the BIG Spirit Guide topic III

I’ve been dreaming alot lately and haven’t been able to discover my dream/spiritual guide, what I thought about the bird might still be true. I havent seen it lately, but its either my awarness or I don’t beleive if its true. I’m starting to think that it may be something invisible, or… is it possible to be your own guide? Maybe I just need to do more work. I’ll post again soon!

Most spiritual teachers agree that spirit guides are:

. one or more people that you knew in a previous life that have signed on to be with you throughout this lifetime (although you can have guides that come in for a short period to help you with a specific thing – at the moment I have three, but usually have two)

. spirit guides are not the same as guardian angels (angels or ascended masters may also be with you, but they were never in human form)

. spirit guides often communicate with you in a subtle way in your waking life by giving you flashes of inspiration or a repetitive thought/idea that doesn’t seem to come out of your normal awareness. You’ll learn to identify these in time, especially if they are intuitive hits (for instance, you keep thinking about a long lost friend who calls you that same day). But in LDs, you can have a more visceral experience with them so don’t give up trying. Patience, patience, patience.

And before anything else, let us remember that spiritual leaders (even the pope) are only humans :smile:

What if I called for my SG and the guy who showed up said he was my angel?

I have one of those too, and it’s definately NOT my spirit guardian (look for Shin in my dream journal to see what I’m talking about). d=

Thanks for help dakinidreamer. I’ll keep an open eye and patient mind. :smile:

This is actually very common in many cultures. I have not seen so far a lot of reference to the subject of dreams in traditional cultures here, which dissapoints me. Among many African cultures and not infrequently in African American’s dreams, ancestors, especially fairly recent ones such as grandparents are frequent visitors to dreams and may serve as spirit guides. This is common in quite a few other cultures, notably also Asian ones. It is pretty common in any culture where those who precede us are held in reverence.


Hello, Im somewhat new to this forums (recently registered actually, and really didnt know where to post this so…).

I’ve been wanting to meet my spirit guide for a long time and yesterday night I finally got my chance. I became lucid about half way through my dream. I was in a restaurant and as soon as I realized I was dreaming I instantly walked up to a hostess and asked him where my dream guide was. I asked the question three times with slight variations until he finally pointed him out. He seemed suprised, and then extremely excited and began talking to me about my dreams. We talked about my dreams for awhile good ones and bad ones, and then I asked him, If he was responsible for the dreams. He replied, “That it was his job to gather information.” The reply was confusing to me but I didnt push the issue (After all I was really excited to finally meet my spirit guide!). We went to his house (this area seemed alot more real and clear than a regular dreamworld) and started to talk again. He was still kinda shady on how I found him, and I said that “My subconsious pointed me to you.” He seemed shocked at this news. We began talking again after that for a short time until he suddenly stopped talking and his jaw kinda dropped (like in a, “Oh My God” kinda way), And I was suddenly ripped from my body and was floating above his house looking down. I saw these men and a women wearing black approach, they were armed (the women was very fast and had some kind of light envelope her fist). I felt the dream start to fade at this point, and tried spinning around as fast as possible in circles (read somewhere that it helps you stay dreaming), it didnt work and I woke up, laying in bed.

:confused: Im just kinda confused on what happened in my dream, did I lose lucidy somewhere? It felt like I was in control of the dream up until the end when I was floating and I was concious of dreaming the whole way through this episode. Some :help: or explaination would be much appreciated.
Much Thanks



Congrats on meeting your SG! :boogie: They’re the coolest people, don’tcha think? ^^ You probably lost lucidity with a random dream happening, don’t worry about it. The dream sounds pretty long and detailed, good job! :ok:

Next chance you get you should introduce yourself in ‘The BIG “Hi, I’m new here!”’ topic in the Gathering. =]

Happy lucids, hope to see you around. :wave:

Zoch, you just lost stability in your dream. Next time this kind of weird stuff starts to happen, rub your hands, or spin around your body, it will stabilize the dream again.

And, by the way, congratulations on the SG dream and WEEEEEELCOME to the forum! :cool:

Haha, Wolf! ^^
Nice try. :tongue:

Actually I didn’t even think of that until JUST NOW. (honestly)

(You couldn’t expect me to not post that link after mentioning it, did you? ^^)

SG aren’t really that nice, I have never met mine! Once I used a whole LD just on shouting “Spirit Guide”, “I need guidance” and similar phrases. No one showed up, I began to lose faith in this so-called SG, but could just been like because of it was a low-level LD?

