the BIG spirit guide topic part IV

Don’t be so sure, I had an animal that I was sure that my guide would take and she completely surprised me by taking the form of a deer, and one with antlers even though she’s female. Besides, they can take any and as many forms as they want to. I met her a while back and she’s helped me through a lot since then.

I had a dream where I was at a local amusment park, and was riding one of the bigger rollercoasters there, alone, with no one else around. This was kind of special to me, as I had recently overcome a near-phobia of rollercoasters and falling. I was holding my breath as it neared each peak, and suddenly, I noticed someone sitting next to me. I turned to look at them, and it was a teenage boy, with sandy brownish-blonde hair, wearing an old-style white shirt and pants. When I asked him who he was, he replied that he was me from a former life, and that he was so excited to meet the current me for the first time. When I asked why he was in my dream, and how it was possible I was meeting myself, he just leaned forward and looked over the edge of the rollercoaster seat at the oncoming drops said something along the lines of ‘all you have to do is pass these last few drops and humps before you make it! I’m so excited for you!’ Then, I can’t really explain it, but we sorta… merged. When I looked ahead to where he was looking, and I went back to look at him, I found him doing the same, and slowly he faded from my vision, and it was as if I could feel he was still with me, but in me. Then as we went down the scary drop, it was as if he was next to me, comforting me out of sight.
Since then, he’s been a character in somewhere around three of my other dreams

Is it really possible to meet your former life in a dream like this? Or was he maybe my spirit guide? What do you all think?[/i]

Just as someone who believes that such things are possible, I would say that it very well could be. Though I haven’t heard of people meeting past lives like this before, it can be possible. It may also be that your spirit guide is showing you something that you need to see. Either way, if you have the chance to talk to him in other dreams, you should definitely do so. It could help you out a good deal and answer some of those questions.

After reading all the stuff about this SG I tried to see what happens if I try to call one in my dreams. I received quite an unexpected answer: :confused:
Instead of a Spirit Guide, I got myself in front of me. I (he) was quite as the same age I have in the real world but he looked darker and not too happy (at least his facial expression).
He told me I can not waste my time with such stupid thing as SGs because there are much more important things to do. I still remember the exact words:
“What do you need a spirit guide for? No one would come to you because they are all gone, left for good or simply killed. I can tell everything you want to know but now we have a much bigger problem. Our world is collapsing. You have to open your mind and leave this world behind for the ones you brought in. You will have to create a new world. I will give you all the support you need but I can not do this myself.
I do not blame you for trying to destroy yourself by letting all this unpleasent people in, I am what you made me to be… You do not have too much time left, you need to prepare yourself for the new bing-bang… You know the rest, we are the same but not the way you think.”
Then he (me) simply disappeared, so was with the environment. No matter how hard I tried I could not get back there. Maybe he is right, I mean I fell like my powers are getting away from me in my dreams. Something needs to be changed but I don’t know exactly what. I think he’s message is very important because I could remember everything he said, word by word
PS: The original message was not in English, so I am sorry for any kind of mistakes or miunderstandings.

My dreams just got nasty :lol: Anyway he (I) just confirmed a feeling that I had for a long time but I cannot fully understand what he meant. From what I know, only death can “reset” a dream world and who are those who I let them in?
My dreams would not respond me to these questions.

Can spirit guides be dead animals that really meant something for you earlier in your life? Because a friend of mine who knows a friend told me for about three weeks ago that there’s energy around my right knee, when she was searching for my guardian angel. It could be a dog. I had a dog for 7 years.
I don’t know. I’m too “blind” to “see” these things. I don’t know what to believe.
Spirit guides and guardian angels can be the same thing, right?

I haven’t really met my SG in a LD yet, as far as I know. What if it is my dog? :razz:
How do I seperate a real SG and a DC?

Yeah, spirit guides and guardian angels are largely the same things, just with different names and connotations, and they can indeed be animals that you’ve had throughout your life. My brother had a cat that meant a lot to him and after it died it started hanging around him. The problem is to tell apart whether the SG is actually that animal or your SG taking the form of that animal because that’s what you need at that point in time, not that it really matters which in the long run. For telling the two apart, I made a post on that a while back, which can be found here.

Well, I thought this was interesting…

Not my last LD, but my last productive one, I decided to search for my DG… Every place I could think of, calling out for him, I’ve never met him before. Seriously, I couldn’t find him. That’s when I suddenly teleported to my grandfather’s home. On the couch beside where I appeared, an old lady was there, just sitting down. I asked her if perhaps she was my dream guide, and she told me that she was sent to give me a message from him… So I asked her where he was, and she told me once I earn his trust, yell out “Arch’arold” or something and he’ll come… hinting his name was Harold.


I’m just wondering if that exactly meant anything… I’m not an expert on this subject :tongue:

Well, the whole earn his trust thing does make sense, because from what I’ve heard they generally don’t appear until they feel that you’re ready. No one really knows how they decide that you’re ready, but I would guess it’s an individual thing. For you it would seem that you have to earn his trust somehow.

I’ve never really met my spirit guide in dreams, unless she has come to me and I never realised it. :eek: I “travel” to my astral plane to communicate with her, and my power animal. My spirit guide’s name is Dawn and my power animal, and this suprised me, appeared as a rabbit. :content:

I’m going to try and meet my SG tonight. I have many questions I wish to ask him/her (I think it will be a her because from what I’ve heard the majority of SGs are the opposite sex). I also want my SG to aid me in meeting my friend who died when I was younger. I want to ask her some questions too…

Does your spirot guide have a name? What does he/she look like? My spirit guides’ name is Atlas and he look looks like a ghost of myself

Merged into existing topic :ysim:

haha! That i sooo cool!!! I will meeet mine soon~ :smile:

I’ve talked to someone called Eva(? Not sure if that’s right. I know it was something like that) before. I saw her by closing my eyes, and pressing down on the side of my eye. A circle would appear. I would talk to her a lot when I was a toddler.

Looking for my DG still.

When I first started lucid dreaming, the first thing I do is attempt to summon my spirit guide. I have a few of them. One is a male with a short goatee and a hat like a genie. He is funny and adventurous. The other is a red haired woman who is more serious. I don’t talk to them much, but it’s nice to have someone guide me in the dreams.

hey guys first time posting here. thought this would be a good place to start as this is what i sort of came here for. i am a natural lucid dreamer. while lucid one night in a dream a few weeks ago. i felt myself being pulled. i was pulled into a beautiful open plain with many trees and a beautiful yellow sky. after looking around i noticed a short asian type lady. she asked me. if i want to leave the real world behind and stay in the dream world forever and to come with her on a ship called “reprisal” or something. this was my first experience with my SG have not seen her again since. Could this be a SG or something else?

I think I’ve met the SG !!! He was an old man with a long
and white beard.
He wears blue and he has a blue hat too, he is a magician.
I returned him to life from the year 1695.
Before I dreamt I sung a song with ryhms to see my spirual guide , and it worked !

this coo @$$ kidd knows…everything. on some cereal shit. but i believe u will learn anything through mediation, & even reach your spirit guide. y are the sages throwing themselves into seclusion & meditation excursions for periods of time?


My spirit guide I believe I’ve finally found. His name is Casmyel, and he reminds me…almost of Lucius from the Harry Potter movies in his human form.

He has long blonde/white hair that reaches just past his shoulders. Muscular build, and always wearing something fancy and very elegant, usually black in colour. He’s sarcastic, protective, kind to me but sure as heck lets me know if I’ve done something that was not usually me and got me in trouble. He’s a hard one to describe. But always there for me.

Anyways, Meditation did indeed help. Before bed, just sit against the wall and let your mind worry free. He doesn’t come to often in my dreams. He’s determined to make me use my will power instead of him coming willingly. >.>

I had a ND where I see a girl trying to teach me to fly, and in this dream I’m in the same age of her.
She said she always loved and will love me. Her name is Maria.
After that dream I had an OBE.
Is she my SG?

Woah! what did you say? I would have freaked out! :tongue: