The BIG Suneye Topic - part II

AH! How frustrating. I just can’t get the link to work. Is there an alternate site or something?

i have done the method I once and i didnt have a ld BUT i had 5 AMAZINGLY vivid dreams. it actually angered me when i woke up because i sincerly thought that it was real, there were nothing much dreamlike about the dreams at all. and i did do several reality checks upon waking up just to make sure. only problem i got basically is the 3rd eye focusing. it looks like illumination is on a roll here. can you tell me what ur doin every time you do it? do you do the relaxation excercize they have in there first? jus wondering

I tried this method (Method I) the first time this morning, and I actually got my first OBE ever, and this was also the first time I have succeeded to have a WILD. It was a bit blurry, supposedly because my mind seemed to have dozed off along with my body for a while before regaining consciousness, but nevertheless it was more vivid than any LD I’ve previously had. A wonderful technique, have to say!

Addition: What may have caused me not staying conscious for the whole time might have been the fact that I wasn’t able to properly focus on the Aajña chakra. However, I think the advice in this topic may help me in the future. Thanks!

Argh, I tried to download it from the Yahoo group. Even joined the site for it, but the file isn’t there. Could anybody please send it to me? PM me for my mail. Thanks in advance :smile:



never mind, stupid me didn’t look further XD I found it already, I’m eager to try it and shall be sure to post my findings :smile:

1 year ago suneye worked really well for me but it completely stopped working after about 2 months or so. 2 days ago I tried it again and had 2 lucid moments the first night and I only had 5 hours of sleep that night :eek:

on the second night I had 1 LD and could probably have had more but my eyes felt so strained that I only did the tech properly once when waking up during the night. I do it like it says in the document but without wbtb.

I think they’ve removed it from their sight, can someone send me all the files? Preferably in the .zip format. Thanks, Matt …

There you can still get it :tongue:

excellent, I’ll try that now. Thanks Jarod!

can someone plzz email to me at

Sounds like a good technique, I think i’ll try it tonight and see what happens.
I only wish I had an alarm clock. :clock:

:eek: You don’t have an alarm clock?? How do you wake up? :eh: I have 2 of them, sometimes one doesn’t wake me up so I have the other one as a backup.

Hmm I think I’ll try the Suneye thing tonight. Although, I dunno if it’s gonna work for me, I’m completely hopeless with anything that has to do with WILD. Lately I’ve just been jumping between different techniques. Don’t know if that’s why I’m on a dry spell right now, or the other way around. Getting desperate for another LD, trying all these new things… lol. I just can’t wait until my next LD!

Dream on. // Olesia

I have problem with third eye ;/ I’m not sure if i do it properly and my eyes keep running from the given point… i can’t concentrate

Ooh the so far only night I tried the suneye method, I had an LD! Although, I don’t know if it’s all thanks to this method or not, it’s been kind of a long time since my last LD, so I was due to have one sooner or later.

I didn’t wake up or anything, or even WILD, I just “accidentally” somehow realized that I must be dreaming in my dream. Unfortunately, my memory of this LD is fuzzy >_< so I don’t really know HOW I noticed the dreaming part. Either way, the power kinda went to my head once I realized it was a dream, I was kinda mean to everyone (something that’s reoccurring for me… I seem to be mean to all my DCs.) but it was funny. I kept poking this lady, who kept talking about this concert all the time, and I yelled at her that there is no concert, she’s in my dream. She just kept going on and on about the concert lol. Then I finally (finally!) made a person enter my dreams! Although, I noticed, before I was just trying to “create” them out of thin air and it never worked, and this time I willed them to walk in through a door and called for them out loud, and it worked! :happy:

I’m hoping that the Suneye method IS responsible for this LD, it would mean that I found the right method for me, but otherwise I’ll just be happy that I finally had another LD lol.

Dream on. // Olesia

I’ve got myself an alarm now so I can practice suneye. I already tried it a few nights ago, but it didn’t work completely.
After waking up with WBTB and staying awake for an hour I tried concentrating on my third eye, but gave up after I couldn’t fall asleep :sleep: . I did lay there for a while without using suneye and did eventually fall asleep and have a few vivid dreams and a short lucid dream, but I didn’t do the technique properly so it was more WBTB than Suneye.

Great, I downloaded it from that new link and I’m impressed, I will try it tonight. I read Method 1, but I’m not sure I know where the third eye is and how I notice that I’m looking at it. Can anybody help me? Thanks in advance, very much.

Suneye method 1 - my first try!

Well, like I expected I haven’t had a LD. But I was in a state of numbness of the body, that I never reached. I slept from about 1:30 to 7:30 (ND) and read a bit here, ate cheese, drank self-made orange juice and washed my face with cold water three times. Then I went back to bed. I tried WILD. My imagination was as clear as never. I don’t know if I found the third eye, I didn’t always look at it, but sometimes I saw a lot of red dots. I talked to dream characters and had a little journey just in my imagination - without even LDing. My body felt very numb. I guess only my fear stopped my from LDing, but I’ll try it again tonight and maybe it works! I’ve lain there for 2 hours with no mentionable success and again for about 1 hour trying to sleep normal. It didn’t work, so I went up.

Hey! I thought about what somebody said, that the third eye is like looking through a window. Then I thought of how that would look like with eyes closed and a cover artwork came in mind from a band which I got into lately - Tool.

And guess how the last song is called… :cool_laugh:

A few days ago, I tried the Suneye method. Believe it or not, it worked!
I’m not sure if I got a LD by thinking that I would manage to do so, or by actually performing a LD.

I only did it for 5 minutes or so.

I’m really curious about trying Suneye method cause it seems to work for a considerable number of people. There is a possibility it might work for me too. I have been unsuccesful in my efforts to LD so far. :sad:

But I am unable to locate the Suneye method files on the internet that work, and all the links I tried posted on this forum fail for one reason or another. (I don’t have the Acrobat Reader either)

Can someone pm the Suneye methods files to me please or post a working link? :smile:

All help will be appreciated

Thx …

I posted the link 1 on page 9 and people still seem to not see it :eh: And you need to download acrobat reader to read the documents.