the big Spirit Guide topic

I met him in meditation sort of. He didn’t come walking down the street or anything although that would have been cool!

I’ve met my spirit guide, she is a dikini, and has been with me since the beginning. Allways aiding me in my search.
Shes pretty cool. She doesnt get upset, unless I am hurting in some way.

It wasnt really a question of me finding her, it was just she appeared.
Usually most people say that you meet your spirit guide when you begin to imagine that you are protected, by beings of some form or other.
Actually maybe not even that, in fact, it just came with my training.

It is a very abstract concept I agree, but many artists used dreams for their music. Billy Joel, Paul McCartney… these are just a few.


I wonder, how can you meet you spirit guide in meditation? Because, I have met him once, I think it was him. But it was not a real person.
When I asked for him, he appeared as a cloud of light. It was very beautiful, but I was frightened too, because I had never seen anything like that before, I also felt emotions. I was so stunned about what I saw, that I woke myself. I felt myself laying in bed, in REM, so I tried to move a finger and got out of the dream. Then I decided to try one more time. And again I went lucid and asked for him. Again the hole dream stopped and I saw the cloud around me filled with light and emotion. As stupid as I am, I was confused again and I woke myself again. I was amazed about how quick I could get out of my dream and out of sleep paralysis. When I was awake I felt so strange: happy, confused, I even cried. Later that day I read in a magazine about, guardian angel, also named spirit guides, by my surprise I read in the article that he could appear as a cloud of bright light.
Sorry I went way of my question… What I want to ask is, can anyone tell me how I can meet my spirit guide with meditation?

sanne, that’s a very nice and inspiring story. I want to meet my spirit guide too now!

Well it is very possible, I can tell you that. Theta brain wave occur in sleep and deep meditation.
My guess is, go for clarity. Try mediating on your third eye.
It is said that dakinis sing and play music in these meditations when you try to enhance your clarity this way.[/color]

Does anyone have multiple guides? (That they know of?) :eh:

I do. Only one is with me all the time. Shes very protective.
But I have one who is some kind of snake… Probably one of the Nyen.
I also know a few mara who are okay. I know a few other dikinis too.
I dont think you are limited to just one. :alien:

Anybody else have multiple guides?

I do. Like you I have the one who is always with me. I have a few others who I think may be guides too, one for sure don’t know the others very well yet.
I’m not farmiliar with your terms. What is a dikini and a Nyen and a mara?

Dikini are usually enlightened human females with green skin either in our realm or another. My main spirit guide is a dikini.
Nyen come in 9 different forms.
Mara are demons of ignorance who are usually red in color.
If you search you can find more about them. :smile:

Good thing Clairity you mentioned that Spirit guides come when they feel you’re ready. Night before last night i had lucid moment in my dream and just that evening i had read about spirit guides from these forums. So i thought i want to see mine and and i saw shaolin monk running. I tried to catch him but after failing i felt that i’m not ready for the meeting (telephatic message or something?). Last night i had LD but didn’t remember to call him :sad:

Dikini are usually enlightened human females with green skin either in our realm or another. My main spirit guide is a dikini.
Nyen come in 9 different forms.
Mara are demons of ignorance who are usually red in color.
If you search you can find more about them. :smile:


thats odd when i was like 5 i was half awake and half asleep in my bed and standing in the corner of my room was a women with greenskin. thought i havent tested if it is her could she be my spirit guide? it would be cool if it was :happy: (shouldn’t it be easier if she has came to me before so i won’t have as much trouble summoning her?)

I would just like to mention that there is a difference between guardians and spirit guides.
Spirit guides guide you through life helping along the way. You can have many of these.
Guardians protect you, they are always with you. They may also guide you, but that’s not their main job. People have between 2-4 of these.
Additionally, I wouldn’t ask them for answers to big questions or anything cause they’re not always right. they tend to give u their opinion.

I think of any generalization or assumption about the imaginal (or ‘spiritual’ or ‘astral’ or whatever) realms as based on speculation or assumption.

you maybe can make definitive statements that such-and-such culture or such-and-such religion or esoteric tradition believes a fact that you can only state that… that that culture believes it.

even though I have had an least one experience that seemed confirmed by a particular tradition. I won’t explain as without the reference (which I doubt I will ever find) that it would seem even more wacky than it would otherwise.

ShimmeryBlueGoddess, out of curiosity, where does that belief you mentioned come from?

Anyone in interested in spirit guide experiences,

may find it useful to look at the spirit guide section of ‘exploring dreaming’

Hmm… I have a few more stories to add up there. Will do soon. Hope it find someone!

I had an ld last night and decided to ask to see my guide,well i called for my guide and the black kitten I got a few weeks ago appeared and started purring and rubbing itself against my hand to be petted,then I woke up.what do you think it means?


In one regular dream, I was standing in front of a statue which turned into a beatiful asian(not to mention nude!) and she was telling me that I was close to astral projection and having lucid dreams. I don’t really remember what happened after that bUt I think it might have been a guide. She reminded me of what I pictured my inner self(or wisdom) to be. I noticed that when I daydreamed or a idea popped into my head, the mental imagerey would usually take the form of a character(like if you wanted to beat somebody up who was smaller than you, you might imediatly have a mental image of a robot crushing a smaller robot). The one that often poses as a voice of reason was a asian Samurai from a anime(outlaw star, the Samurai one). The asian chick who was the statue women I guess could b the same person with her hair down and clothes off(plus I saw her in as a real person and not animted). Do you guys think she is a dream guide or a spiritual guide? I also had a instance where I was lead through a destroyed mall by a white haird women in black to a pile of rubble, where I picked out a glowing object. She sounds more like a dream guide than a spiritual guie.

Why dont you ask it next time you meet it?

Today I asked for my spirit guide and I meet a very small tree looking figure, a weeping willow with eyes, mouth and nose without leaves.

I asked it: Who are you ? and it answered: Am I you or me?

I think it ment something like: Am I a part of your mind or not?

I will try to do the same in next LD, and tell it I wanna meet my deepest fear and challenge it. If I win I maybe conquare it IRL, cause fear and phobias are only a part of the mind.

I want to meet my spirit guide, but in every LD i’ve had so far, i just explore and see what i can find. If i remember, the next thing i’ll do is either meet my spirit guide or fly. which do you guys recommend I do first?

fly, I have never flew in a lucid dream tho, but some years ago I did it very often in normal dreams.

yeah, i suggest flying first too. flying is awesome

but anyway, i tried to contact my spirit guide in my last LD, maybe i used up most of my lucidity because i was having fun flying before i remembered that i wanted to try to meet my guide. but i had kinda a false awakening in the basement of my old house but then i remembered that i was dreaming again and tried to summon my guide

nothing happened, then i had the bright idea of going next door and expecting my guide to be there (it was a trick i picked up from somewhere on this forum) but then i woke up :sad: