tried it and it worked. I ended up on my hands and knees on the “floor” only it felt like there was something pushing up on my hands and knees and I was floating. I then proceeded to fall through the floor and ended up in a lucid dream. I didn’t really know what to do, so I just kept walking around until I ended up back in my room and suddenly woke up back in my bed. It’s a bizzare feeling cause you think you’re already awake but then you wake up.
The second time I tried it it worked again only this time I got scared and panicked and started flailing around and ended up falling through the floor and waking up. I went right back to sleep and had SP again. This time I didn’t panic and when I “came out of my body” I managed to stay there for a few minutes before falling through the floor and waking up.
I can’t really control when it happens and I don’t know why it happens to me, but I sleep walk, I talk in my sleep, I’ve had night terrors twice, you name it, I’ve had it. I also remember my dreams really clearly. I’d rather have SP though than sleep walking cause at least I can’t hurt myself.
I find though, if I concentrate on moving my toes while having SP I’ll wake up. If I don’t do anything and let it pass, it’ll keep happening over and over again.