I’ve heard this several times on this forum, but I’m not quite sure on what to believe; Does your SG show itself for you when you are ready, even though when you think you are, you’re really not?

I think your SG shows up when it feels like it/feels you may need it for some reason(the day before you need it that is).

Instead of asking for your SG to appear ask something/someone else in your dream to “Take me to my spirit guide” or something along those lines (took me three tries of rephrasing the question before it worked). BUT, It eventually did work for me, might as well try it, eh? Happy dreaming! :cool:

Has anyone else had this dilemma? You believe in one SG, only to find out he wasn’t your real SG, and was just fooling you under orders of the real one? It happened to me, and you can read about it in my DJ, but has it happened to anyone else? And if so, how long did the trick last?

I don’t know if my SG’s tricking me. He is a trickster but I don’t think he’d do something like that. He makes me lucid… Often cause he wants sex. :tongue:

It’s really nice though. He was my favorite DC and it’s nice to know he’s my SG.

I suppose that if a DC teaches you something and give you good advices about dreaming or about your real life, you can consider him as a SG. If he doesn’t, it’s just a stupid DC. And as there is no science called spiritguidology, I’m afraid nobody knows how many time the trick lasts. :neutral:

I see… maybe i shoulda known though… then again, probably not…

new topic/post moved from Stuff of Dreams and merged into the Big Spirit guide topic
I had aother wierdo dream a couple of nights ago!

I was living in my local area, everything was the same, except for a big grassy mountain in to the north.

There was this massive tornado going around and tearing everything me and my family were all running for our lives, when i get seperated from them. (I don’t recall how)

Anyway, i meet this middle-aged guy with gray hair, not ugly, but not particulary handsome either…

So we’re driving away in a red car, it stops and i get out. The tornado comes out from behind the mountain, and i call to the man and a police woman that was there: ‘It’s coming this way!’

The woman says that it isn’t, then see’s that it is. She pushes a button and it starts to beep. I look round and the man, the car and my shoes are at the top of a steep mound of gravel. I try to climb up, but it’s too steep. The man throws my shoes down and i call out to him: ‘Come down and get me!’. He does, then the tornado hits us. I jump out of the sunroof, and grabbed hold of “half” the tornado, as it was made of two spinning wind tubes. The man grabs the other and bends it round to form a loop. I throw my half throught the loop and we both pull to make a knot. The knot get’s smaller and smaller, until it disappears. Me and the man go to the area around my house, to the local Tesco. But it is the wrong one. I start to cry, then we go to another Tesco, then to my house. I got to my garden, but my family isn’t there and i start to cry again. Then, i hear a beeping, the man picks up a radar, that says 39 m, 38 m, 37 m. I look through a hole in the fence and see my family walking towards me smiling. The man smiles and I run to my father and hug him. I look back and the man is gone.

Anyone think he could’ve been my Spirit guide?

on the topic of ancestors as spirit guides, a factoid that I read somewhere that stuck with me. normally I do not like repeating half-remembered information that I can’t verify, however this stick with me and I wanted to pass this on. please don’t confuse this with The Truth though.

anyway, apparently somebody did a survey of people who identify themselves as having more than one personality* and the majority of them said they had, as a personality, a deceased relative.

multiple personality theory, actually, could explain the origin of SG’s. not saying it does, saying it could.

actually, if you take the materialist stance that dreams occur in our heads and not on the astral or the equivalent I do not think that you can get around the thought that we have a personality that “authors” our dreams even though it doesn’t often seem to co-operate with us even if we go lucid.

  • – which everyone does, to a degree, IMHO

My spirit guide is a cat, but I haven’t talked to him/her yet. Twice, I managed to get them to appear, but both times the dream faded right afterwards.

I asked my spirit guide to show him/herself so many times. I would feel someone standing next to me…I can sense them, but I never really saw their face. I was in a room where I asked everyone to point to my guide and the person ran out of the room so fast before I could catch them. I asked my angel to show themself and I saw I spark of white light in front of me. One person who came to me a few times when I called him was Freddie Mercury, yes you read right. He gave me a hug and I think he kissed my head. So Yeah I guess guides show themselves when they are ready or they feel you are ready.